Analytical Paper Outline
- Introduction
- Background info: Gun control laws have existed in the United States and the world for years. With the first federal gun control law in the U.S being enacted in 1927. The law prohibited the sale of hand-guns privately by the use of mail.
- Background info: However, the crackdown on gun ownership in the U.S. started a century later, when gangsters began having too much access to guns.
- Background info: The 1930s saw legislation passed that controlled the ownership of guns, with the Federal Firearms Act being passed in 1934.
- Background info: With the assassination of John F Kennedy and other high profile deaths, the Gun Control Act was signed in 1968.
- Thesis statement: Gun control should be regulated because it will help save lives by decreasing crimes, which are accessed as a result of easy access to firearms.
- Body Paragraph 1
- Topic sentence: Understanding gun control
- Passage: Gun control is generally the access to any type of gun to the public
- Interpretation: The United States government believes that citizens have the right to own guns. Lack of regulations has led to increased cases of gun violence
- Passage: Gun control involves the regulation of the sale, possession, and use of firearms by civilians.
- Topic sentence: Understanding gun control
- Interpretation: This has an impact on all individuals who want to own personal firearms for different reasons, such as sports and self-defense.
- Passage: The debate on gun control is mostly about crimes and firearms brought about by civilians’ possession of firearms.
- Interpretation: Supporters of gun control believe that violent use of firearms and crimes could be prevented through more regulation of gun ownership and sale by the government
- Topic/transition sentence: Many gun control advocates, including politicians, have openly given their opinion about gun violence, campaigning for the need for gun control.
- Passage: In her speech given in a gun control rally in Florida held after a gunman killed 17 people in a nearby school, Emma Gonzalez gave various reasons for the need for gun control measures.
- interpretation: The mass shooting in Florida is a clear indication of the need for gun control regulations by the government
- Passage: in Florida, one doesn’t need a permit or license to buy and own a gun. Individuals can hold as many guns as they like.
- Interpretation: This results in violence due to so many guns in the hands of the wrong people.
- Passage: The rights of individuals to own guns outweigh the rights of others to live.
- Interpretation: Most pro-gun activists always argue about their rights to own guns while forgetting that the same guns put other people’s lives at risk, including their loved ones.
- Passage: In her speech given in a gun control rally in Florida held after a gunman killed 17 people in a nearby school, Emma Gonzalez gave various reasons for the need for gun control measures.
- Passage: The debate on gun control is mostly about crimes and firearms brought about by civilians’ possession of firearms.
- Body Paragraph 3
- Topic/transition sentence: There are numerous advantages of gun control measures in society
- Passage: Gun control will help minimize social risks associated with holding weapons
- Interpretation: These risks include accidental gun deaths, mass shootings, and violent conflicts.
- Passage: Gun control measures will help in identifying potential criminals in society
- Interpretation: the government will be able to keep track of gun owners and identify those who use them for illegal purposes.
- Passage: Comparison of states with stricter gun regulations with those without regulations
- Interpretation: comparing states with strict gun control measures with those without gun control measures shows the need for regulations.
- Passage: Gun control measures will help reduce youth involvement in crimes and criminal activities.
- Interpretation: Easy access to guns has led to increased youth gangs and youths’ involvement in criminal activities. This can be minimized by regulating the sale and ownership of firearms.
- Passage: Strict limitations will help decrease the free circulation of illegal weapons.
- Interpretation: This will prevent guns from easily falling into the wrong hands.
- Passage: Gun control regulations should be unified across all the states for them to work better.
- Interpretation: this will make it easier to implement the regulations when they apply across all the states.
- Passage: More gun control measures are needed to protect individuals from domestic abuse and stalkers.
- Interpretation: guns increase the risks of a woman being murdered in a domestic dispute by 500%. Regulation measures will reduce this risk.
- Body Paragraph 4
- Topic/transition sentence: However, some people still maintain that individuals have a right to own guns, and ownership and sale should not be restricted.
- Passage: Gun control laws infringe upon the right to self-defense and deny people a sense of safety
- Interpretation: The police cannot always protect everyone, and people have to be able to defend themselves in such cases.
- Passage: More gun control laws are not needed; what is needed is education on gun use.
- Interpretation: Gun owners believe that guns don’t kill people, but people kill people. What is needed is more gun education and mental health screening to prevent massacres.
- Passage: Gun control will not prevent criminals from obtaining guns or breaking the law.
- Interpretation: Most criminals and culprits of mass shootings use illegally obtained guns.
- Conclusion
- Restatement of thesis: Gun control should be regulated because it will help in saving lives by decreasing crimes, which are accessed as a result of easy access to firearms.
- So what? Address the broader implications of your interpretation:
- Regulation of gun sale and ownership will help reduce crimes in society
- Gun control regulations will also help the government in tracking criminals in society
- Generally, gun control measures will help reduce deaths related to mass shootings, domestic violence, accidental gun deaths, and even gun-related suicides.
- Passage: Gun control laws infringe upon the right to self-defense and deny people a sense of safety
- Topic/transition sentence: However, some people still maintain that individuals have a right to own guns, and ownership and sale should not be restricted.
- Passage: Gun control will help minimize social risks associated with holding weapons
- Topic/transition sentence: There are numerous advantages of gun control measures in society