Zheng, Y. Y., Ma, Y. T., Zhang, J. Y., & Xie, X. (2020). COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 17(5), 259-260.
Zheng, Ma, Zhang, and Xie’s 2020 article titled “COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system” provides an overview of concerns related to COVID-19 that has caused havoc in different parts of the globe. The presentation featured on Nature Reviews Cardiology targets medics. The study takes the form of an empirical investigation on existing findings on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that infects the body’s cells through ACE2 receptors. The accounts identified the condition as a trace of pneumonia. The presentation by Zheng, Ma, Zhang, and Xie who are professionals in the field of investigation, equally explains the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 that include the destruction of the cardiovascular system. The text concludes with an explanation of the treatment for the procedure. A review of the source is essential in understanding the origin of the disease in China and the development that follows. The information is useful because it contains information that is helpful in formulating mitigation.
Gao, J., Tian, Z., & Yang, X. (2020). Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies. Bioscience trends.
Gao, Tian, and Yang’s 2020 article titled “Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies,” explores the advances in the treatment of COVID-19. The researchers who are pharmacologist at the department of Qingdao university conducted clinical trials that resulted in the conclusion that chloroquine phosphate can help treat Covid 19. The target audience for the source are professionals in the care sector. The researchers implied that the drug has been used in treating malaria before explaining its viability in treating COVID-19. As a result, the review of the source is essential in comprehending complexities concerning the diagnosis of the acute pneumonia.
Xu, Zhe, Lei Shi, Yijin Wang, Jiyuan Zhang, Lei Huang, Chao Zhang, Shuhong Liu et al. “Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome.” The Lancet respiratory medicine 8, no. 4 (2020): 420-422.
Xu, Zhe, Lei Shi, Yijin Wang, Jiyuan Zhang, Lei Huang, Chao Zhang, Shuhong Liu et al. conducted an investigation on the trends related to COVID-19 in a source titled “Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome,” The publication of 20202 that featured on The Lancet respiratory medicine journal investigated the pathological characteristics of the victim of the disease, initially known as 2019-nCoV. The scholars serving as correspondents to the investigation in china concluded that the pathogenesis that identifies death can aid in the formulation of therapy. As a result, the scientific resource helps contextualize the nature of the disease and possible mitigation measures.
Gao, J., Tian, Z., & Yang, X. (2020). Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies. Bioscience trends.
Xu, Zhe, Lei Shi, Yijin Wang, Jiyuan Zhang, Lei Huang, Chao Zhang, Shuhong Liu et al. “Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome.” The Lancet respiratory medicine 8, no. 4 (2020): 420-422.
Zheng, Y. Y., Ma, Y. T., Zhang, J. Y., & Xie, X. (2020). COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 17(5), 259-260.