It is an eating disorder that makes a patient fear gaining weight. The concern is very high, and they take measures that interfere with their normal lives. Symptoms of the restrictive type include fatigue, loss of weight, thinning of hair, absence of menstruation in ladies, low blood pressure, eroded teeth, inability to tolerate normal levels of cold, irregular heartbeat, dehydration, insomnia and constipation. In binge type anorexia, the patient may also exercise excessively, induce vomiting, and restrict their dieting to the least to avoid any cases of weight gain. They take in food and later try means to get rid of it by induced vomiting or exercise. The illness may be controlled by psychotherapy ie, family and individual therapy.
Bulimia nervosa is an illness characterized by eating large amounts of food and then trying to get rid of it by induced vomiting, use of laxatives, and weight loss medicines. Its signs include excessive fear of gaining weight, inducing vomiting and overuse of laxatives, sessions of eating large amounts of food, and dietary supplements to help reduce weight. It is treated by psychotherapy and the issuing of antidepressants.
It is a type of disorder where a patient takes in excessively large amounts of food in a short time, even when they are not hungry. It is characterised by eating large amounts of food multiple times within short durations, feeling disgusted with oneself due to the eating disorder, eating privately to avoid being known to eat a lot, and taking in large amounts of food till they are uncomfortably full. The condition is controlled by cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, dialectical therapy, weight loss therapy, and the issuing of antidepressants. The patients are also urged to have a schedule of food they take in, and at times they should take it, exercise, eat healthy foods, and create awareness of the condition that they are facing.