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Approaches to Responding

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Approaches to Responding

There is no guaranteed universal definition for a work of art. However, there is the possibility of having some aspects to define a work of art. This approach requires that there is an in-depth look at three aspects. These aspects aid in responding to the piece. To begin with, there has to be an element of creation by a human being who is the artist. The object or event is made by an artist (Martin & Jacobus, 2018). The second aspect is the intention of the piece of art. The object or event is intended to be a work of art (Martin & Jacobus, 2018). The artist has to have the intention or purpose of the piece being used as art. Finally, recognized experts agree that it is a work of art (Martin & Jacobus, 2018). there has to be a known recognition among experts that the piece is a work of art. After qualifying as a piece of art, perception and conception play a critical role. Through perception, we can have a participative experience in the work of art which makes the piece of art affect our future. This is an experience that allows a person to have a realization of the separation from the object but still has sustained but undivided attention. This is enabled by the presence of interrelations of the lines, color, shape, texture, and other elements of the piece.

Art and Non-Art

             View of Sabine Hills by Victor Bertin

Picture of Hill

The first piece, the view of Sabine Hills by Victor Bertin is a piece of art. The second piece is a picture and not considered a piece of art. In my opinion, the first piece was created by a human being to be a landscape type piece of art. The second one is a picture of a hill taken by a camera and as such, is not created by a human being. The intention is also not to be a piece of art. In this way, the second piece is not a piece of art. Additionally, both images have the effect of making one realize the beauty of the landscape but the view of Sabine Hills has the added effect of analyzing the different colors, lines, texture, and other aspects to explore the beauty.

Line, Color, Texture, Composition

In my definition of art the aspects of line, color, texture, and composition are important. I consider color to be a highly complex element due to the variations that exist. Additionally, human beings have different responses to color and as such, the color becomes an important part of giving a piece of art the desired direction. The texture is an important element in the definition of art as it determined by the material used to create the piece. In some instances, one can feel the texture through sight. The use of texture allows for the piece of art to have greater depth by giving a three-dimensional perspective to the piece. Lines can be static or dynamic (Lumen, n.d.). This is because they are dependent on how an artist uses the line. Motion, direction, and energy is represented using lines that give the piece of art character. The composition is the arrangement of these factors to make a coherent piece that can be recognized or appreciated by individuals.










Lumen (n.d.). Elements of Art. Retrieved from

Martin, F. D., Jacobus, L. A. (2018). The humanities through the arts. New York: McGraw-Hill Education


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