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Aum Shinirinko’s Apocalypse.

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Aum Shinirinko’s Apocalypse.

According to (Robbins & Palmar, 2013), apocalypse refers to the end times and unveiling of events towards the end of the human race. It means the revelation that is mostly portrayed in religious books like the Bible in the book of Daniel, demonstrating the suffering that will haunt humanity in end times. Besides,  (BBC 2018) reports the charismatic movement followed by Aum Shinrikyo and the prophecies that he made towards the end of humanity. The group has reported having undertaken a chemical attack in Tokyo, killing six people and injuring many. The killing was biologically influenced by the faith that the world could come to an end in 1995. The group viewed the world as pillars of darkness and sorrow that is likely to end in the set time, therefore putting the world government as the large shadow conflicting among each other.

The recent conspiracies support Aum’s claim. The world and its nation are under fight for superiority, where the winner is undetermined. Often, conflicts are arising from a nuclear weapon and shreds of evidence of the war that rampage. Humanity is fighting for power, material, and other valuables. The world is inventing many strategies aimed at proving superiority rather than technological advancements for the better world. All these occurring have made people skeptical of the fate of these fights making rise to many conspiracy theories. According to (Lynas 2020), he argues that COVID 19 has brought many conspiracy theories to any other event. One of the major conspiracy theories about the disease is tha the condition is a biological weapon created from China. He reports that recent research indicates that 30% of Americans believe that the disease is made from the lab to finish humankind. However, scientific evidence dismiss these believes in the views that the virus originated from bats. If the claims are correct, then Aum’s belief is supported that the world is fighting.

According to (Uscinski, 2014), there is a theory called the New World Order.  The theory claims that a few individuals and agencies control the world. The control is majorly in economic power and warfare. The method further narrates that these agencies have controlled the world in the last two centuries. The agencies manipulate the economy and determine the way the income flow in the world. Some of the agencies that named in this plot include World Bank, United Nations, among others. If the claims are substantial, then it is true that apocalyptic is taking place in the world. The big agencies are taking control of economic flow, which raises conflicts among nations.

Another dominant conspiracy theory occurred when MH370, Malaysian flight, disappeared. One of the arguments claimed that some agencies hid the plane then reintroduced later to shoot the Ukraine Flight MH17. The theories suggest that this happens due to political instabilities in the world. Undoubtedly, the truth of such claims supports Aum’s belief in world conflicts.

On the other hand, not all these theories have substantial evidence of happening. No proof exists that supports that Covid 19  came from the lab. The Malaysian flight not proven to have hidden intentionally, and there is a free flow of economy in the world. There is minimal external interference of the individual country’s economy. Aum’s belief stands to be unproved because of the Tokyo attack that claimed people’s lives, and the world did not end in 1995.

The world has many conspiracy theories.  Many people believe in apocalyptic, but there remains a gap in addressing the truth of such feels. Events happen in the world that inspires questions, but we cannot conclusively say the world is ending due to such circumstances.











Works Cited

BBC. (2018). Aum Shinrinko. In Japanese Cult Behind tokio sarim attack. London: BBC NEWS.

Lynas, M. (2020). In Current Conspiracy Theories.

Robbins & Palmar. (2013). Millennium, messiahs, and mayhem: contemporary apocalyptic movements.

Uscinski, J. E. (2014). In American Conspiracy Theories. Oxford University Press.



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