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Basic data privacy

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The topic above, we are going to discuss the issues that are related to our privacy in this digital technology and the privileges that were considered so that we can enjoy the internet. Many activities take place on the internet, such as buying products online, getting services online such as education; therefore, they are essential to people who are relying on the internet. Thus in this topic will try looking at some of the principles aspects that will enable us to understand this debate, whether it is a right or a privilege to be used by people globally.


Basic data privacy principles were taken into consideration in the (commercialization of the internet). In (1998), the United States, the federal trade organization issued fundamentals reports that were in the context of internet usage when produced. At the request of the legislative branch, the story was given name privacy online. The publish was to take care of the collection of and use of personal information and safeguard the practices required, which assured fair and adequate privacy protection. Therefore we are going to discuss a few principles that are widely accepted in privacy protection.

Notice or Awareness.

There are many systems, including the web sites that they issue a notice to the users to let them know that they are the owners, and they agree on terms of use. Some of the warnings issued might be a banner that keeps appearing when operating network logins, merely trying to restrict authorized users. Therefore for one to continue, there are agreed terms you need to comply with them. This ensures that we need to advise the visitors on the site policies concerning the personal data you have put in place.

Logging activities.

This will enable the visitors in your site to have information on how to use the required devices that will lead them to report that they want to visit and the browser they used to visit(Alesia,2017). Also, it can access the pages viewed, date, and time when the log-on was made on the site.

Web bugs and beacons

A web beacon is a hidden graphic image that comes through your computer, and they are activated once you visit a particular site. They use these kinds of methods so to disclose whether they visited the page at what time and why to look for the information from the visited page.

Choice or Consent

This principle tries to explain that consumers should benefit the option of how any personal credentials are acquired they may at use.  It ensures you have to put the necessary information that will be on your website so that it can help in to determine whether you can share with the users the data stored in that matter. The expectations, therefore, privacy advocates tend to opt-in, forming a consent in which people are included in the mailing list until that duration they had requested to be removed.

It’s Accessibility

It provides ways through by letting people go and look for the information which you have about them and prove if it is well documented. However, it is considered essential for fair information practices and privacy protection. One has to have a way of assurance that when once give your online platform to the right individual. Contrary to that, a higher risk when allowing access to your online platform will lead to information distortions through unwanted users to the data.

Integrity or Security

The databases and the websites should ensure they have taken security measures so that the sources that have the data stored are well secured, and this may lead to the destruction of untimely data or converting to unrequired format. Security will jointly involve both the management and the technicians to work on policies to protectants to loss and the unwanted users who want to access the data. This causes a lot of panic because some people using the internet have different kinds of agendas, others to destroy sources while others have good intentions.

Most of the people worldwide who can access the internet may have different agendas why they are visiting a particular site. Others are violating the privileges given by appropriate sites when visiting them. They may change the data that are recorded there or add information that is different from what is recorded there. Therefore some of the owners of the website introduce log-on or sign-ups. This has resulted in being a global issue, and therefore we have to look for ethical measures so that to ensure the privacy of information stored on the internet.

Fundamentals of International Data privacy.

There was how database privacy could be carried out by social and technical solutions, in that the technical solutions they involve safeguarding data from users who are unauthorized or accidental while social include creating awareness and acceptability among the users. This will provide a safeguard to the information which is on the internet. This will lead to transparency and a confidential way of how the data is being used. This will be a privilege to those who want to get the data and the information fully from the site. Therefore it becomes advantageous to those who wish to perform anything online.’

Data protection has regulations that are not globally well understood, therefore causing problems mostly in countries like the United States of America and the European, which is the rule rather than exception business. Consequently, the government should work in the global environment as outlined in the United States standards the organization of federal trade commissions of fair practices.

It also put into consideration the fact those conventional privacy policies, especially in Europe they significant in cultural human rights. This has neglected that nowadays, in the contractual agreement, the data is given voluntarily (Caron, 2016). Therefore data privacy should also consider contractual principles factoring out that there is a contract in which there is a balance between what is given and received. This act will privilege those customers using sites such as Google, Amazon, or Alibaba on agreed terms with those companies.

Aside from such benefits, there are circumstances whereby invasion in privacy can be account for. Just, for instance, cases that allow law enforcement to come and have your profile identification when carrying out their investigation on crimes or prosecuting wrongdoers (Demetzou, 2018). This will enable the security department to uncover the state actors that can harm the citizens. Therefore we can support the right to them to perform the national duties.

Technology also has created impacts and played a significant role in internet privacy and manifests itself in a variety of areas. It is well known how hackers crack on privacy and break the computer systems (Bender, 2017). This may lead to a shift in ethical values and results in the creation of unnecessary information. We also factor out the moral problem whereby private communication with an individual whereby technically one can intercept those messages. Therefore they consider technology infrastructure, which can be used in conveying messages privately. This will improve privacy that is needed in an organization and thus doesn’t grant rights to access the information.

Also, the rights granted to a person and spreading someone’s private and personal information. This has resulted in ethical issues whereby people use other people’s private information without the consent of the owner (Maple, 2017). This has caused bad reputations to those their private information is being used on the internet, therefore, creating a block in their internet accounts. Others may use personal documents to get other accounts and impersonate the real owner of the report. Due to such cases, people have misused rights to the internet and causing troubles to other innocent people.


In summary, privacy on the internet can be both a right and also a privileged depending on the intentions someone has. Therefore it can be noted that the right to access internet websites has led to the breach of information, hacking and cracking of personal accounts, and others they impersonate others using their documents. On the part, it can be privileged to the customers who want to transact online products, and to market their products to those who conduct online education systems, it has been an advantage since they can enjoy the internet services free of charge.













Work cited.

Aleisa, N., & Renaud, K. (2017). Privacy of the internet of things: a systematic literature review.

Bender, J. L., Cyr, A. B., Arbuckle, L., & Ferris, L. E. (2017). Ethics and privacy implications of using the internet and social media to recruit participants for health research: a privacy-by-design framework for online recruitment. Journal of Medical Internet Research19(4), e104.

Caron, X., Bosua, R., Maynard, S. B., & Ahmad, A. (2016). The Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on individual privacy: An Australian perspective. Computer Law & Security Review32(1), 4-15.

Demetzou, K., Böck, L., & Hanteer, O. (2018). Smart Bears don’t talk to strangers: analyzing privacy concerns and technical solutions in smart toys for children.

Maple, C. (2017). Security and privacy in the internet of things. Journal of Cyber Policy2(2), 155-184.



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