Biography and Evaluation of Impact
Alexander Joy Cartwright is a well-known public figure in New York City and across the country. Cartwright is recognized as one of the first people responsible for the formulation of modern baseball rules. Although there exist some disputes regarding the actual founder of American baseball, Cartwright is considered as the “father of modern baseball.” Alexander Cartwright had a significant impact in codifying and formalization of modern baseball. Cartwright and other people founded the Knickerbocker Baseball Club, and following his direction, the club laid down and adopted the first formalized rules for the baseball game. The regulations drafted later became the basis for the modern American baseball game. Cartwright is an essential public figure in New York as he formulated a set of rules that formed the foundation of the contemporary American baseball, created the first recognized baseball team, and helped in spreading the baseball rules across the country.
Biography of Alexander Cartwright
Alexander Cartwright was born in New York City in 1820 to surveyor and sea captain. Alexander Cartwright was one of his seven siblings. As a boy, he used to play a British adopted game called rounders. Cartwright left school at the age of sixteen and started working as a bank clerk. After a while, Cartwright began working as a volunteer firefighter. He played a game called “New York game” which was another version of the rounders game with local people such as New York businessmen, lawyers, and doctors during the evenings. Cartwright suggested to his friends that they create an organized club. Therefore, Cartwright and his colleagues formed a club known as the Knickerbocker Baseball Club in 1845. At the moment, Cartwright has a wife, Eliza Van Wie. Cartwright was appointed as the secretary and vice-president after the club was officially created in 1845, (Kagan, 2020).
Alexander Cartwright’s greatest achievements.
Cartwright was among the people who pioneered the modern baseball. After the Knickerbocker baseball Club was formed, Cartwright was responsible for the official organization of the baseball game with bylaws and constitution. The laws comprised a set of fourteen written rules developed by Cartwright and his club members. The rules transformed the baseball game form just a local sports game to a formal and fully structured sport through the passage of regulations over centuries. The rules laid down made baseball less stumble and rough by eliminating some standard practices such as hitting a running player to make an out. The new change made the game much safer for players. The game became faster and more exciting, Alexander Cartwright. (n.d.).
Although Cartwright’s club was inconsistent with the number of players per team, Cartwright gets the credits of developing the rule of having a baseball team composed of nine players. To make the game more exciting and fun, Cartwright and the club advertised for opponents. Another club volunteered to take up the challenge, and their game became the first recognized modern baseball game.
Another achievement made by Cartwright was the spread of the baseball game rules from New York city to other regions in the country. Cartwright left the Knickerbocker club and went to California during the gold rush era to claim his fortune. He did not desert baseball but instead went on training local people and encouraged them to establish formal clubs. Cartwright contributed to the development of the game in Hawaii after he decided to stay there. That explains the reason why baseball games took hold in Hawaii before becoming more developed in other regions like Chicago.
Apart from the establishment of the baseball game, Cartwright led to the establishment of the first volunteer firefighting department in Honolulu (Nucciarone, 2020). He became the chief of the fire department and served for a remarkable period. Additionally, Cartwright played a significant role as a civil leader by helping in the establishment of the Honolulu Library and Reading Room in Hawaii.
Reasons why Alexander Cartwright is specifically crucial to New York City
alexander cartwright contributions into the baseball game make New York city to be a region where the modern baseball game originated. Cartwright makes New York City the first city where the current baseball game was played through his contributions in the formation of a recognized baseball game. Another reason is that Cartwright is left a legacy that has impacted many New York residents, especially people interested in athletes. He helped in the formation of a sport that has transformed many lives in New York City. For example, by helping found the game, he created a new sports culture through which people can pass the time and participate for fun. Cartwright is part of the public figures that make New York city known across the world as a historical city.
Alexander Cartwright will still be considered an essential public figure in 100 years. The impact he made through his contributions in the baseball game will still be useful as long as the game lives. People always tend to understand things by first revisiting original and initial stuff about something. Therefore, whenever people describe baseball, Cartwright will always be among the mentioned pioneers. Also, Cartwright is inducted in the baseball hall of fame, which will still portray his importance to the public for a long time.
Alexander Cartwright. (n.d.). In YourDictionary. Retrieved from
Kagan, W. (2020, April 03). Alexander Cartwright. Retrieved from
Nucciarone, M. (2020). Alexander Cartwright. Retrieved from SABR: