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The achievement gap in simple interpretation ,refers to the major differences in academic output or success or academic achievements between groups of students.This could mean students from low-class students and children from average or high class students or moreso between black students and white students. I believe there are certain changes that need to be done both within a school with and outside a school to help diminish the achievement gap.


Meeting the personal needs of students needs to be the core thing in schools ,as this will help push them perform their best and minimize the differences in students outcomes.Overlooking the different things that define a student’s origin ,or basically background such as religion ,social class,race ,culture and many more a teacher or education provider should make sure they understand their students and know what they specifically want and help them meet those personal wants which in turn ensures that every students gets to achieve to their maximum potential despite their backgrounds.

Parents involvement in their children’s school life adds a big deal to a student’s academic performance.This helps in such a way that the students gets the need to achieve more academically,and improve in general school performance like attendace ,obedience which in turn helps the overall achievement of the student .This means that students get to achieve equally according to their potential to keep the parent’s confidence in their school work helping close the big difference in the achievements from all students across an institution.Research has shown that student’s whose parents are involved in their academiv lifes have better grades and of good behavior.Parents always help keep students on their toes.

Introducing culturally diverse topics and learning materials in learning institutions ensures that every single student feels comfortable and involed with the school material.This helps because farmiliarity in study content creates interest which in turn good participation and study from all students and they give better and good academic performance because they all can relate to the study material.

In conclusion,the achievement gap is far from diminishing even with all the new methods of dealing with it.Even with interventions from outside the school or within the school to finish the achievement gap in schools ,the difference between the ‘well off families’ and the ‘struggling to make a living’ families or the coloured and the whites will remain and it is up to the parents,teachers and the students themselves to work towards equal academic achievements for all students.

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