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Body parts beginning with letter “d”

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Different body parts or organs can work together to perform a common function. There are several body parts starting with the letter “d” that end up forming an integrated unit known as the organ system. Moreover, you may not have heard some of these body parts since you can’t see them. With so many body parts and internal organs beginning with the letter “d,” you might need some additional assistance to pinpoint their location. Here are some which begin with the letter “d.”


Dorsal Cavity or Dorsal Body Cavity

The dorsal cavity is a fluid-filled space surrounding the brain and spinal cord of vertebrates. It consists of the cranial cavity and the spinal cavity, which protects the sensitive nerve tissues inside. The brain separation through the dorsal cavity and highly-efficient epithelial cells is called the blood-brain barrier, which acts as a buffer around the brain and spinal cord.


Digestive System

It’s fundamentally comprised of the tongue, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal tract. Here, digestion of food into smaller components that are absorbable forms for the body to assimilate is carried out. This process begins with chewing and breaking down the food with saliva in the mouth to form a bolus. After being swallowed through the esophagus, it undergoes various processes in the stomach, ileum and colon. After water is reabsorbed in the colon, wastes are processed into feces and leave the body through the defecation process.



Dendrites are projections of a nerve cell (neuron) that receive, process and relay signals (information) from other neurons to the soma (cell body) of the neuron via electrochemical signals. The transfer of signals onto the next neuron occurs at the synapse.


Dura mater

The dura mater is one of three meninges that are usually fused but can separate to form large venous channels known as the dural venous sinuses. It consists of dense, uneven and strong fibrous connective tissues. It aids in supporting the dural sinuses as well as dividing and protecting a variety of central nervous system structures like the brain and spinal cord.



The diaphragm is a curved, thin connective tissue under the lungs that separates the abdomen from the chest. It is used in breathing, flattening as it contracts and causing the lungs to expand. It helps you breathe by contracting and flattening when you inhale, creating a vacuum effect; thus, your lungs expand. When exhaling, your diaphragm relaxes, lungs contract and the air is pushed out.



The duodenum is a “c” shaped organ located between the stomach and the middle part of the small intestine. It’s the first and shortest segment of the small intestine. It receives chyme (partially digested food) from the stomach and plays a crucial role in preparing it for absorption into the small intestine and chemical digestion. The pancreas, liver, and gallbladder secrete many chemicals that with chyme in the duodenum to facilitate chemical digestion.



The dermis is the skin layer below the epidermis and above the subcutaneous tissues. It comprises of connective tissues, nerve endings, blood and lymph vessels, which provide nourishment to the epidermis. Humans and other mammals have hair follicles and sweat glands in the dermis.



The vas (ductus) deferens is the secretory duct of the testicle, running from the epididymis and ending as the ejaculatory duct. It comprises of two ducts that carrying ejaculatory sperms from the epididymis. It’s approximately 12 inches in length and protected by smooth muscle mass that contracts reflexively during ejaculation.


Descending Aorta


The aorta is the body’s largest artery. The descending aorta is part of the aorta running down the chest and abdomen, which carries blood to other areas of the body. It begins after the aorta arch and ends by branching into two great arteries, the thoracic and abdominal aorta.



Ducts are tube-like structures that help move secretions or cells to different body parts.

They help drain secretory materials like digestive juices, sweat and urine or carry gametes. Examples include the bile duct, vasa efferentia, gallbladder and oviduct.



The dorsum is the top part of an organ or appendage or the back part of the vertebrate’s body. Additionally, the dorsum can be the foot area facing upwards while standing or the back of your hand.





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