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Boeing is a famous multinational company dealing with aviation machines. The company is located in America and has been successful in its niche for many years. However, in October 2018, one of its assembled aircraft was involved in the Lion Air crash and the Ethiopian Airline crash in March (Parsiola,2015). The situation depicts different views and perspectives and a dilemma is eventually seen. A clear ethical description of the events that unfolded is described in the essay, as shown below.

The ethical dilemma that is seen in deciding on whether to eliminate the faulty plane or not. The aircraft had shown some significant changes that brought some worries at large. Even after the management noticing the differences, this dilemma trapped them. In an instant where they canceled the plane, lots of questions could arise, and the aftermath could be unbearable to bear. Consequences such as cancellation of the registration documents as a company could be canceled. Moreover, their reputation as a trusted company would diminish, and such doubts could lead to the irrelevancy of the company in the future.

On the other hand, failure to eliminate the plan caused much fear of the plane crashing. Losing the noble clients in their airlines and losing the reputation would be the worst experience. The dilemma was tight, and it seemed that no reasonable decision could have caused a positive impact.

Ethical framework used.

The deontological theory seemed to uphold the decisions the company made. Precisely in this theory, it states that an action is judged by the motive of the act done. In a situation where good intentions produce adverse consequences, the case is well understood. The purpose of an action is very vital in this type of theory. Though the code of ethics is not seen, the Boeing Company is seen that the company motives were positive. Despite noticing the danger, the plane had some faulty software; they did some actions in rescuing the situation (Cruz, & de Oliveira,2020). Many positive activities were undertaken, but all in all, the situation had to be understood. The company confirmed that the non-working alert in the plane did not affect airplane safety or any operation. It still functioned well till the day of the fatal accident. Bearing that the company tried to do its best in normalizing the situation shows they had good motives. They didn’t intend the plane to crash and have bigger damage to the people at large. Their will was to see the aircraft performing tasks without defaults. However, in close alignment with the bad consequence that came along, the company had to be understood. Since the motive of good despite the result being controversial the situation had to be normalized. Therefore, the deontological framework is justified to have been used in making the decisions of the company.

The ethical framework that should have been used.

The utilitarianism framework is a superb theory that should have been used in minimizing the impact. The theory states that action being good or bad is determined by the number of people it brings happiness.The more people are happy for work, the utilitarian justifies the action to be good or bad. The theory was supported by great philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. The desire for pleasure is intrinsic right motivation in the determinant of the situation. If, by any chance, the framework was used, the reduction of the damage would have period. Perhaps the death of the members on board would have been minimal in close vigilant of the framework. Due to many passengers boarding the plane and the world at large, who could be pleased by the action caused a change. The last of confidence among the framework would cause some disorganization in the future. Due to the number of people who could aid pay the number of happy people? The clients being diverse and tackling different clients’ understanding of multiple ways that result in other people in the life and application in the presence of all use happening.

Business leadership in any company learned from the situation.

Entrepreneurs and leaders should always be ready to learn in all situations of life. They are open-minded people who ought to learn from all positions. The Boeing Company unfolding of events comes with many lessons that should be embraced by all wise business leaders.

Firstly the virtue of integrity among the members of a company is essential (Cappelli, Singh, Singh& Useem,2015). In the company, the engineers knew about the challenge they were facing but were not able to speak out appropriately. Perhaps the infective communication led to the company downfall at some point. All companies having workers of high integrity is very important. Business leaders should always venture into a team of very committed workers who have the highest level of integrity. Despite the workers cooperating a lot in ensuring the company was the best, they failed since the executive leaders were not well involved in the matter.

Business leaders should exercise their proper strategic plans in the line of duty. At no time should a leader be indulged in other issues, not necessarily about the company and focusing on other matters (Al Zuned,2017). All leaders should train up in enhancing proper planning. In the Boeing Company, information among all stakeholders seemed vague. Bearing the fact that the executive committee failed to understand some of the issues that happened in the company creates some worries. Leaders should even engage in a consensus with the appropriate stakeholders. When the company realized some effect of the plane, they were not clear on these grounds. Perhaps, this caused a lot of deaths later in life.



Another inclusive lesson for business leaders has a work team that is well trained. Leaders should shun from employing quacks to be in the line of duty (Al Zuned,2017). Even in terms of being very cheap in terms of labor, the cost of their impact is diverse in the long run. Furthermore, executive leaders in a company should work in areas strongly related to the line of duty. It becomes unproductive when an administrator well conversant with agricultural management working in a contrary company. All workers along the hierarchy should be well trained and be on the line of duty. All in all, leadership is the most essential aspect of bringing significant change to a company.


The company is a diverge niche to be explored in detail to fathom all the situations that came across with the aircraft that crashed. In the view of the frameworks used, such as the deontological view is that the motive of an occasion summarizes if an action is good or bad. Incentives create a better niche in understanding different situations. Nevertheless, the utilitarian theory framework ought to have been used in the company. What brings happiness to the larger group of people should be considered at all times—finding the view in the Boeing company created an appositive move that embraced equality to all, although all business leaders across the globe learned much in improving their leadership skills.






Cruz, B. S., & de Oliveira Dias, M. (2020). CRASHED BOEING 737-MAX: FATALITIES OR MALPRACTICE?. GSJ, 8(1).

Parsiola, C. E. (2015). Lu Junhong v. Boeing Co.: Muddying the Waters of Admiralty Jurisdiction and Removal in Aviation Tort Claims. Tul. L., Rev., 90, 1045.

Cappelli, P., Singh, H., Singh, J., & Useem, M. (2015). Indian business leadership: Broad mission and creative value. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(1), 7-12.

Al Zuned, A. M. (2017). Effective business leadership styles: A case study of Harriet Green. Middle East Journal of Business, 55(5380), 1-10.



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