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Cardiovascular equipment

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However, if you have only half an hour to take a minute it is, in the gym, it is recommended to choose the most effective exercise equipment that affect the whole body or several muscle groups at the same time, as well as trains th tons of cardio-vascular system.


Exercise machines are divided into power and cardio machines (they are also called smart exercise machines). Heart rate is the main parameter that characterizes the work of cardiovascular equipment. These are mini-computer centers that are able to control the heart rate, calculate calorie consumption, adjust the speed, pace and time of classes. Their task is to tone your muscles and help lose weight.

Cardiovascular equipment

Rowing machine

Like running or swimming, rowing is a good aerobic workout that literally “lights” your heart and lungs. At the same time, rowing also trains a variety of muscles. Rowing simulator is a universal cardio simulator, which is perfect for people of different ages, as well as with different levels of training, to go in for sports. This simulator is simply indispensable for those who want to lose weight or have virtually no physical fitness.


During classes on a rowing machine, not only the metabolism is accelerated and the endurance threshold of the body increases, but up to 80 percent of the muscles are pumped, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, and, according to some scientific studies, sexual activity in both women and men is increased. The most noticeable load during training on this simulator falls on the muscles of the shoulder and shoulder girdle, back, arms and chest. The muscles of the buttocks, press and hips are also being worked out, although less intensively.

Exercise bike


This is a stationary bike with vertical movable handles similar to an elliptical machine, as well as a large wheel in front. Unique n awn bike is that it is equally effective affects the entire human body, strengthen muscle mass, helping to lose weight and tighten the figure, as well as a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Classes on an exercise bike form attractive reliefs of calves and hips, while strengthening the gluteal muscles.

There are two types of exercise bikes: vertical – for a more athletic orientation of training and horizontal – with ergonomic contours of the seat with the back, which eliminates fatigue in the back.




This simulator helps you go for a run without leaving the room. The treadmill allows you to relieve stress and get rid of negative emotions, reduce mental stress and even defeat a bad mood. Long workouts on the track help the body produce endorphin, a hormone of joy. In terms of physical activity – this cardio is recommended before and after strength training to increase metabolism. It is good in itself – without dilution with other simulators.

During the run, literally the whole body works – buttocks, thigh muscles, abs, arms, ankle, muscles of the back and legs are effectively strengthened, and the whole body is saturated with oxygen. It is important not to hold onto the handrails during training to increase the load on the leg muscles. The tilt angle on the treadmill and a certain running speed during regular training lead to a loss in weight of the treadmill. However, for a more effective result, fitness experts recommend combining treadmill exercises with exercises on other simulators.

On this simulator, you can not only run, but also walk in a calm or fast rhythm . Moreover, it is recommended to start classes on the track with walking and only then switch it to running mode. Due to the acceleration and decline of the pulse, the process of losing weight will be more intense. And this, in turn, strengthens bones and joints, restores blood pressure, supports immunity. An hour of walking on the track – and minus 300-400 calories.


It is important to remember that only regular classes I to cardio and strength training equipment can provide the desired result. It recommends camping 2-3 times a week for an hour on the treadmill training: With more effect will be almost imperceptible, while larger – the body simply does not have time to recover.

It is not recommended to train on a track with high fever, headache, or with an unhealed joint and ligament injury. Training in any acute diseases or in their chronic stage, as well as in osteochondrosis, is contraindicated. To avoid stress on the spine and joints of the legs, training on this simulator should be in sneakers.

With many advantages, a treadmill is good for people of any age and different physical fitness. A built-in fan, speakers for listening to music, water stands, touch sensors for measuring heart rate make the treadmill one of the most comfortable fitness equipment.


This trainer is especially loved by trainers, considering it the most effective of the cardio family. The mechanics of moving on an ellipsoid are somewhat reminiscent of flying, swaying on the waves, or fast skiing. Thanks to the simulator options, walking backwards – this opens up the possibility of working out muscle groups inaccessible to other simulators. Although the effectiveness of training on it is slightly lower than on a treadmill, it is very good for strengthening the cardiovascular system, muscles of the legs, thighs, buttocks, chest and arms. Another of its advantages is safety for joints and spine. To see the effect of weight loss and increased stamina, this simulator should be practiced at least 2-3 times a week for about 3-4 months. It is good for warming up before strength training or general training. This exercise machine is especially popular among women,



The simulator rider is one of the “youngest”. He appeared recently in the fitness market, but immediately became popular as suitable for cardio folk pits with different physique and fitness level. Due to the principle of operation, this simulator is also called the “rider”. Training on it resembles a horse ride: first you need to sit on the seat, put your feet on a stand, and grab the handles with your hands. Firming movement is carried out by hand, with the body of the exercising begins t rise and fall, reminding horse riding. During the lessons to riders involved in virtually all the groups we wc: press is pumped up, posture is corrected and fat deposits are actively burned. The simulator has a good effect on the development of the spine and joints.

This is about that rare simulator, which is shown to everyone – regardless of age, physique and state of health. Strengthening the cardiovascular system and the prevention of diseases are one of its advantages. Monotony and training on a rider can be avoided if you listen to rhythmic music.

Staircase (Climber)

The ladder simulator is designed for cardio sessions of varying intensity. It provides an excellent combination of aerobic training for the lower body, loading the abs, muscles of the buttocks and legs. The programs preinstalled on these simulators help to change the training parameters, increasing its effectiveness. Advanced classesmodels to some extent resemble climbing and require endurance and some physical training, so they are not quite suitable for beginners. In addition to helping to eliminate extra pounds and muscle training, the ladder strengthens the cardiovascular system, and also stimulates and develops the respiratory system. A lightweight version of the stairs is a pacemaker simulating walking on the steps. It is especially popular with the female half, who wants to work out the muscles of the buttocks, the back of the thigh and strengthen the heart muscle. Of the minuses of the stepper – a small percentage of the muscles involved and low efficiency in the issue of weight loss.

Fitness trainers advise: instead of spending all your time on a lesson on only one of the simulators, work out a few proportionally. If you are looking for more variety, then you should pay attention to a circular training.

Circular training

What is circular training? This is a performance of 10-12 and strength and cardio exercises. Moreover, they should follow one after another with a minimum interval for rest, which leads to the depletion of energy reserves (or glycogen) in the muscles and the use of fat reserves by the body as the main fuel. This kind of training increases the level of adrenaline and fat-burning growth hormone, while not letting you lose muscle mass.

Circular training is prohibited for people with high blood pressure, heart problems and chronic diseases. Do not get too carried away with this kind of training, as they can easily provoke fatigue. 2-3 times a week of strength and aerobic training, and preferably under the supervision of a trainer, is the best option for those who want to both lose weight and draw muscle relief.

Weight training equipment


This is a multifunctional simulator that helps to train the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle, back and abs. When training on a crossover, the load is distributed only to the necessary muscles, while the rest remain unused. This simulator is recommended to use not only the professional m athlete m and bodybuilder m , but also to all who wish to correct figure.

Smith Machine

This simulator is so popular among bodybuilders and bodybuilders because of its safety and high performance in pumping a wide group of muscles. The existence of a limiter system eliminates the possibility that heavy weight can jump off and injure a person. Thanks to this, exercises can be performed in any poses – sitting, lying down or even lifting weights above you.

Leg Press Trainer

It is quite popular with both men and women. And all because that makes it possible to seriously pump leg muscles such as the gluteus, quadriceps, inner and rear pover x Nosta thigh. The leg press in the simulator is considered one of the effective exercises (after squats with a barbell) to build strong legs without loading the cervical and thoracic spine.

Traction simulator from the upper block

This simulator is good both for beginners and experienced athletes who want to develop the muscles of the back and upper body. The exercises on it are simple and affordable. That is why it is installed in almost every gym. And although the simulator imitates pull-ups on the crossbar, but with an upper thrust to the chest, a person can use a weight that exceeds his own.


This simulator received another name – the slopes through the goat. Exercises on it are fundamental to strengthening the muscles of the lower back – the lower back, buttocks and back of the thigh. Hyperextension does not load the lower back and has virtually no contraindications.

We have provided a far from complete list of weight training equipment. Rather, the most popular and effective ones were indicated in this publication. Moreover, most people come to the gym not to pump muscle, but rather to lose weight and maintain physical fitness. True, lately there have been new motivations for playing sports – fashion or trend, the desire to stay young, and also the desire, without remorse, to consume your favorite food at any time. Whatever Mr. and has been the cause of a hike to the sport of Al, but from there you definitely will return in a physical tone, confident and happy.

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