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Carson Dental Implant – Benefits of Dental Implants

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Carson Dental Implant – Benefits of Dental Implants

Your smile determines your confidence levels. With implants from Carson Dental Implant – you will obtain a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime.

Obtaining dental implants is the best option to replace missing teeth. Generally, dental implants are long-lasting, cost-effective, and comfortable.

It is essential that you should replace missing teeth, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to improve your overall health and wellbeing. This is because if you have missing teeth, you have a higher chance of developing periodontal diseases and other health complications.

Dental implants can help you regain your confidence and self-esteem. With dental implants, you will feel and look better, and you will increase your quality of life.

Over the years, we have gathered extensive experience in dental implant surgery. We’ve seen our clients transform themselves entirely after they have had dental implant surgery. Some of them became more confident, and they were able to secure better employment contracts and job opportunities. Others improved their social relationships. Most of them attested that they had experienced an overall improvement in their quality of life.

If you reside in Carson and you would like to have dental implants, we invite you to get in touch with us. We offer free consultations.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots. They resemble screws. When they are placed inside your jawbone, they fuse permanently with it. As a result, they form a strong support base for artificial teeth crowns.

Abutments – restorations placed on dental implant connectors – support and hold your crowns. Typically, these crowns are customized to look like your natural teeth.

Dental implants were first introduced in the United States fifty years ago. However, ancient history traces them back to 600 AD. During this period, Mayan women would have shell-like pieces inserted into their jaws.

Currently, they are deemed to be the best option in replacing missing teeth. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, over 3 million people in the USA have dental implants. This number increases by 500,000 each year.

Generally, implants are sturdy, long-lasting, and cost-effective. Unlike other tooth restoration methods, implants preserve the natural bone and foster faster bone growth.

If you would like to have dental implants, you should hire an experienced and well-trained dental surgeon. This is because if the surgical procedure is performed haphazardly, you may face long-lasting health complications.

Types of Dental Implants

There are over 60 companies in the United States that manufacture dental implants. Therefore, dental surgeons have numerous options when identifying the perfect implant type for each patient.

Take note that if one particular surgeon performed your implant procedure, and then you have a different surgeon repair it, your new doctor may find it challenging to access the dental materials utilized by the former dentist. This is why you should select just one dental surgeon for all your implant procedures.

Dental implants can be categorized as per the following criteria:

  • Procedure
  • Coatings
  • Connectors
  • Size
  • Treatment time

Here is a brief discussion of each of these criteria:

1.       Procedure

As per the procedure utilized for placement, dental implants can be categorized into two: single-stage implants and two-stage implants. The most common type of two-stage implants is endosteal implants, while subperiosteal implants are widely known as single-stage implants.

In a two-stage implant procedure, the surgeon will place the implants inside your jawbone. On the other hand, in a single-stage implant procedure, the surgeon will place the implants under your gum, but above your jawbone.

Most people usually opt for endosteal implants. Subperiosteal implants are ideal for individuals who do not have sufficient jawbone mass, but they do not want to go through a bone grafting procedure.

2.       Coatings

Dental implants are customarily manufactured with titanium. In 1952 – P.I. Branemark, a Swedish doctor, found out that titanium can fuse naturally with the jawbone.

However, the coatings of dental implants vary, depending on the manufacturer. Dental implants that have more porous surfaces fuse more naturally with the jawbone, in comparison to implants that have machined titanium surfaces. Other dental implant coatings include Zirconia, grit-blasted, plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite, acid-etched, and micro-grooved titanium.

3.       Connectors

Dental implants can also be categorized according to their type/shape of their heads. Remember that all implants need abutments; for them to be connected to the artificial crowns. There are three different types of connectors:

  • Internal hex – These connectors are shaped like hexagons. The internal hex connector opens up the implant’s head into which the dentist will screw the abutment.
  • External hex – Just like internal hex connectors, external hex connectors have a hexagon shape. They are found on top of the implant’s head.
  • Internal Octagon – These connectors are shaped like octagons. They work the same way as internal hex connectors: opening up the implant’s head into which your dentist will screw the abutment.

4.       Size

Dental implants can also be categorized as per their size. Generally, an implant’s size dictates where it can be placed inside the mouth. However, each patient has different needs, and his/her bone availability and teeth spacing may dictate which implant size he/she requires.

Some dental practitioners may refer to size as ‘platform.’ In the USA, the following implant sizes are available:

  • Standard – These implants have diameters ranging between 3.5mm – 4.2 mm. They are usually used to replace missing front teeth.
  • Mini – Mini dental implants have diameters measuring between 2mm – 3.5 mm. They are ideal for individuals who have insufficient bone mass.
  • Wide – The size of these implants ranges from 4.5mm – 6mm. They are perfect for replacing missing premolars and molars.

5.       Treatment Time

Implants can also be categorized based on their treatment time. In this category, we can have two types of implants: immediate load dental implants and All-on-4. The treatment procedure of both immediate load dental implants and All-on-4 implants can be completed in one day, unlike in traditional implants where it can spin through a couple of months.

Immediate load dental implants are also referred to as ‘teeth in a day’ or ‘same day implants.’ These implants permit your dentist to place the artificial tooth crowns on the same appointment day for the implant surgical process. Same-day implants are ideal for individuals who have sufficient bone mass that can support immediate temporary tooth placement.

The term ‘All-on-4’ refers to a technique used to replace a set of missing bottom or top teeth. All-on-4 implants are also known as ‘full arch implants.’ In this technique, your doctor will place four implants simultaneously inside your jawbone, and utilize special abutments to connect artificial tooth crowns.

Dental Implant Insertion Procedure

There are four main stages in the dental implant insertion procedure. These stages include:

  • Consultation
  • Preparing for the surgical process
  • The surgical procedure
  • Recovery and aftercare

Below, we discuss each of these steps comprehensively:

1.       Consultation

During consultations, your oral surgeon will determine if having implants is the best option for you. He/she will examine your gums and teeth and evaluate jawbone quantity and density. This can involve X-rays and CT scans. Your doctor will also determine where precisely the implants should be inserted.

Based on your oral health and hygiene, as well as your personal habits and general commitment to abide by aftercare instructions, your doctor will recommend for you the most suitable treatment plan. If you have insufficient jawbone mass, you may be required first to undergo a bone augmentation procedure. If you don’t want to go through the bone augmentation process, you may opt for mini implants.

Moreover, your doctor will inform you about the duration the entire treatment process will take, the aftercare needed, and how many appointments you will have to make. Also, you will discuss with him/her if you prefer sedation or local anesthesia.

Make sure you confirm with your doctor about the total cost of the treatment process. Ask him/her if they are any other hidden costs.

There is no fixed price for dental implants in California. The cost of dental implants varies depending on several factors, such as the level of experience and expertise of your oral surgeon, whether or not you will opt for sedation or local anesthesia, or the specific type of implant you require.

Generally, dental implants are more expensive, in comparison to dentures and bridges. However, they are cost-effective because they can last for a lifetime and require little maintenance. Some clinics offer payment plans. You can take advantage of these payment plans to leverage your finances.

2.       Preparing for the Surgical Process

You should not opt for dental implants if:

  • You have unhealthy gums
  • You have poor oral hygiene
  • You are a habitual smoker
  • You have an uncontrolled chronic disorder, such as heart disease or diabetes

If you have insufficient jawbone mass, your dentist can utilize several techniques to help you rebuild your jawbone, so that you can have a strong foundation for the implants. Some of these techniques include:

  • Bone augmentation – Your dentist will restore or regenerate the bone tissues inside your jaw. According to scientific research, utilizing bone additives can help fortify your jawbone. As a result, your jawbone will become sturdy enough to support implants.
  • Sinus lift – This technique is also referred to as ‘sinus elevation’ or ‘sinus augmentation.’ It is most suitable if your natural upper jawbone deteriorated because of missing teeth. Here, the dentist will add bone tissue below your sinus.
  • Ridge expansion – This technique is most suitable if your jawbone is not wide enough for supporting dental implants. Your doctor will add bone graft tissues to the space or ridge created above your jaw.

You might want to opt for either local anesthesia or sedation to reduce pain during surgery. Often, most dentists in California use local anesthesia before conducting surgeries.

You can opt for sedation if you have dental phobia. There are four different types of sedation: oral sedation, intravenous sedation, intramuscular sedation, and inhalation. If you choose sedation, your surgeon will administer you a sedative shot or oral tablet before the procedure. You may also be asked to wear a face mask, which will let you inhale the medication.

Typically, sedatives or local anesthesia is administered within 60 minutes before the procedure. Your doctor will initiate the surgical process as soon as the medication takes effect.

3.       The Surgical Procedure

You will just need one appointment to complete the dental implant insertion procedure. However, you may take anywhere between 1 – 6 months to heal. During this period, the implant will fuse permanently with your jawbone. This healing process is usually referred to as ‘osseointegration.’ Then, your dentist will place an artificial crown on top of the implant.

If osseointegration fails to occur, you may develop several health complications. However, this happens rarely, and only in circumstances where an inexperienced or unqualified dentist performed the implant procedure.

An implant is composed of two parts: the crown and the titanium screw. During the insertion procedure, your dentist will drill a pilot hole at your jawbone. A doctor must utilize great expertise and skill when drilling and sizing the hole. In most cases, dentists employ surgical guides, created with the help of CT scans. Take note that if your surgeon does not exercise reasonable care when drilling the pilot hole, some vital face and jaw structures, such as the inferior alveolar nerves, may be damaged.

After your dentist has drilled the pilot hole, he/she will widen it slowly to allow implant placement. When the implant is inserted, it will be secured by the surrounding gum tissues. Then, your dentist will place a protective cover screw above the implant, allowing it to heal.

After six months, or when osseointegration has occurred, your doctor will remove the protective cover screw and instead, place an abutment. Then, he/she will attach a final or temporary artificial tooth crown to the implant.

The primary purpose of a temporary crown is to enable the gum to grow and shape itself naturally. When this process is complete, the dentist will replace it with a final crown.

4.       Recovery and Aftercare

There is no fixed recovery period for dental implants. The length of the recovery period depends on various factors, such as the procedures used for dental insertion and your ability to maintain good oral hygiene.

After the dentist has placed the implant, you should brush and floss your teeth regularly to ensure it properly integrates with your jawbone. If you do not clean your teeth and gums properly, the osseointegration process may fail. Additionally, you may develop periodontal infections.

Generally, dental implants are comfortable. In some situations, you may experience minimal discomfort. For instance, your face and gums may swell, or the insertion site may bleed or become bruised. In these situations, your dentist may prescribe for you certain pain medications.

You should restrict your diet to only soft foods within one week after the surgery. It is customarily expected that you will heal within six months after the surgical procedure. After the placement of the crowns, you will recover within two months. However, this timeframe varies from one patient to another.

Note that you may be required to make follow-up appointments with your doctor so that he/she can monitor your progress. If you take care of your implants properly, they will last a lifetime.

Why should you Choose Dental Implants?

Of course, there are several options for replacing missing teeth. However, dental implants stand out from the rest.

Dental implants offer numerous benefits, unlike other missing teeth replacement options, such as dentures and bridges. Here is why you should choose dental implants:

1.       They Help Prevent Bone Loss

If you have missing teeth, you may start experiencing bone loss inside your jaw. In fact, you may lose up to 25% of your jawbone volume within one year of having missing teeth. This is because your jaw lacks stimulation to maintain bone mass it usually gets when supporting your teeth.

Dentures and bridges cannot help prevent bone loss. On the flip side, dental implants will, because they provide the necessary stimulation your jaw requires to develop sufficient bone mass.

2.       They Look and Feel like your Natural Teeth

Implants are packaged in numerous sizes and shapes. Your doctor will help you choose which one of them perfectly matches with your natural teeth. If you have implants, no one will know about them – except you and your doctor.

3.       They Restore Bite Force

Dental implants fuse permanently with your jawbone. Unlike dentures, they cannot fall off and embarrass you while eating.

Implants work the same way as natural teeth. This means that you can bite hard foods using equal force as you would have with your natural teeth.

Other tooth restoration methods cannot help you regain your bite force as implants. This is because they are not anchored at the jawbone, and they are mostly placed above the gums.

4.       They Prevent Changes in Facial Structure

Having missing teeth can make you start experiencing facial sagging. In fact, your face may change its shape, and you may look older.

This is because your teeth assist in supporting the facial structure. Dental implants can also provide this support, and therefore, prevent your face from changing shape.

5.       They Enable Natural Speech

Some methods of replacing missing teeth, such as dentures, can make you mispronounce certain words. Also, missing teeth may alter your natural speech. On the contrary, dental implants will help you speak naturally and easily.

6.       They cannot decay

Of course, you will still have to care for your dental implants and maintain good oral hygiene. This way, you will eliminate bacteria and protect yourself from periodontal infections.

However, dental implants cannot decay. This means that you don’t have to stress yourself about developing cavities in the implants!

7.       They Require Little Maintenance

It is easy to take care of implants. All you need to do is to brush and floss them regularly. You won’t need any special equipment to care for your implants.

8.       They Support Adjacent Teeth

Having a tooth gap may cause the adjacent teeth to alter their positions, resulting in misalignment. Implants help fill this gap. Consequently, you obtain straight, even teeth, and a beautiful smile.

9.       They are Permanent

Unlike other tooth restoration options, dental implants are permanent. If they are well cared for, they can last a lifetime.

10.   They Increase Confidence and Self-esteem

Dental implants can help build your confidence and self-esteem. If you have implants, you will no longer feel self-conscious when laughing, eating, or speaking in public.

Dental implants cannot embarrass you in any manner whatsoever. You don’t have to worry about them falling off, slipping, or shifting. As a result, you will be able to close more deals and unlock more opportunities.

11.   They do not have any Health Complications

Implants do not have any health complications. This is because they are manufactured with titanium, which is non-toxic and bio-compatible. The titanium material can easily integrate with your jawbone.

12.   They Prevent Gum Disease

A tooth gap may trap food particles. If you do not maintain good oral hygiene, these food particles may cause gum disease. A dental implant will fill this tooth gap, and subsequently, no food particle will be trapped.

Dental Implants vs. Dentures and Bridges

Dental implants are superior to bridges and dentures. Here is why you should choose dental implants in preference to dentures and bridges:

  • Implants are comfortable, while dentures and bridges are not
  • Implants are long-lasting and permanent, while you can use dentures and bridges for a maximum of only five years
  • Implants are easy to care for, while dentures and bridges require extensive maintenance

Dentures and bridges are cheaper, but not cost-effective. You’d have to replace them frequently. Bridges and dentures will also not protect you against bone loss or facial sagging. Moreover, they do not match your natural teeth.

Find a Carson Implant Dentist Near Me

We invite you to contact us at the Carson Dental Implant for a free consultation. We will help you find out if you qualify for implants, and if it is the best treatment plan for you. Call us today at 310-602-6995 to book an appointment.


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