TRADEOFFS Everyday decisions we make about our lives involves a tradeoff. Our tradeoff decisions are often guided by the ultimate goal or benefits that arise from choosing a particular action…

FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING Marketing Channels The customer is the main stakeholder of the business; hence amongst the roles of the marketing professional; is to ensure that all operations conducted to…

The Dignitaries254 Constitution.     Groups name: The Dignitaries254. Mission: Be different. Vission: Converting the rural area into productive and independent cities. Philosophy: Never regret anything because at one time…

Conversion and migration strategy As a project team leader, developing a conversion and migration strategy will be essential for the successful implementation of the project. Creating an E-commerce, software, and…

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Executive summary Walmart’s company plays a leading role in the world economy, the company is a source of many employment opportunities to many people in different parts of…

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