Segmentation is a strategy that the firm uses in marketing to group its customers into groups according to various factors like gender, age, income, and demographics. Targeting and segmentation are…

Barn Burning             William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” is set at a time that is immediately after the Civil War. Sarty and his father present the various sides of the South,…

America Walt Whiteman views America as a unique land that has successfully achieved democratic goals, despite its vast territory. The different states as seen by Walt are such a difficult…

Ballroom Unlike other Asian countries, Japan is always said to be affiliated with western civilization and culture. The culture of Japan has been reported to have several similarities specifically with…

Humanity in time of crisis Alok Pandey a NDTV news reporter from Uttar Pradesh posted a 20 seciind video on his Twitter handle a video of municipal workers carrying a…

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