The Justinian and Theodora Mosaics   Title of work: The Emperor Justinian and His Attendants, San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy c. 547 Name of artist: Byzantine artists.  Date created: between 544 and 546. It…

Name Institutional Affiliation Date Introduction The colonization of the American by the Europeans clearly describes the settlement history and the establishment of full control of the American continents by most…

Postmodernism The period between 1970 and 1980 saw the transformation in architecture from modernism to postmodernism principles and practices. Before then, modernism principles were the norm in the industry. According…

PORTER’S 5 AND PESTEL ANALYSIS Question 1. The main activities Supporting activities The inbound strategies company infrastructure The Operations The Human resource management The Outbound strategies High-tech development Advertising &…



Emergency 1a This is the outline of crucial details for exterior and internal communication. Interior communication would ensure contact with the command center as well as responsibility for creating and…

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