Aum Shinirinko’s Apocalypse. According to (Robbins & Palmar, 2013), apocalypse refers to the end times and unveiling of events towards the end of the human race. It means the revelation…

Sexual Orientation Homosexuality is a sexual attraction between people of the same gender. Lesbianism is female homosexuality, while gayism is male homosexuality. The word lesbian referred to an island in…

Selfie Assignment Part II Elements of Design According to Delafkar and Abbas (2392), successful designers understand certain norms of art that enhance the production of captivating images. The line is…

Human and Assets Security Practices Aradau, C. (2010). Security that matters: Critical infrastructure and objects of protection. Security Dialogue, 41(5), 491-514. In this article, Aradau (2010) discusses various elements, practices,…

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