14.1 Distinguish between speeches to inform and persuade.
Describe the characteristics of your current speech assignment. Which type of speech will it be, based on those characteristics? If it’s informative, how could you make it persuasive or vice versa?
My current speech assignment is explaining the awareness of online education as its future importance. The speech is noncontroversial and does not intend to change the attitude of the audience. From these characteristics, it can be revealed that this is an informative speech. In order to make this speech assignment persuasive, I need to make it incremental and ethical, by trying to change the attitude of the audience.
14.2 Explain the technique of informative speaking and use them to present an effective informative speech.
Describe the techniques of informative speaking that seem easiest and hardest for you to implement. Why do you some of the techniques are more difficult than others?
The easiest techniques of an informative speech to implement is defining a specific purpose, using clear and simple language, and emphasizing the important points. For instance, when defining a specific purpose, I start by emphasizing the audience’s knowledge and ability. I use simple words to describe and explain them to the audience. Also, to stress on important points, I take notes to highlight the key information or message. However, the hardest to implement is generating audience involvement; this is because of the varied perceptions and attitudes of the audience. Some techniques are more difficult to implement than others because the nature of the audience varies from one topic to another.
14.3 Explain the techniques of persuasive speaking and use them to present an effective persuasive speech.
Think back to a speech that impressed you with its persuasiveness. This might be a speech that you found online, on TV, in person or in the classroom. Did the speaker adapt to the audience, and attempt to establish common ground? If so, how? If not, how could that speech have been improved in terms of these characteristics?
I listened to an impressive persuasive speech on TV; the speaker appealed to the value of the audience to make the speech effective. A section of the audience appeared undecided and uncommitted to the speech, but the speaker adapted to them by stressing on the points that make feel happy. The speaker also showed the areas of agreement to persuade the audience, which helped the speaker to establish a common ground.
14.4 Use reasoning to create an effective augment that is ethical as well as persuasive.
Consider your current or most recent persuasive speech assignment. How would you use Aristotle’s Triad to make sure that you balanced emotion, logic and ethics?
I will appeal to the audience to demonstrate goodwill, good character, and create the impression that I am a person of sound sense and high moral character. I will incorporate strategies that show respect for the commonly acknowledged virtues.