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Christians’ perspective of addressing evil and suffering

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Christians’ perspective of addressing evil and suffering


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Christians’ perspective of addressing evil and suffering

There have been a lot of questions toward the wider problem of evil in religion. Some have had questions like: Why do the innocent suffer?  Why does a good God allow suffering in the world?  What hope do we have?  Why is there so much evil in the world?   This paper discusses how evil in religion can be addressed in a Christian perspective and how evil and suffering can be addressed drawn from various authors.

There is need to seek for spiritual direction due to the life struggles. Human beings live in a world full of uneven struggles. There are struggles leading to competition of scarce resources among which are intelligence, job promotion and love. These competition make humans competitive and may develop jealousy and other mechanism to deal with the competition. Life is unfair as there are different levels of riches, living conditions and length of life. In addition, people are born with various capabilities like different intelligence levels and appearance (Molnar, 2007). Humans also struggle living with life inadequacies and guilt as well as the fear for mortality. Hence, seeking for spiritual direction helps in answering various questions about life and the sufferings encountered.

Christians should not relegate their message to the level of life philosophies. There exists a temptation to see Christian message as one of the competing theories and current life-styles. Currently, gurus and false prophets exists who believe in noble lifestyles yet they were not raised from the dead like Jesus. Romans 1:4-Explains Jesus as the “designated son of God in power according to the spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead” (Molnar, 2007).Subsequently, giving the message of Christ in a unique way above the life philosophies can lead to escape from evil.

Jesus Christ can solve our problems, make us have peace with our fellow humans and save us from the guilt by making us understand that God forgives our sins and will resurrect the dead. This is a Christian belief that he makes us overcome the fear of our immortality through his resurrection from the death. He works for us and assures us of God’s love despite life being unfair. Furthermore, God wins despite the evil in life. There are enemies of God worldwide in which evil such as sin, injustice and poverty are all over. Despite all these, the resurrection of Jesus demonstrates that Jesus will win. Jesus’ disciples encountered wavering faith during the crucifixion of Jesus. Their hopes were lost since they had left their careers to follow Him yet now he seemed to have failed (Molnar, 2007). Thereafter, God won by showing his power over death; resurrecting Jesus Christ. Accordingly, after the sufferings, there is hope of life after death.

God can use evil to demonstrate his victory. The evil in the world can be an indication that God’s victory is nearing. Sometimes, we need such an affirmation-someone to affirm to us that victory is coming the way after the evil and sufferings. God’s victory will finally prevail and someday we will prevail our sufferings too (Molnar, 2007). We sometimes need an interpretation of what we see, some of which are how we perceive God as failing. Jesus’ disciples were asked to perceive things correctly as the evidence existed (Woff, 2013). Messiah must suffer according to the scriptures but God will be victorious.

There’s belief in certainty that evil will come to an end. The author uses the story of Jesus resurrection to support this. God showed victory over death and His enemies. This assures us that one day in the Kingdom of God, there will be no more suffering and evil. No ore violence, no more war, jealousy nor death. The sufferings and evils now in the world will come to an end because of Easter; Jesus’ resurrection and victory over death. It is certain according to Romans 6:9 that death will die one day. Despite the disastrous calamities which occur, the resurrection is an affirmation that all will be well, God will win. The resurrection helps us understand that despite all we pass through, they will come to end. The story of Jesus appearing to the disciples on their way to Emmaus and the way they explained to other people in the room at Jerusalem brought happiness which is a bit of what’s expected in the Kingdom of God. All sorrows, diseases, sufferings will end and crimes forgiven (Woff, 2013).

Christians believe that there will be life after death despite the sufferings they underwent. Lament for a son’s author sees grief as a special kind of suffering suffered the loss of his son-25 year old. He view his son as a gift snatched earlier by death. The pain could not be removed until the death of other beloved ones. There is reassurance for resurrection even though Wolterstoff-Erick’s dad could not forget about his son. He noted God as sharing in the suffering of those suffering. The humans suffering, and pain have entered in His heart. He is pained even more than us but there is nothing much he can do (Wolterstoff, 1987). Despite the sufferings; Christians have a hope of triumphing over evil and sufferings through the assurance of resurrection.

There’s need to cry due to the pain of loss and express feelings as a result of sufferings encountered. The strength of failing to shade tears is as much as that encountered when crying. Each person’s suffering is different as no outsider can understand. Nicholas Wolterstoff talks of the need for remembrance of his son as his life was a gift. He felt that religion could not console him but rather gave hope of resurrection. He emphasizes the need to mourn the death (Wolterstoff, 1987).


Some suffering is perceived as the fruit of our sins. The author sees suffering as more than the guilt. Christian gospel expounds more on sin than suffering.

Sin lies in the will of human beings (Molnar, 2007).Adam and Eve were made to suffer toil on Earth due to their sins. Christians, however, believe that God sent his beloved son to share in our sorrows and redeem us through his suffering.

Everyone suffers despite what they hold as long as they are loving as love brings suffering. God commanded us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves and thus, he invited us to suffering. God himself suffered when he gave his only son to die. Everyone who sees God’s love, sees his suffering. However, why does God allow as us to suffer in our love? Why doesn’t he allows us to love freely without suffering? Why does he accept to suffer and why doesn’t he relieve our agony by reliving our agony? (Wolterstoff, 1987). God should allow people to love without suffering.

Nevertheless, God’s plans to relieve the world from agony through his work to remove his suffering. On the other hand, our struggle for justice is an intent to relieve God of his sorrow. Suffering may do us good, may bring blessing or something to be thankful about. Character is made out of our suffering and through the suffering, our souls are made (Wolterstoff, 1987).

Christians should accept the free will of God. He can harden who he wants and punish whoever he wants as he is the molder. What is molded has no power to question on how it has been molded. He can as well show his mercy to whoever he wants. God hardened Pharaohs heart and punished Saul for not slaying all the Amalekites. This shows God as a God of power and might, and even brutality (How should Christians approach the problem of evil? By E. Calvin Beisner and Chad Meister,” n.d). Rom. 9:15-21-“God will have mercy on whom he has mercy and will have compassion on whom he has compassion. It is not of him who runs but of God who shows mercy for the scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show my power in you and that my name may be declared in all the earth.” Therefore, he has mercy on whom he wills, and whom he wills he hardens.”

The Manichaean dualism theory provides a solution for evil that the universe is a product of ongoing battle between God and prince of darkness.  The solution offered concerning evil is that God is neither all-powerful nor the sole creator of the world. He is solely good and creates only good deeds but is powerless to prevent the power of the prince of darkness against bringing evil (Chignell, 2019). However, according to the Christian doctrines, God is omnipotent and has power over the devil but he allows evil to happen.

The problem of evil has been argued that God, the creator of the universe that contain evil cannot be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God. If indeed he created the world he created the world that contain evil, then he cannot possess all those traits (How should Christians approach the problem of evil? By E. Calvin Beisner and Chad Meister,” n.d).

However, Christians address this concern their own way by believing that God the creator is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent and he allowed the world to contain evil (How should Christians approach the problem of evil? By E. Calvin Beisner and Chad Meister,” n.d).



Evil and suffering can be addressed through biblical teachings and Christians need to take appropriate steps towards addressing the problem of evil in religion. Ultimately, the questions asked will be answered and hope in God’s might will be reinforced.




Chignell, A. P. (2019). Evil: A history. In undefined. Oxford Philosophical Concepts.

How should Christians approach the problem of evil? By E. Calvin Beisner and Chad meister. (n.d.). Christian Radio – Free Online Christian Ministry Radio Broadcasts.

Molnar, P. D. (2007). Incarnation and Resurrection: Toward a contemporary understanding. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.

Wolterstorff, N. (1987). Lament for a son. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.

Wooff, M. (2013). Supper at Emmaus and other art tales. Strategic Book Publishing.


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