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Clinical Assessment

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Clinical Assessment

Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)


Cerebrovascular accident or stroke occurs due to reduced supply of blood in the brain.

The reduced blood supply bars nutrients and oxygen from entering the brain.

As a result, the cells in the brain begin to become extinct.

Can result in death.

Early medical attention is necessary to prevent damage to the brain (Hsu et al. 2017).

Hsu et al. (2017), states that cerebrovascular accident is a health condition that occurs as a result of reduced supply of blood in the brain. The human brain requires a continuous supply of blood, which is rich in oxygen and nutrients for proper functioning. Therefore when there is no adequate supply of blood in the brain, oxygen and nutrients may not reach the brain. As a result, the individual may experience malfunctioning of the brain that causes other disorders like damage of the brain. Whenever an individual experiences stroke, they are advised to seek medical attention early enough to prevent severe consequences (Hsu et al. 2017).


A stroke occurs in two types: ischemic and hemorrhagic.

Ischemic is whereby a blood clot affects blood vessels that supply blood in the brain.

Hemorrhagic is a condition associated with the rapturing of blood vessels.

Around 7 million Americans aged 20 years are estimated to have had a stroke (Ojaghihaghighi, Vahdati, Mikaeilpour & Ramouz, 2017).

The prevalence of stroke for Americans aged 55-64 years is estimated 11 per cent, 22 percent for those aged 65-69 years, and 40 per cent for 80-85 years (Castro et al. 2017).

Risk factors include high blood pressure, family history, excessive drinking of alcohol, smoking and much cholesterol.

Ojaghihaghighi, Vahdati, Mikaeilpour & Ramouz (2017), stated that the American Heart Association occurs in two types, that is, ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic occurs as a result of blood clot that hinders the supply of blood in the brain, while hemorrhagic is a condition associated with rapturing of blood. It is estimated that around 7 million Americans at the age of at least 20 years have suffered stroke (Ojaghihaghighi, Vahdati, Mikaeilpour & Ramouz, 2017). According to Castro et al. (2017), cases of stroke have been prevalent in the United States with an estimation of 11 percent at the age of 55-64 years, 22 percent aged 65-69 years and 40 percent aged 80 to 85 years. Contributing factors to stroke include high blood pressure, excessive drinking of alcohol, excessive smoking and high cholesterol in the body.


Assessment includes effecting airway, circulation and breathing.

Rapid examination.

Lab testing.

Head chemotherapy scanning.

Thrombolytic medications (Brainin & Heiss, 2019).

Clinical assessment of stroke includes streamlining blood airway to ensure effective supply of blood, and adequate breathing. The patient is also examined through various lab tests to ascertain the situation of the patient. Then chemotherapy scanning of the head is conducted to determine how the head is affected. Chemotherapy may be combined with perfusion imaging in order to get a clear picture of the brain (Brainin & Heiss, 2019). There are also treatment medications available for stroke patients like thrombotic medications that are given to remove the clot. For better health of the patient it is advisable for the patient to seek medication at an early stage.


Seeking early medication.

Healthy lifestyles.

Accessible medication.

Public sensitization.

Among the recommendations to improve the status of stroke in the United States is that individuals should seek medication at the earliest stages, and this would prevent future severe consequences. Another recommendation include practice healthy lifestyles like regular physical exercise, reduction of smoking and excessive alcohol drinking and reduction of consumption of foods with high-fat contents (Hicks, 2018). In addition, the government should make medication accessible to ensure that even those individuals from poor family backgrounds can access treatment. Besides, the government should increase public awareness on the symptoms and signs of the infection.


Hsu, W. T., Esmaily-Fard, A., Lai, C. C., Zala, D., Lee, S. H., Chang, S. S., & Lee, C. C. (2017). Antipsychotics and the risk of cerebrovascular accident: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 18(8), 692-699.

Ojaghihaghighi, S., Vahdati, S. S., Mikaeilpour, A., & Ramouz, A. (2017). Comparison of neurological clinical manifestation in patients with hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. World journal of emergency medicine, 8(1), 34.

Castro, P., Azevedo, E., Serrador, J., Rocha, I., & Sorond, F. (2017). Hemorrhagic transformation and cerebral edema in acute ischemic stroke: link to cerebral autoregulation. Journal of the neurological sciences, 372, 256-261.

Brainin, M., & Heiss, W. D. (Eds.). (2019). Textbook of stroke medicine. Cambridge University Press.

Hicks, K. A., Mahaffey, K. W., Mehran, R., Nissen, S. E., Wiviott, S. D., Dunn, B., … & Morrow, D. A. (2018). 2017 cardiovascular and stroke endpoint definitions for clinical trials. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71(9), 1021-1034.







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