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Cloud Computing: IaaS vs. SaaS vs. PaaS

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                                               Cloud Computing: IaaS vs. SaaS vs. PaaS

There are three main models of cloud computing, including PaaS, SaaS (S, as well as IaaS. IaaS is a practical correlative of a traditional data center. Cloud infrastructure providers utilize virtualization tools to provide scalable computer resources, including networks, storage, and servers to their customers. IaaS vendors have responsibility for the whole infrastructure; however, users exercise complete control over it. The advantages of IaaS include a flexible and active model, cost-effective, easy to utilize, and the virtualization of management tasks. Hence, workers have more freedom to engage in other duties. The disadvantages include data-security problems because of multi-tenant architecture, need to training, and vendor outages (Kavis, 2014).

PaaS is a system for software development shared using the internet. The platform is offered with in-built software elements and tools, by which developers can design, tailor-make, try out, and get applications going. The main distinction between PaaS and IaaS entails the amount of control allocated to users. Advantages of PaaS include quick and simple development process, highly scalable software, little coding needed, and permits smooth migration to the hybrid cloud. Its disadvantages include data security problems, compatibility with the previous infrastructure, and reliance on vendor’s reliability, support, and speed (Rani & Ranjan, 2014).

SaaS allows users to have access to the cloud-based software of the vendor. It is the most common cloud computing category, and the SaaS vendor controls everything, including app functioning and hardware stability. Customers do not have responsibility for anything in the model, and they exceptionally use programs to carry out their tasks. Therefore, the customer software experience entirely depends on the vendor. SaaS advantages include no hardware and initial set-up costs, scalability, automated upgrades, easy customization, remote accessibility, cross-device compatibility, and pay-as-you-go model. Its disadvantages include connectivity is always needed, loss of control, and a restricted variety of solutions (Kavis, 2014).


















Kavis, M. J. (2014). Architecting the cloud: design decisions for cloud computing service models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS). John Wiley & Sons.

Rani, D., & Ranjan, R. K. (2014). A comparative study of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS in cloud computing. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 4(6).



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