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History and Key Points on Rio De Janeiro City

Rio de Janeiro is found in the Atlantic Ocean, South America’s tropical zone. It is recognized to be among some of the largest, exciting and beautiful urban cities in the world. Most of the countries in the world view Rio de Janeiro as a preeminent Icon city in the state of Brazil. In reality, the city’s location, inhabitants, lifestyle and architecture place the city in a unique position in contrast to other cities within Brazil, more particularly the capital of the country Brasilia or the more significant capital of Sao Paulo. Brasilia is a bit smaller, and it dates back to the year 1960, while Sao Paulo becomes deemed as a big mushrooming processing and manufacturing point. However, it does not display the conspicuous natural aesthetic value and captivating look of Rio de Janeiro (Bottling et al. 2017). The two cities are situated in the interior plateaus. The Rio de Janeiro was emanated from Portuguese navigators believed to have arrived at the site in the year 1502 of January. The Portuguese navigators mistook the entrance of the bay in place of the mouth of a river (in the Portuguese language, Rio means “river” while the word de Janairo means the month of January). Rio de Janeiro city became the capital for the colonialists in the year 1763. Additionally, it was considered as the Brazil independent capital from the year 1833 to the year 1966; this is when the Nation’s capital became transferred to Brasilia, which was new by that time. The territory constituted the immediate precious Federal district later transformed to Guanabara State, forming the enclave in the State of Rio de Janeiro.  It formed one of the municipalities of the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan region, and it was declared the reorganized state’s capital. Although it lost the status, level of employment and the amount of funding it captured when Brazil’s capital, it not only managed to survive, it also stood out as the financial and commercial centre in addition to attracting a majority of tourists visiting the country.

The place became recognized for its beautiful scenery. It has excellent beaches, ridges, peaks and hills. Rio de Janeiro is partially having tropical forests hence a cold climate. It is a beautiful place for leisure in Brazil as foreign tourists and locals can become seen with swimming costumes along the beaches, and some are walking along the streets or taking a ride using city buses around the area. Rio de Janeiro become deemed as a salient economic region.

Nevertheless, a lot of activities happen in the region ranging from banking, research, culture centre, national and transnational trade, among other activities. The social and economic prominence of Rio de Janeiro city went up in the 17th century when it became made the main trading centre for diamond and gold extraction. The mining of Gold and Diamond took place in Minas Gerais. Since the site acted as the Portuguese royal residence in conjunction with the Nation’s capital, this influence Rios’s perpetual growth and this contributed to its acquisition of a cosmopolitan atmosphere in addition to conflict-free zone and a national feature. The city became relegated to be Brazil’s capital in the 20th century. Nevertheless, another unprecedented consciousness began to become witnessed in the region.  As Brasilia beefed up its stand as a hub of politics and Sao Paulo entrenching the heartland of Brazil’s economy, the inhabitants of Rio considered themselves as the centre of customs and inessential on to the rest of the world.

Most Popular Food in Rio Janeiro, eating etiquette and Popular Grocery Stores

  1. Famous food in the location

The inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro mainly feed on Fresh, quick and healthy eating. Most of the right foods are found along the City’s streets either in the corner streets, mobile stalls and vary from fried bundles to post-workout snacks. The following are some of the most preferred foods in the city of Rio de Janeiro: The purple berry is one of the most-liked foods in the capital. It is given a superfood status due to its outstanding health properties. Before the purple berry could become categorized as a star food in the region, the inhabitants of the capital took it as part of their daily lives. It is supplied from Amazon and presented in the form of Sweet sorbet, alongside with granola or banana. It can become found on every street in the Town. The other typical food in the city is Tapioca. Tapioca originates from the north of Brazil, and it is mostly used in Rio due to its healthy and tasty nature, which can become used to substitute that of bread. Produced out of starch extracted from the roots of cassava, it serves as an option for those not using gluten. It can become prepared in the form of a pancake after that wrapped using either cheese or ham. The best version can be made by mixing strawberry and coconut and frozen milk (Henriques et al. 2013). The third food typical in the region is Feijoada. Feijoada is a type of food, not area-specific, instead, its usage is cut-across all the corners of Brazil. It is a combination of black beans and a lot of meat cuts having at least every part of a pig. However, you can also prepare one by using a rib of the pig meat mixed with chunks. The food becomes served with cassava flour, rice, cabbages and lemon squeezed at its top.

  1. Etiquette While Eating

While eating, switching of forks and knives is not allowed. The fork becomes held by the left hand as the knife remains on the right side. Upon completion of the meal, the knife and the fork become placed in a parallel position and caution should be exercised, so they do not cross each other. Etiquette observed in place setting involves having to commence from outside and progressing course by course. There are distinct glasses for a beer or red wine and those specifically for water. Passing of Dishes towards the right is not allowed, all dishes should become moved towards the left. When one is not having any utensils on hand, he/she places the side above the table. Normal eating of foods with hands isn’t allowed.

  1. Expat and Other Popular Grocery Locations in the Rio De Janeiro

The following among others are some of the best and most common groceries in Rio de Janeiro: Supermercados Guanabara (They offer a wide variety of products at relatively lower prices), Zona Sul (Majorly provides snacks and drinks), Mundo Verde (Convenience stores and grocery), Zona Sul (Offer variety of products however their products are relatively expensive)

Local customs and culture in Rio de Janeiro

The common denomination in the area is catholic, with over 60 percent subscribers. They believe in Jesus Christ as their sole redeemer. Family is deemed necessary in the region and children are under the custody of the parents until the point they decide to marry. Initially, marriage became considered religious. However, recently, civil marriage practice is on the rise. Historically in the region, men have assumed higher office positions though it has changed with time. Women contribute to approximately 30 percent of the total workforce, and they accorded low wages jobs like nursing and teaching (Winterbottom 2016). The culture in Rio de culture is collectivistic as members of the community are one another’s keeper. The culture encourages sharing, especially when a person becomes befallen by a calamity; this ensures the community hold together against any possible attack by outsiders.

Regarding jobs, they should expect to meet the qualification standards of the host country since it’s the economic centre of Brazil; therefore, they believe in quality service. There’s no segregation in job opportunities unless one does not attain the qualification requirements. Shopping is not challenging in Rio since there are a variety of products to choose from at relatively lower prices. The children will be able to access good schools since the education policies of the country do not block foreigners from accessing better Schools in the region. According to the culture, one is allowed during the day time to order for a coconut from any beach kiosk and enjoy it in the tropical sun. A don’t in Rio de Janeiro is a wastage of resources. For instance, if an individual is found guilty of using a public tap and leaves it running, the person is to become arrested and jailed for three years. Therefore the family is to become keen on observing the dos and don’ts of the region.


Botting, D., Kane, A., & Time-Life Books. (2017). Rio de Janeiro. Amsterdam: Time-Life Books.

Henriques-Oliveira, A. L., Nessimian, J. L., & Dorville, L. F. M. (2013). Feeding habits of Chironomid larvae (Insecta: Diptera) from a stream in the Floresta da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Brazilian journal of biology, 63, 2, 269-281.)

Winterbottom, T. (2016). A cultural history of Rio de Janeiro after 1889: Glorious decadence.


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