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Communication Responses

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Communication Responses

Response to Gabriel Lacktman.

Hello Gabriel, I like the responses you provided on Vignette two as they show effective evaluation of the statement made by the significant other. It is evident from your response that you are able to communicate properly, even in heated situations without having to bring out negative emotions and come to a consensus. Clearly, this is the relevance of excellent communication skills. Thank you.

Response to jenny Casselman.

Hello Jenny, after analyzing your responses, it is apparent you are able to analyze, advise, support advise and evaluate information properly and also give the appropriate feedback. The case presented by a close friend concerning a mother who has been yelling to everyone shows someone who needs some help, and as noted from your responses, you were very objective. It is also very clear that you are able to control the situation, and this shows the appropriateness of your responses. Thank you.

PSY responses

Response to Aileen Bagdasaryan.

Hello Aileen, you have clearly presented the case of counterfeit listening, and this shows you understood the concept very well. In Some cases, when counterfeit listening occurs, we get the notion that the other party is not very keen with the information we were giving and if this continues, we should learn to be conservative with such people. In some cases, we also engage in the same listening and noted, lack of concentration and stress can be vagents. All in all, we should learn to avoid such listening to ensure that our communication flows. Thank you for sharing.

Response to Stanislav Ilkanayev.

Hey stanislav, from your response, it is clear that we all love active communication and as noted, when other people demonstrate counterfeit listening, we tend to get the feeling of avoidance. In this case, we should always try to be fully involved in conversations so that each party is able to give information and receive the desired feedback. Thank you.

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