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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Student’s Name



Planning and Topic

Planning Before Teaching

Name and Credentials of Teacher:


Estimated Time Teaching Will Last:

1 hour

Location of Teaching:

Community Church


Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed:

Projector, Whiteboard/Screen, Computer, Selected videos and pictures, charts

Estimated Cost:

$80 for a projector and chart materials

Community and Target Aggregate:

20 children aged between 6 and 15 years, and ten parents


Prevention of Obesity


Identification of Focus for Community Teaching

Disease prevention mainly includes all plans and measures taken to evade a disease before it starts or to stop an infection from occurring. This includes all prevention levels; primary, secondary, and tertiary. Under primary prevention, the measures taken ensure there is no onset of illness or injury, thus, an individual never undergoes the disease process (Institute for Work and Health, 2015). Measures in this stage include vaccination and the subsequent immunization, and regular physical activity. The measures ensure that one is not exposed to hazards or pathogens, ensure behavior change, and enhance body resistance in cases where exposure cannot be completely avoided. Obesity is an example of a condition that can be avoided by primary prevention, especially by educating the masses.

Epidemiological Rationale

Obesity is a chronic condition that affects everyone, regardless of their age and gender. Currently, the number of people suffering from obesity is gradually increasing with the proportion doubling in children and tripling in teens. The increasing numbers in children have been linked to the appearance of diseases previously reserved for adults such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, obstructive sleep apnea, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes. Generally, obesity has been attributed to a positive energy equilibrium resulting from consumption of more calories than are being used by the body and combined with a hereditary inclination for weight gain (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2020). However, the majority of children with obesity do not have any genetic causes for their weight gain. People suffering from diabetes are prone to other illnesses, particularly chronic conditions such as diabetes.

In most cases, obesity is diagnosed via the calculation of their Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI calculations require the measuring of a person’s weight and height, from which their body fat is estimated. Established standard ratios are then referred to establish whether a person is obese or not. Primary prevention of diabetes should be considered due to the risks involved. In infants, prevention involves proper breastfeeding. In young children, teens and adults, primary prevention includes proper eating habits, including more organic than processed foods, regular exercises, reduced screen time, drinking water, and eating vegetables.

Teaching Plan Criteria

Nursing Diagnosis

Aside from the BMI, nurses make further diagnoses concerning obesity. This includes a record of imbalanced nutrition where an individual’s intake is more than the body requirement that may be due to psychosocial and socioeconomic factors. Also, the nurse may notice a patient who is at risk of inefficient therapy due to their lack of knowledge on issues related to obesity as well as an intolerance to any form of physical exercise (Vera, 2019).

Readiness for Learning

The target aggregate needs to be examined for their readiness to learn, comprising their physical, emotional, experiential, and knowledge readiness (Kitchie, 2016). Under physical readiness, the educator assesses their ability to learn, their response to tasks of different complexities, environmental effects on learning, their health status, and gender. Emotionally, their anxiety level, availability of a support system, motivation to learn, state of mind, and the tendency of risk-taking behavior is assessed. The learners’ experiential factors include their level of ambition, coping mechanisms, coordination, and cultural background. Lastly, knowledge factors such as the learners’ knowledge base, cognitive ability, and learning styles will also enhance their readiness to learn.


Lessons on obesity align with the nutrition and weight status objective of Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) under objective number NWS-1 to NWS-11. This HP2020 objective aims at upholding health and decreasing the risk of chronic diseases via intake of healthy diets and attainment and maintenance of healthy body weights. One of the chronic diseases discussed under the objective is obesity in children, teens, and adults. Specifically, the objectives include the need to increase schools with nutritious meal options, states that offer incentives to food retails with healthy and organic foods, number of primary care physicians measuring patient BMIs regularly, counseling and education sessions on weight and nutrition in health care centers and reduce the number of children, teens and adults considered obese (Healthy People, 2020).

Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives

The nutrition and weight status HP2020 objective aligns with Alma Ata’s Declaration Health for All Global Initiatives as it promotes one of the latter’s primary goals; to increase healthy life expectancy. As discussed earlier, obesity leads to chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases, which largely decrease the life expectancy, and where the length of life is not affected, the quality is degraded. Preventing obesity, therefore, reduces the occurrence of the said diseases, thus promoting a healthy life expectancy.

Behavioral Objectives, Content, and Strategies/Methods

Behavioral Objective
and Domain
(be specific)

(label and describe)


1.      The children will recognize and differentiate between healthy and non-healthy foods. (Cognitive Domain)



1.      The tutor will carry different types of foods that can be classified as either healthy or unhealthy such as legumes, vegetables, artificial sugars, and cakes.1.      Select different children to pick out the best combination of foods from the collection to make a healthy meal and to point out the foods that should be avoided.
2. Both parents and children will take part in a variety of physical exercises. (Psychomotor Domain)




2. On the church grounds, physical activities such as cycling, rope skipping, star jumps, and jogging will take place.2. Carry out various physical exercises in the field in a pre-determined order, for example, jogging followed by rope skipping, then star jumps, and finally, a couple of stretches. The children can take part in cycling instead of jogging.
3. Both students and parents will understand the need to prevent obesity. (Cognitive and affective Domain)




3. An introduction and in-depth discussion of the effects of obesity as well as the comparison between the life of a person who has obesity and one without.3. Draw out a chart detailing the life of an obese person and how it is different from a non-obese person. This should include the benefits of living without obesity, including the activities a person living with obesity cannot take part in.
4. Parents will learn how to introduce their children to a healthy lifestyle that ensures the prevention of diabetes. (Affective Domain)




4. Introducing children to regular eating of vegetables, and replacement of processed foods as snacks with organic snacks such as vegetable burgers.4. Have different parents suggest how they will ensure that their children have positive attitudes towards healthy eating and little or no inclination to processed foods and artificial sugars.



Creativity in teaching was applied in first welcoming the autonomy and uniqueness of all the learners as they presented their ideas after the facts surrounding the disease were explained to them. Also, creativity was applied in the manner in which the charts on food collection and living with diabetes were organized.

Planned Evaluation of Objectives

  1. The children are able to correctly differentiate between healthy foods and non-healthy foods and select the correct foods to make up meals for specific times of the day.
  2. Parents and children recognize the importance of exercise and are able to participate in at least one type of exercise, which they believe they are able to do regularly.
  3. Parents and children can list the benefits of living without obesity and recognize the need to consciously prevent obesity.
  4. Parents are able to come up with efficient methods of introducing healthy eating to their teens without using force and making them resent healthy eating.

Planned Evaluation of Goal

The achievement of the teaching goal is assessed by observing the attitude and knowledge of the learners towards obesity before, during, and after the teaching session has been completed. The learners should display a gradual grasp of the topic and a positive attitude as the teaching progresses and once it is complete.

Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher

Similar to the goal evaluation, lesson and teacher assessment can be conducted as the teaching progresses depending on how responsive the learners are. Also, seeking feedback from the learners once the teaching session is done provides raw feedback on the lesson and the teacher.


The barriers to teaching may arise due to the age difference of the learner present. This is because they may all have different learning methods and require different durations to understand the material being presented to them. Moreover, organizing the information in a friendly sequence that ensures an order such that the preceding information furthers the understanding of the next piece of information is a task.

Therapeutic Communication

I will begin with a short video on obesity to capture the attention of the learners while eradicating any distractions that may make them uncomfortable. For active listening, I will ensure all participants during the presentation are audible enough for the rest of the learners in conjunction with non-verbal communication skills such as body language and eye contact to retain the attention of the learners. Also, all the videos involved in the presentation will be audible for all the learners and will contain material that can be understood by all despite the age differences.









Fulbrook, P. S. (2019). 15 Learning Theories in Education (A Complete Summary). Teacher of Sci.

Healthy People. (2020). Nutrition and Weight Status. Healthy People.

Institute for Work and Health. (2015). Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention. IWH.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2020). Preventing Obesity in Children, Teens, and Adults. Hopkins Medicine.

Kitchie, S. (2016). Determinants of Learning. Nurse Key.

Vera, M. (2019). 4 Obesity Nursing Care Plans. Nurse Labs.


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