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Consumer behaviour

Study of the reaction of the consumer toward specific product is a significant tool for the marketers and the producers. Consumption of products is a dynamic concept which comprises of many factors of consideration. Marketers need to understand the critical factors influencing consumer’s behavior and create long-term relationships with the consumers such factors could be psychological or physiological changes which play a key role in determining consumer’s decision making and response towards buying or not buying certain products.

Healthy products

Evolution of the business way has since affected the consumption of healthy and unhealthy products. Companies marketing unhealthy product such as alcohol face dramatic attitudes from the law enforcers and consumers despite the rampant ethical marketing strategies. Alcohol, despite its huge market base has been claimed to be main cause of conflicts and deaths among the teenagers which is attributed to the mistakes in marketing the product

Rationale of the topic

Study of the consumer behavior come along with several significance business need to study consumer behavior to stay in business through attractions and retaining consumers. Recent evolution of coca cola to sugarless soft drinks has won new customer who are watchful on the consumption of healthy products.  Secondly, study of consumer behaviour, benefits the company by understanding the satisfaction and better need of the customer which gives leverage on diversifying products and winning more market share.

Another importance of consumer behaviour study is to establish competitive advantage. Amid competition, the companies struggle to win the brand of the market and meanwhile improve on the market share which is a source of profitability to the company. Finally, with the full analysis of the consumer behaviour the companies at better hand at noting the needs and wants of the consumer as well as engaging proper segmentation and targeting strategies

This paper aims at reviewing the literature on consumer behaviour and consumption of healthy products. Further, explore the consumer theories, model and trends. The article shall also review the implications of the changes of consumer attitude towards marketing and consumers.


Utility theory

Classical economists developed utility theory which states that consumers are often faced with a decision when purchasing products for their consumer. This theory plays a crucial role when determining which product to buy first and what amount to allocate for the products. Individuals have varying utility functions determined by tastes and preferences.

Economists designed several assumptions which help in deciding the preferred product: completeness, monotonicity, mix is better, and rationality. The assumptions make it easy to determine an individual utility. There are two approaches: ordinal and cardinal utility. Ordinal utility states that if an individual has two choices product A and B then utility can be stated that he prefers A to B the individual ranks A on top of B. cardinal takes absolute level of utility

Models of consumer behaviour

In addition to the theory, models concerning consumer behavior have been designed by economist. Classical economies Segmentation of the market is often carried out accordance to demographics, social status, and income levels. Brand designed to satisfy social status are likely to succeed in its marketing if carried out in the market which considerate family orientation as a priority.


The Nicosia model

Arrival of new product is an evolution phase in the market. Nicosia model shows that consumer reacted in three stages towards identification with new brand. The consumers are first made to be aware of the availability of the new brand through rigorous advertising. The consumer’s behaviour is then monitored from the purchase and post purchase through the reviews and messages left on the company’s websites. The consumer may decide to go for substitutes and this give an opportunity for the company to learn more about the psychological states and factor of decision making of the customer. Nicosia model relies on the routine response for feedback and modifications

The Engel, Kollat and Blackwell model

The model assumes the customer has limited decision and is guided by the perception of the consumers need to be satisfied. The consumer tries to find more information either internally or externally through asking neighbours or friends. The market sources such as advertisement and website provide valid information. The model provide a criteria consumer needs the wants satisfied and serves for future reference and prediction of consumption

Factors affecting consumer behaviour

Hygiene and convenience

Products which are readily available in the super markets present an opportunity to for bulk purchases. Continued believe that the stores are providing healthy and fresh food has promoted the culture.

Changing work culture

In underdeveloped countries, there is an increased demand for ready to take food due to evolution of the work culture. The corporates are highly relaying on the already cooked food to save on time and cost hence most western countries are building restaurants to take advantage of these growing opportunities.

Growing health consciousness

Due to increased awareness on the repercussions of the unhealthy products, the consumers have changed their consumption of unhealthy products.


Good health cuts across all the ages. Healthy living is not only for the aged or the vulnerable in the society. Building immunity begins from the childhood to adult hood. The children too are very vulnerable. Exposure to unpleasant health habit may result in catastrophic challenges or even death in worst scenario. Malnutrition is one crucial cause of death among the under-five years especially in developing countries. Health professional’s support that continued eating of nutritious meals is likely to boost a person immunity and physical endurance of the harsh weather conditions. The aged are vulnerable to attack by diseases due to the rampant changes associated with aging. To minimize the demand for health at aging stage, regular healthy eating and physical exercise will be of great help


One major cause of malnutrition is poor food ingestion related to illness. 50% of the cancer patients in Malaysia showed lower food intake also other patients about 48% showed a drop in the intake of food. Illness such as cancer may lead to poor appetite or infections in the food tat which prevents smooth intake of the micro and macro nutrients. Such patients experiences malnutrition even though adequate food id given. It is estimated that four in every patients who are diagnosed with chronic illness experience low diet. Neurological disease presents a very percentage the health risk of malnutrition among the patients due to discomfort and inability to self-feed.

Secondly, poor dietary has been another cause of malnutrition. Individuals taking one diet for quite a while face a risk of malnutrition. Under consumption of vitamins such as fruits and vegetables could contribute to such malnutrition related diseases. It is estimated that one in every adults skip meals daily and around 13% of the aged take the minimum required amount of vitamins present in fruits and vegetables every day.

Physiological factors causing malnutrition could be chewing and swallowing problems which results from the teeth related infections and alimentary tract infections. Other factors include confusion, oral issues, and dementia, pain, nausea, vomiting and tastes changes. Economical problem such poverty could also contribute to malnutrition including self-neglect and poor food choices.



Obesity is having a body mass index of 25 or more. Statistics shows that close to 65.2% of American adults are overweight or obese which is attributed to poor nutrition. Failure to take balance and well laid down diet has led to higher risk of building unnecessary fats in the body. Obesity or overweight leads to high risk exposure to life threatening disorder and conditions


Poor nutrition can also pose risk of hypertension or high blood pressure which is silent killer due to the fact that it is normally difficult to detect until it damages the body. Hypertension arises from the consumption of sugary food, junk and dairy products.

High cholesterol and heart diseases

More than half a million people die in United States every year cause attributed to heart diseases which can be caused by high fat diet. Poor nutrition is the main cause of heart due to consumption of high cholesterol food. High cholesterol food includes eggs, cheese and butter.





Cancer is a killer disease with treatment but prevention. Poor dietary habits lead to several cancers such as breast cancers and colon. According of national institutes of health, low intake of cholesterol food reduces the exposure to cancer.


National institutes of health have identified that eating unhealthy foods leads to gout. High cholesterol diet leads to release of uric acid which builds up crystals in the joints. The crystals are often accompanied by pain and can lead to permanent damage to the joints. Foods which have high probability of leading gout are seafood; sardine and oysters


Malnutrition has adverse implications in all sectors of the state: social, economic and political sectors as seen in the developing countries such as Nigeria and Sudan. Further, malnutrition can lead to death and chronic diseases. It is well known that malnutrition affects the health care system directly and indirectly. The economy is crippled indirectly through the days lost from work and high revenues dedicated to taking care of the patients in hospitals. Malnutrition also affects the body functioning by infections on the organs.

The fatal consequences on the body organs are not only felt physically but also affects the physiological functional. At cellular level, the immune system is interfered with. The body may not be able to fight diseases. The individual may be infected by chronic diseases which neither make the condition difficult to identity nor trace the primary cause. In the long run the adult may suffer from the pressure sores or even lack of platelets to heal wound in required time and decreased intestinal absorption of food in the intestines due to gastrointestinal infections

Economically, treating malnourished individual as has been noted to be twice a healthy individual. The care and treatment cost usually rise and poverty may chip in the household. In 2003, UK budgeted 8.4 billion euros for that health care of the malnourished individuals. Germany budget rocked 50.1bilion euros in 2007 while Belgium and Netherlands has 1.7 euros each aligned for the malnourished treatment which is estimated to be 2.8% of the total costs of healthcare.



Marketing is a fundamental driving force of a product. Marketing is a business process through which an organization can identify, anticipate and satisfy customer’s needs. Marketing department has dynamic steps follow to ensure the product improves is brand base. In every process, an organization must primarily monitor and review the efforts towards achievement of significant objective.


Companies manufacturing products legislators and law enforcers have been critical in regulating the marketing of unhealthy products such alcohol, tobacco and sugar and saturated fat. The products have been noted to have life threatening implications. The product needs to be promoted ethical within the pre-specified rules. Tobacco for instance causes almost 480,000 deaths every year in United States alone. Clearly, advertisers and marketer have a huge role in ensuring the strategies play by the rules.

Television and radio adverts

Unhealthy product faces a challenge in marketing products via television due to prevalence of targeting the wrong customers such as children. The strategy is usually advertisement of the products along with the effects.

Offering an exclusive preview to the customers

The target is often offered perfect information regarding the new or existing products. This could be a private, pre-launch parties or special invitation to tests. These customers are the one who are likely to buy and hence investing on the word of mouth should be a priority.

Email marketing

82% of consumer of open emails from business and 44% of the email recipients are recorded to have bought the product afterwards. Sending email is a good way to gain market share.

Google ads

It is very common to open a link and receive many ads of junk food or even an alcoholic drink. Google ads have increase product promotion by 30%. Company’s statistic noted gradually change in sales aided by the technological evolution

In store promotions

Attractive logos and signage welcomes customer to the premise of sales. Investment in beautiful billboards attracts and retains customer. Although the method requires huge costs but really productive in the long run


According to national health, junk food is a great contributor of the prevailing rates of diabetes. Food industries spend high amount of money promoting unhealthy food especially with unethical strategies. Evidently, beverage companies and fast food industries spend approximately $2bilion per year and $5 million every day respectively on marketing strategies to the wrong consumers such as children. Every day a child watches ten food related advertisements online. The food and beverage companies claim they are on the right side of marketing unhealthy products however, trends show persistent advertisements of unhealthy products.

In 2011, company which had pledged to protect children less than 12 years, from all types of unethical marketing of fast food failed to meet the guidelines. The company continued to promoting practices which aimed at promoting consumption of fast food to kids in addition, documentation showed that 12 of 3039 of the children meals in the restaurant experience the right nutrition criteria and only 15 meals of the older children met the required criteria.

In the same year, food and beverage subjected an expenditure of $40 billion lobbying congress against the required regulations and taxes that would decrease taxes on marketing the unhealthy products. According to CDC, continuity of the current trends 1 out of 50 adults shall have diabetes by 2050. Also, by 2030, prevention institute presents that the health care cost will skyrocket from $860 billion to $956 billion, which accounts for almost 15.8% to 17.6% of the total health care cost.


Increasing consumer awareness on the repercussions of the poor diet is one of the major causes of the changing mode of purchase. Product such sugary and junk food has been place on the low priority of the consumer listing. The unhealthy products have numerous implications to the body hence the legislators and grocery have been working so hard to reduce consumption of such products through various ways.

Improving access and consumption of healthy, safe and affordable food

Studies show that neighbours who have access to supermarkets and grocery stores tend to consume better diets than those who have little available stores around the area. Accessibility to the grocery stores leads to increased intake of fruits and vegetables. Low income communities and rural areas have little access to the groceries hence suggests that these people will mostly have high body mass index. Having access to supermarkets reduces the body mass index of individuals.

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