Starting with the identification process of the course in phase 3, which has the terrible COVID 19 pandemic, but I have studied with countless efforts and done it so well. Social distancing policy from the government that made me keen on study online and I had a few troubles with the Internet connection, especially audio track, I felt distracted considerably when I focused on listening. My teacher explained how important it is to understand cultural diversity and socializing, preparing for a phone call, a meeting, presentations, dealing with a conflict in a negotiation will help students in the long term. In this subject, I learned one thing that I need to write down everything that I need to remember and some mistakes I made during communicating. I appreciate the enthusiasm of education from my lecture, who was very strict on each of our paperwork lead his student to assume the main ideas and optimized skills in life. Besides, the advantage when students had to learn at home could help them improve our self-study ability, research about information related to the course. However, the pandemic made me confused that Mr.Drinkwater could not organize any activities face to face or fix problems in the meeting or stimulate a few negotiations for students. This course asked me to communicate as much as possible to achieve the goals of this course. I tried to discuss with classmates about the topic or something I have not discerned yet. Considerably, I have experienced this subject during confined and realized some negative points in my communication skill. .Therefore, thanks to the effort in education from Mr.James and effectiveness knowledge in the course, I could communicate with other people well.
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