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COVID-19 Crisis

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COVID-19 Crisis

The world, as we know it, is going through a crisis. A pandemic as a result of the Coronavirus, COVID-19. Due to this pandemic, countries have instituted measures that include restrictions and lockdowns (Friedersdorf). However, critics such as Friedersdorf, Mandrola, and Katz disagree with government measures on lockdown. From a professional perspective, Dr. Katz indicates that the measures taking place to help humanity may be the cause of increased panic, which can be devastating in the long-run. The underlying measure that countries have instituted is social distancing. Due to this social distancing, the economic repercussions are being witnessed (Friedersdorf, Katz). The economic repercussions, according to Katz, is that they have led to a decrease in income, closure of businesses, and result in reduced potential in individuals to cater to their everyday life.

Among the factors affected by human existence is health. It encompasses physical, mental, and emotional. From an overall health issue, the closure of businesses, and mandated quarantine, reduction in income is witnessed (“COVID-19 Disease Suppression”). Consequently, the vulnerable communities, including the disabled and the minority groups, are already feeling the negative end of the social distancing measures (Mandrola). Individuals with health conditions such as coronary and respiratory, as well as terminal illnesses, are finding it difficult to access medication due to a lack of funds from their salaries (Mandrola). The shutting down of clinics and reduction of medical service approach renders the vulnerable in the community more prone to illnesses.

Consequently, the emotional and psychological health and wellbeing of the population is at stake. It is provided that increased social isolation can have destructive effects on humans.  Mandrola indicates that, for instance, the caregivers to the terminally ill and the elderly are facing more challenges during the quarantine measure than ever before. In the beginning, they often derived support from their friends and families. Today, the support network is lacking (Mandrola). There is the proposition that for the vulnerable in the community, such as the elderly, there is a need to limit visitations to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Mandrola). However, the question remains that the elderly cannot survive without the human contact factor, especially when it comes to their grandchildren. Due to the isolation factor, numerous campaigns have been launched on alternative measures.

One group fights for economic freedom regardless of the crisis surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Logan cites that President Donald Trump is campaigning for ‘getting the country open again.’ The dilemma is that re-opening the country will benefit the majority but will place the vulnerable in more danger of increased infection rates (Friedersdorf). Therefore, the looming crisis regarding COVID-19 will have severe repercussions on the global society, with some citing increased starvation among the least-developed countries (Friedersdorf).

The solution to the problem is for the country’s government to re-evaluate the reduced or ease the quarantine measures. The reason I have proposed this policy is that majority of the population is currently suffering. As noticed through the articles review, critics cite increased psychological tension in people in quarantine. There is also evidence, according to Friedersdorf, that some lobbyists are campaigning for the re-opening of the country to ease the burden on living costs. Another reason I propose this is because the world, in general, has never been prepared for such a pandemic from a historical perspective. Friedersdorf concurs with my ideology stating that the ‘public, the media, and the business community, as well as the policymakers, are not prepared for long-term quarantine measures. Further, there is no guarantee that a vaccine shall be in the market in the coming months. Without a vaccine, the probability is that people will get infected and worse comes to worst, there will be deaths compared to the ones in the record today (Friedersdorf).

The strength of the policy measure is that it will ease the burden of uncertainty regarding long-term costs. Logan corroborates, placing that the uncertainty surrounding the inability or capability of governments around the world in providing for their citizens during long-term quarantine is unknown. Katz similarly shares in the concerns. Dr. Katz proposes that the social, public health, and economic concerns during prolonged quarantine will have devastating consequences compared to the virus itself. For instance, from a professional confession, Dr. Katz indicates that the American public health sector is often resource-constrained, underfunded, and disjointed. Thus, the country is not in a position to continue quarantine individuals due to a lack of proper consolidated measures during pandemics, including the current COVID-19.

Another strength of the policy is that there may be no positive outcome in reducing the epidemic curve in the near future. As Dr. Katz elaborates, the public health sector is not equipped to handle long-term devastations that could arise from increased infection rates. Logan seems to agree that continued quarantine measures will exasperate the survival of a community and, in whole, the human race. Rippling effects such as long-term closure of schools will have a devastating impact (Katz). The psychological wellbeing of young people is at risk. Their ability to study effectively is also at risk. Hence, there is a need to reconsider whether instituting eased quarantine measures will only improve the scenario.

Contrary, the weakness of the policy is that it does not consider the well-being of the elderly in society. Social inequalities are not regarded, given that the elderly and the vulnerable communities are more susceptible to infections. The only result from the policy, therefore, is that the epidemic curve will continue to rise rather than achieve the expected decline. The weakness is regarded as the only one given that easing the quarantine measures will only present more positive outlooks compared to negative ones in the long run. People will be provided with the freedom to work and earn a living to sustain their lives. It will also promote social interactions, but, from a distance, which is ideal given that the psychological or mental wellness should be a priority if a nation is to thrive during these tough times.

Work Cited

Friedersdorf, Conor. “Take the Shutdown Skeptics Seriously.” The Atlantic, 10 May 2020.,

Katz, David. “Opinion | Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?” – The New York Times. 2020,

Mandrola, John. “We Can’t Ignore the Harms of Social Distancing.” Medscape, 2020.,

“COVID-19 Disease-Suppression Measures Carry High Social and Economic Costs.” Thesis.


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