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CQC registration for Aesthetics clinics

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CQC registration for Aesthetics clinics


Inspire To Outstands helps with CQC registration for aesthetic clinics. The CQC monitors, inspects and regulates aesthetics clinic services to ensure that they meet the basic quality stands and are also safe for the users. It then publishes its findings, including ratings, to help the public choose the clinic to go for personal care.


There are various requirements in place for health providers who want to be registered with CQC according to multiple regulations such as Care Quality Commission Regulations of 200 and the Health and Social Care Act6 of 2008 and parts of 2014 amendments. Unfortunately, there are so many requirements to be met before the clinic gets licensed, which tough for many businesses.


How Do We Help?


At Inspire To Outstand, we help you navigate the various regulations to meet the basic for the Care Quality Commission licensing. We walk with you through the processes of registration to ensure that you are compliant. Besides, we have a team of experienced consultants that understand the nitty-gritty of the registration and compliance requirement that will help scrutinise all aspects of your clinic so that you are ready for a CQC inspection.


When you hire us for assistance, we send our consultants to carry clinic evaluation visit to identify areas that require improvement so that you are able to meet the minimum standards. We then prepare a report on the same. From this point, we walk with you on every step of the way to ensure that every issue is rectified. Then, we carry out another inspection to ensure that you are ready for a compliance visit by the CQC.


What are Other Advantages of Working with Us?


Speedy Compliance


Many clinic owners find it hard to meet all the requirements for the licensing by the CQC.

However, with our experience and expertise, the process is fast and less of a hustle. We let focus on offering quality service while we deal with licensing.


Assistance in Improving General Service Quality


In the process of complying with the CQC requirements, we also point out areas where you can improve your service. In the end, you get more satisfied customers and referrals.


We offer guaranteed quality, ethical service. Our deep understanding of CQC and aesthetic clinics, as well as the market in general, makes us a useful resource for any practice that is getting into this field. Contact us via or call us on 07825 311 900 for help with CQC registration.







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