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Create three corporate policies that reflect the organization’s culture and ethical viewpoints.

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Create three corporate policies that reflect the organization’s culture and ethical viewpoints.


Ethical standards

  1. Create three corporate policies that reflect the organization’s culture and ethical viewpoints.

TechFite needs to adopt corporate social responsibility policy, employee bonus and benefits policy, and employee empowerment and engagement policy. Corporate social responsibility policy refers to our effort and responsibility towards the environment. Employee bonus and benefits policy refers to how our company distributes benefits and bonuses to our employees. Employee empowerment and engagement policy refers to how TechFite gives its employees some degree of responsibility for making decisions regarding certain company tasks or policies.

  1. Explain the rationale behind the policies and how they align with the organization’s culture.

Since TechFite exists as a part of a bigger social system and environment, our corporate social responsibility policy ensures that the company gives back to the community as it gives to us. Our employee bonus policy is enacted due to the need to reward our employees when possible because all our employees contribute to the success of TechFite through their skills and talents. Employee engagement and empowerment policy meets the need of the company to involve employee in decision-making and let them have influence over their work. The policies also align with TechFite’s culture of community involvement and employee empowerment and engagement.

  1. Distinguish between ethical and legal issues.

Ethical issues are based on the principles of what is right or wrong and do not have a legal basis while legal issues are based on governmental laws and policies.


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