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Cross-functional team

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Cross-functional team


The cross-functional team brings together various functional units of the organization. They come along to overcome competitive challenges in the environment and ensure the organization’s goals are met.

Benefits of a cross-functional team

A cross-functional team is made up of representatives of various departments of an organization, and it also includes external team members that are directly linked to the effectiveness of the organization. These members include suppliers, clients, and stakeholders, while organization departments involved are: manufacturing department, marketing, and information department. Their objective is to come up with better quality products and services by the end of the excess.

Several factors contribute to the effectiveness of the cross-functional team. The key elements include bringing together different people with various ideologies giving the team strong potential beyond a single functional group. Therefore, the team has the ability for more efficiency in delivering services, quick decision making, and enhance the fast growth of the organization. There is improved coordination since the team has one primary interest that they what to achieve. This is possible by ignoring all personal attention. Enhancement of improved skills due to different opinions from different team members results in enhanced products and services because each person goes back to implement new skills they learn from the team to their department or area of work. The group is an excellent source of diverse information with a unique perspective that is vital for success in a dynamic business environment run by technology. It empowers employees and gives them a chance to utilize their skills outside their work area. Due to the collaboration and effort of each party, the cross-functional team achieves excellent performance that acts as a motivating factor for the team wanting to do more.


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