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Cultural Diversity Interview

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Cultural Diversity Interview

I interview a middle-aged person of Black American descent. Since we come from different cultural settings, I was interested in knowing more about his perception of the US health care system and the kind of treatment offered in our hospitals. I never knew there are individuals within the country that still feels they receive treatment based on their racial extraction. This moved my heart so much and would wish to share my findings with the rest. Based on the findings, it is true that most Black Americans still feel the US healthcare system handle patients based on their racial background.

Reflection of the Interview

Despite the progress that has been made to transform the healthcare system to affordable and accessible to all citizens, racial and ethnic minorities such as Black Americans still have different challenges in accessing affordable care as compared to the whites. Based on my interview, the interviewee informed me of some of the unfortunate ordeals that he had gone through at different times. As a patient, my interviewee informed me of how health practitioners discriminated based on race with the whites given first priority in the treatment process, and the blacks forced to wait for long hours in the queue before they are attended. Furthermore, the interviewee stated that the kind of treatment blacks get is different from what the whites get due to preferential treatment with the whites given the best medical treatment and within a reasonable time. Poor health services was also another area that was cited as among the problems that blacks face within the US healthcare system.


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