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   Developing and portfolio and Resume

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  Developing and portfolio and Resume

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An e-portfolio is a continuous process that supports learning. It keeps discussion records of appraisal, individual development plans, workplace assessments, and reflections on clinical practices. For nurses, the forms portfolios offer evidence to potential employers on abilities, expertise, and knowledge that have been achieved in training. In this assessment, I focused on identifying two artifacts that speculate my personal development and growth in health improvement, and the welfare of patients, the processes and communication. In the paper, an object is going to be used for describing anything which can be applied in providing evidence of my experiences and education as a specialist.

Competency 1

She was explaining how two artifacts mirror personal achievements and growth in leading individuals and processes for improving systems, population, and patient outcomes?

I have chosen two artifacts, which are the utilization of evidence-based practices in the delivery of care and the promotion of a well-informed diagnosis of patients.

As I embrace the medical requirements of the patients under my care, it is focused on providing services that boost the health outcomes of the patients. With this, I have a strong belief that I will be able to improve the medical status of the community and population in general. After encountering a patient in my work station, the initial step is finding out the problem. This is a diagnostic step, a significant one, because it establishes the kind of care which will be given to the individual so that he or she can achieve optimum health. Challenges and risks related to ineffective diagnoses, my prime concern in the step are utilizing all measures, as well as referrals, providing an appropriate diagnosis.

The history of an individual, be it surgical, medical, and personal and clinical presentation are insufficient to provide a proper diagnosis. I’m used to making a list with differentials and shorten some of them using laboratory investigations. Being a nurse for years now, I have met with several patients who have persona growth, which is compromised after having received the wrong treatment due to incorrect diagnoses. On the contrary, I have witnessed thousands of patients who have benefited from correct diagnoses.

After making the correct diagnosis, patients who are taking via clinical pathways, which are based on evidence, benefit more as compared to the ones treated with the outdated methods. The interventions based on evidence consists of three feature which must be adopted by the care providers. These are the new patient perspectives and preferences and best practices. I usually evaluate options of treatment for all the patients under my care, assess the adverse effects of drugs regarding the health status of the patient. Technology has significantly contributed to monitoring the conditions of their patients, particularly for patients in dangerous situations. I chose these two artifacts since they are essential in the process of treating a patient.

Competency 2

selected artifacts reflect personal achievement and growth in the transformation process in improving quality, enhancing the safety of the patient, and reducing the care cost.

The system of healthcare in much being featured by informed individuals who are aware of their needs and rights in health care sectors. The interest of the public is excellent and affordable quality care. The artifacts which are going to promote those things that patients consider when seeking medical care are patient engagement and patient-centered. The approach of patient-centered care is the way that I will focus on the specific health needs of an individual. Here, the aim is to empower individuals to enable them to participate actively in the management and planning of their medical conditions. An educated individual who knows about their health can be able to make an informed and independent decision. At all times, I keep on encouraging my patients on interventions that can help them improve their health. Additionally, I offer inexpensive options for treatment that they can use in case their health worsens. Engagement of patients increases the satisfaction level concerning the given treatment options.

Competency 3

How the artifacts reflect personal achievement and growth in interprofessional collaboration to improve population and patient outcome

Interprofessional collaboration happens when care providers with varying professional backgrounds perform their tasks with patients, the communities, and the families to accomplish the best care quality. The two artifacts which make it happen are interprofessional education and team-based culture in the healthcare system. The care providers should work together and make choices that will be of benefit to the patients. This is possible by using a team-based approach. The professionals decide to work collaboratively through the sharing of responsibilities according to their expertise area. By so doing, there will be a promotion of the synergist impact of the grouped knowledge and skills. The interprofessional collaboration effectiveness is based on various factors that require to be followed by the team. An example is an autonomy or open communication, where informed and independent decisions can be made.

I have achieved too much ad succeeded in cases that I participate in unprofessional discussions in my workplace. Patients have received excellent care, maximizing their recovery rates

.Interprofessional education is a different culture in several clinical environments, even if it has many benefits. Interprofessional training should start in school and carry forward to the place of work of the professional nurse. The artifacts are significant because they can improve the satisfaction of patients and care delivery.

Competency 4

How two artifacts reflect personal achievements and growth to integrate professional values and standards into practice

In the working environment, we should maintain professionalism. One of the objects which demonstrate an excellent professional level in nursing is Ensuring greater transparency. Transparency is essential in all organizations, though at times it is difficult. I learned to give the appropriate information to my patients or others concerned, depending on situations. Keeping vital information from the patients can give them false hopes, and might break the rules of professional, ethical code. Transparency is truthfulness and integrity. The artifact enables me to provide the best patient every time, regardless of the situation. This other artifact of need to build a practice based on humanism, accountability, and excellence. It helps me in integrating professional values and standards into practice.

These artifacts derived from collective understandings in terms of excellent care and communication strategies among care providers and patients. I have learned ways of building trust with patients to enable us to work together without misunderstandings. It eases my administration of quality care to patients’ satisfaction.

My decision to select the artifacts was because they promote positive ethics in practice, and they ensure that the code of ethics of the profession adheres.


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