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Do you also want a higher pay from your boss?

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 Do you also want a higher pay from your boss?

MALE: Do you also want a higher pay from your boss?

FEMALE: Yes, why not.

MALE: I have not been paying attention to the issue of the gender gap in pay, that feminism thing has made women want to become equal to men in most aspects.

FEMALE: Do you know that women earned 85% of men’s income in 2018, and this is equivalent to an additional 39 days of work to match men’s salary in that year.

MALE: I think it might be because men do more technical jobs that have a good salary, thus making them more likely to have higher pays.

FEMALE: No! Men receive higher salaries than women for a similar title in the same company. So do you think you guys deserve more than us?

MALE: My perspective is that women should do more of family related stuff and home chores, and less of career related stuff since you are better home keepers. Still, if we get higher pay we always bring it back home, so we all benefit from it.

FEMALE: Which world are you living in? Nowadays women have become more aware of their rights and we do not need you to tell us what we might or might not do. As far as we have done the same job, I do not see any sense of you getting paid more.

MALE: I get your point, but you should also consider that men naturally have the instinct of being leaders, and this gives them an advantage over women when it comes to securing better jobs with higher pay. Women can consider applying their leadership skills as they guide and care for the family.

FEMALE: You should also consider the fact that women outshine men in higher education, but also hold almost a third of US outstanding student debt. Without proper salaries, it might be hard for us to pay this debt and live a comfortable life as well.

MALE: The issue of women’s rights has been controversial for a long time, and I do not see it ending any time soon. I think that we all need to have the needed skills and training to qualify for better aying jobs.

Reducing the gender wage gap can be useful in promoting equality and improving the lives of more people at large. For the same job, women should be paid a similar amount of income. The ethics of care can be used to counter the theory of Immanuel Kant, who agreed that women indeed lack civil personality and should not have a place in society. Jean-Jacques, a philosopher, also stated that men’s virtues put them in leadership positions while those of women are fit for the earth and home. The ethics of care elaborates that women do not think differently from men, and women’s practices are not inferior. Women seem to care more because they occupy most social roles in life compared to men. Furthermore, women tend to get higher scores on tests that measure empathy and are more likely to care about close personal relationships compared to their male counterparts.

Sources: James Rachels. THE ELEMENTS OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY, Retrieved from:  file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/The-Elements-of-Moral-Philosophy-8th-Edition-B00VF6258S%20(1).pdf




Response to Survival Beyond the Binary

Indeed, transgender populations should also be considered in society, since it may not be easy for one to have both genders. I agree with Bornstein’s idea of redefining the definition of gender from a binary perspective to a definitive truth of gender. Indeed, we should all take part in building a world which allows all arguable truths concerning gender without policing or enforcing any of them. Gender binary should not only be reduced to female or male since this leaves out a significant population out of the gender discussion.





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