Dropbox has emerged as one of the largest Business-to-Business (B2B) entities in the current market. Technology is taking storage and communication to a whole new level and Dropbox appears to be taking advantage of that fact. Dropbox provides cloud storage services for individual clients and businesses as well. Users can upload, store, download and even share their files using the Dropbox services. The transactions at Dropbox start with a user creating an account with the company so that they can access the services from their account. Dropbox can be seen as an entity that provides its users with storage space where they can store their files without the need to have manual storage, which might be less efficient. Also, the user decides the amount of space to be allocated by choosing the account type that corresponds to their storage needs. Most of Dropbox services are used by other companies that have large storage requirements making Dropbox a B2B entity.
The services offered by Dropbox are sensitive and have to be supported by an effective architectural structure. The cloud storage industry is competitive and users will always choose the most efficient provider. Dropbox has therefore invested heavily in the development of an architectural structure to ensure that services can be accessed without setbacks. First, the structure is developed in a way that prioritizes the security of the users’ files. The multiple layers of protection ensure secure data transfer, encryption, network configuration, and application-level controls, which make Dropbox infrastructure one of the most secure in the cloud storage industry. Also, the infrastructure allows Dropbox users to access their files at anytime using a variety of interfaces such as desktop, web, and mobile clients, or through third-party applications which can be connected to Dropbox (). The servers are fitted with security settings to give the users the ability to access their files and update them accordingly. Dropbox services have been beneficial to companies and individuals at different levels.
Dropbox came at a time when technology was creating a need for additional storage emanating from the improved speeds in information processing. The B2B arrangement has been beneficial since Dropbox decided to fill the gap in the industry. first, the market opportunity in the cloud storage industry has continued to growing and Dropbox only sees itself growing to become one of the largest companies in the world. Storage is gradually going through a renaissance that has forced companies to embrace technology to overcome storage challenges. Besides, manual storage services have been associated with all sorts of challenges and no company is willing to loss data at this technological era. Besides, Dropbox does not only consider growing its market value but also giving its users more secure access to services. Moreover, Dropbox’s services have changed the cloud storage industry for the better and benefits have been shared by the company and consumers.
One of the benefits enjoyed by Dropbox is a continuously growing market and that has made the company give its users more benefits. For example, users have in the recent past enjoyed additional storage after making referrals, and the benefits have been two-way. The initial B2B arrangement has attracted attention from consumers and the company has also enjoyed B2C market with clients streaming from all sides of the world. The growing market has ensured a sound revenue track for Dropbox and users are assured that they will continue enjoying services from the company for the unforeseeable future. However, the B2B arrangement has not been short of drawbacks and Dropbox has struggled to overcome as many of the drawbacks as possible.
B2B arrangements are known to be faced with serious arrangements and Dropbox has not been spared. One of the major drawbacks is the stiff competition facing companies that depend on other companies for market. Dropbox operates in a field that is naturally known for stiff competition and additional competition will make operations more difficult. The cloud storage industry is flooded with large tech companies that are doing everything to appear at the top. More companies in a field mean that the revenues have to be shared and the individual earnings go down. Also, Dropbox faces the risk of losing clients as companies are finding ways of being self-efficient. Large companies are slowly finding solutions to their storage problems and Dropbox might soon be struggling to find clients.
In sum, Dropbox is an entity that provides its users with storage space where they can store their files without the need to have manual storage, which might be less efficient. Most of Dropbox services are used by other companies that have large storage requirements making Dropbox a B2B entity. Dropbox has invested heavily in the development of an architectural structure to ensure that services can be accessed without setbacks. The market opportunity in the cloud storage industry has continued to grow and Dropbox only sees itself growing to become one of the largest companies in the world.