All the world’s successful people plan ahead and always anticipate their next move. A strategic plan aligning to an individual’s goals for steady progress is needed. Some of the surveys showed that nearly 50% of fresh college students find effective time management a challenge (Heri, 2014). Therefore, having an effective game plan is essential for future success, and this can be done through developing study strategies such as practice testing and distributed practice. Furthermore, time management strategies for instance, analysis, itemizing and prioritizing are some of the essential ideologies for successful life goals (Pierro, 2011).
The most effective study strategies like the practice testing plays a key role in the development of students learning since it involves application of four-letter words (test, quiz and exam) which provokes anxiety in students prompting them to learn and understand (Dunlosky, 2013). Besides, distributed practice helps learners to obtain knowledge maintainable for a longer periods.
The key processes involved in strategic time management include analyzing the amount of time one has and how much can be spent on it by subdividing it into smaller units. In addition, itemizing entails identification and listing of tasks needed to complete a goal and finally prioritizing which implies ranking of duties based their order of importance (Dunlosky, 2013).
Through educational planning, it will be easy to utilize and optimize limited resources and provides overall financial resources for accomplishment of set objectives. (Liu, 2018). Moreover, a business oriented individual should adopt strategic plans that are measurable and achievable with a lot of comfort.
In conclusion, it is essential for business-oriented persons to strategically plan for their future by having priorities, itemizing and analyzing and eventually developing study programs like practice testing and distribution practice to advance learners knowledge.
Dunlosky ,J.,Rawson, K.A.,Marsh,J.,Nathan, J.M., & Willigham, D.T.,(2013). Improving students’ learning with effective learning techniques: Promising directions from cognitive and educational psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest 14(1), pp4-58.
HERI (Higher Education Research Institute). (2014).your first college year survey, Los Angeles, CA: Cooperative Institutional Research Program, University of California.
Liu, J. (2018).Constructing resource sharing collaboration for quality public education in urban China: Case study of school alliance in Beijing. International Journal of Educational Development, 59, pp 9-19.
May, H., Huff, J., & Goldring, E. (2012). A longitudinal study of principals’ activities and student performance. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 23(4), pp 417–439
Pierro, A.,Giacomantonio, M.,Kruglanski,A.W.,&Higgins,E.T(2011). On the psychology of time in action: regulatory mode orientations and procrastination. Journal of personality and social psychology, pp 1317-1331.