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Emergence And Spread Of Pandemics

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Emergence And Spread Of Pandemics


Over the centuries, the human race has been subjected to a threat of extinction as a result of the emergence of pandemics. Some of the illnesses are a result of human carelessness, while others occur naturally. The predisposing factors are within the environment. Several attempts have been put in place to help curb the emergence and spread of pandemics. A recent case is the CODIV-19, also known as Coronavirus. The flu continues to smash economies of almost all countries in the world. Other major pandemics in history include the Black Death (1346-1353), Yellow fever (1793), and the Spanish flu (1918-1920).  Analyzing such cases can help to reduce the emergence or spread of pandemics in the future.

Emergence and spread of pandemics

A pandemic is a new disease that emerges and spreads over a vast geographical area. The infection can spread throughout the globe, as in the current case of Codiv-19. The point where more cases are recorded is referred to as the epicenter or the hot spot of the disease ( Price, 2015). Several attempts are currently underway to contain the various hot spots of covid-19. Scientific methods of predicting the emergence of pandemics have not been discovered. Controlling pandemics is still a challenge, and primarily if it affects a large area. Through learning the history of past cases, it is possible to prevent the emergence of new cases and to minimize the spread of the already present pandemics.

A significant number of human pandemics trace their origin from other animals. Such illnesses are, at times, referred to as Zootonic plagues. They are transferred from a person to another, mainly through the pathogens in the animals. Through genetic evolution, microbes that were affecting animals are now affecting humans (Zurcher,2019). The transitions of an animal pathogen to a human pathogen occur in five ways. Some animal microbes get access to humans through bites. They, however, cannot be spread through human-human contact.  Such pathogens cannot undergo any further developments in the human body. An example includes malaria plasmodia. Such a case can be controlled easily by killing the carrier or by rendering them unproductive. Through science, insects such as mosquitoes and tsetse flies are controlled, making it easy to control the spread of their associated sicknesses.

Stage two pathogens get access to humans, like in the case above. These, however, can be transmitted through natural conditions. Just like case one above, they too can not be transmitted from human to human examples, including rabies and Nipah. Advanced pathogens in stage three can be transmitted from person to person after undergoing a few secondary transmissions. Examples include Ebola and Marbug. The fourth category involves pathogens present in the human body that undergo several secondary transmissions without engaging an animal host, for example, the virus for Cholera: Vibrio Cholerae. Stage five diseases are exclusively for humans and are easily transmitted from a person to another, for example, tuberculosis and smallpox.

The above-discussed diseases get access to the human body as a result of man-animal interactions. In day to day activities man interact with animals as pets, food, trading of animal products, and animal husbandry in agriculture. Animals with DNA close to those of human beings are potential carriers of human pathogens (James, 2010).  Species evolve from pure form to complex form to adapt to the new environment. Through interactions, chances of cross-species mutation occurring are very high.

To end such ailments, citizens are urged to be cautious when dealing with animals that act as hosts of the pathogens; thriving environments for the pathogen also increases the risk of attack. A clean environment inhibits the survival of pathogens. When countering the spread of animal associated plagues, means of controlling the host can be applied. For example, the Bubonic plague was transmitted by a rodent flea. By controlling the rodents, for example, by poisoning them or rearing cats, the disease can be contained.

Citizens also need to practice healthy relationships. Taking an example of HIV/AIDS and Codiv-19, the spread of the latter is accelerated through human interactions. Knowing your own HIV status makes one be in a position to prevent the spread of the pandemic. Discipline is a crucial factor when controlling epidemics spread by a human being. Sometimes it necessitates for reinforcement of laws to help stop the intentional spread of diseases.


Web of Causation

Epidemics spread from place to place due to the availability of the transport medium.  Web causation, also called multiple causations, is derived from the structure of the spider web. Understanding the features of this model will also help citizens to understand the significance of the eco-social framework for developing epidemiology theory. The focus is on how establishing links accelerates the spread of pandemics.

John and  Mary(2010) argued that web causation is  a linear causal chain of multiple factors that does not take into account complex precursors to each component of the chain, and these may well overlap and may have further complex interactions. However, this notion is critiqued by (Zurcher, 2019).who goes on to further the old  idea as a single agent or social chain of events causing disease for a more metaphorical approach known as  Web of Causation. This web of causation examine causative factors, providing each an impartial prominence in establishing determinants and pertinent interventions.( Zurcher r, 2019)suggested that in this web, perhaps the most significant determinant may well be the most proximate one.

Individual participation has been employed and emphasized at the minimum technical levels whereas much more individual factors has also intervened the level at which population health can be upheld. Infections such as HIV/AIDS are accelerated depending on the social relationship of individuals involved. Factors such as labor productivity, health sector, the family and agricultural production bring people together. Ideally the reality of social inequalities influence the beginning and continuance of certain causes and determinants that are taking part in spread of a pandemic disease which progressively influence determinants, leading to a destructive cycle.

Like in the current case of Codiv-19, pandemics are more likely to spread in crowds, (the web) from a single point and extended to other parts of the globe.


(John, 2001) created a critical bio cultural approach to identify and understand the determinant interconnections among health problems. Through his study and contributions an understanding can be reached in comprehending the concepts of both disease and wide spread of pandemics in the context of political, social and economic factors which can be applied to individuals, community and the society as a whole.  A success to controlling pandemics is observing social distancing like the Corona case. Keeping distance has proved to be effective method of controlling past illnesses. In some cases isolation renders the virus immobile.


John and Mary (2003) argue that the relationship between social conditions and diseases can produce excess morbidity. Thus, it is extremely important that the web of causation should be put in close examination or subjected to exploratory studies as this may also allow us to further interactions between more than one occurrence of a pandemic disease as well as its propagating factors. Following the current happenings we are continuously learning about the unpredictable aptitude of nature. This is nonetheless true from the continuous evolution of new infectious threats to human race that is constantly emerging without warning from the natural surroundings.

Breaking the chains in the web helps in decelerating spread of these pandemics. Citizens are encouraged to observe all administrative and health precautions predefined by the authority and health partakers.

Conservation of ecosystem services

Ecosystem services refer to the benefits obtained from the ecosystem. Components of the ecosystem are essential as they provide survival means of living things. Biodiversity underlies all ecosystems in the world (Storie, 2020). Apart from the provision of clean water and food, disease control, pathogen control, are mostly determined by conditions in the natural environment. Human health relies on ecosystem products. The interaction of man with the environment can either promote or discourage the emergence of pandemics.

Environmental pollution is a common phenomenon in the modern world. Environmental pollution triggers transmutation in simple organisms over some time (Carion, 2019). Pandemics such as Cholera are accelerated through the usage of contaminated water.  As discussed in the previous parts, environmental degradation may trigger the transmutation of animal pathogens to human pathogens. Marshy areas facilitate reasonable breeding grounds for mosquitoes and tsetse flies which act as host to human diseases. The emergence of drug-resistant mosquitoes has been associated with environmental pollution.

Other human alterations hinder the ecosystem from providing essential goods. Depending on the degree of exploitation of the ecosystem, different pandemics are likely to occur in different areas. Consuming food from an infected animal or plant can be one way in which pandemics emerge. The case of Covid-19 is believed to come from bats and snake meat. When citizens are reckless about how they exploit the ecosystem, diseases may develop and spread within a short time. In the recent past, people have died, out of consumption of unsafe products from the ecosystem, for example, game meat.

Preventing the emergence and spread of pandemics

Curbing g zootonic transmission relies on human interventions (Carion, 2019). People should maintain high standards of cleanliness. It involves control of parasites and pests such as rats which in most cases are the carrier agents. Elimination of such animals minimizes the spread of zootonic pandemics. The behavioural change should be engaged in situations where people are in close contact with animals. Animal products need to be handled with care, especially if they are to be consumed. Medics are to be involved like what happens in slaughterhouses. The quality of meat to be sold has to undergo checkup to ensure it meets expected health standards.

Social distancing has been used to control various illnesses. Currently, the world pandemic; Codiv-19 is controlled by maintaining enough social distance to prevent the spread of the virus. Citizens are advised to keep off overcrowded places like market places, schools, Cinema halls and any social gathering avenue.  Attached to this is the administration of quarantine. When an individual is diagnosed with a potentially harmful disease, they should be quarantined to contain the virus. China took this initiative and also initiated a lock-down which has helped to fight Codiv-19.

The legislation is a standard method of governing the state. Some pandemics came into existence due to human interaction with wild animals. It includes hunting and domesticating some game animals. Ruling out hunting of nonhuman primates is a crucial step since the beasts share common characteristics with humans.  The most common animals in this category are the apes whose DNA is almost similar to that of a human being (James, 2010). If the animal is infected transmission to people is likely to occur. This is a potential source of pandemics as it has happened in the past. The governments need to develop rules governing gaining access to wildlife. Practices that are a threat to human life must never be tolerated.

A human being is a social being. Through communication, members of the public get information on how they can avoid contracting illnesses. Just as it is happening currently in the whole world, constant reminders are of great significance. The adverts can be channelled through the use of mass media and social media. All the avenues need to be exploited so that all citizens are sensitized about a pandemic. Creating awareness saves those who could have contracted the epidemic out of ignorance.

In summary, the well being of human life is governed by how they interact with nature. Most epidemics do not just emerge from nowhere. Some of the illnesses are a product of social research or accidents. The interactions between people and their environment should never be misappropriated. All predisposing factors potential for pandemic emergence ought to be in control. Unlicensed poaching and conductance of illegal scientific research should be banned. The focus on environmental conservation and maintaining useful ecosystems can help reduce the emergence and spread of pandemics.



Carrión, V. J., Perez-Jaramillo (2019). Pathogen-induced activation of disease-suppressive functions in the endophytic root microbiome. Science, 366(6465), 606–612.

James H & Mary E. (2010) Origin and prevention of pandemics Retrieved from;

Price, P. J. (2015). Public Health Control Measures in Response to Global Pandemics and Drug Resistance. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 43, 49–56.

Storie, J., Suškevičs, M. (2020). What evidence exists for the impact of Baltic Sea ecosystems on human health and well-being? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 9(1), 1–9.

Zurcher, J. (2019). The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019 Signed Into Law: NEHA’s Journey to Get Environmental Health to the Table. Journal of Environmental Health, 82(2), 46–48.




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