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Emigration is often referred to as the relocation of people from their origin country to reside or live in another. People permanently leave their country and settle in a different country. An emigration is an act of migration that goes across national or geographical borders. It has been reported that people may emigrate to immigrate to another country. Immigration is the movement of people to a country and establishes permanent living. Emigration patterns are usually characterized by changes in economic, political, and social transformations worldwide. Demographers refer to secondary sources to obtain information regarding emigration. Emigration and immigration are flow measurements which keeps a record on the number of people coming into or exiting a country on a long-term purpose. Statistics show that migration has continually grown, getting to 280 million by 2017. Emigration results in both positive and negative effects. The effects may be on the person emigrating, the country of origin, or the host country.

Firstly, emigration brings about various disadvantages to the person emigrating.  Once a person decides to live in another country, they are likely to work for less paid jobs. Since one has to fulfill their economic needs, they tend to indulge in employments that pay less salary compared to their previous position in the origin country. The struggle to secure a job is another factor that leads to working for poorly paying duties. The danger of leaving one’s family behind is enormous. Emigration pushes people to move away from their loved ones in search of a better life (Docquier et al. 2011). It is a situation that puts many families apart, destroying the strong ties that existed.

Another adverse effect of immigration on a person is the risk of getting killed while moving from their home country. People are likely to face threats on their way to the host country. Some may not be fortunate enough to get to the other country since they get attached and die on the road. Also, one may face adequate discrimination and oppression. New people are often subjected to hatred by the residents. Emigrants may not be treated equally with the residents. Some of their rights are violated to benefit residents in the host country.

Secondly, emigration has advantages for the person emigrating. Many people migrate in search of promising opportunities to better their lives. Leaving for another country creates more comprehensive job options for an individual. One has a variety of better jobs that they can indulge.  An individual has the opportunity to choose a satisfying job according to their qualifications. Getting the best position would improve one’s earnings and change their lifestyle. Development of skills and experience is another advantage to the emigrant (Ratha, Mohapatra, & Scheja, 2011). One has an opportunity to improve their communication skills. One learns more about new phrases and foreign languages. Through the process, an individual improves their communication level.

Additionally, an individual has the advantage of exploring new and different cultures. The emigrant is exposed to new customs and practices that they did not practice in their home country. A unique and enticing tradition is, therefore, introduced. Through learning about other cultures, one can visit beautiful and exciting places. Interaction with the residents helps one make new friends, some who are amazing people. An individual achieves excellent interpersonal skills since one is exposed to a new life. One develops remarkable aspects of tolerance, compassion, and kindness. Interacting with new people enables one to have a quick understanding of people since their level of empathy is improved.

Thirdly, the home county encounters disadvantages from emigration. Emigration brings a change in the home country’s political institutions (Lodigiani, 2016). Since civic organizations are often composed of more educated individuals, the departure of the intellects lowers the quality of the institutions. Skill distribution to another country leaves the home country with no reliable personnel to stimulate the country’s development. Emigration prospects to raise incentives on individuals who move to other countries leads to a deficit of educated individuals in the origin country. If the number of knowledgeable individuals leaving the county continues to increase, then the home country’s ability to foster development and technology is slowed. The availability of intellectuals without a doubt contributes a lot to the well-being of the origin country.

The home country experiences a decrease in the labor force. Since fewer people are left in the origin country, consumer spending is also lowered. It is a situation that is alarming to both the government and its citizens. Many jobs are left unattended to and unaccomplished. The available labor force left in the country is forced to work past the recommended limit to reduce the tasks at hand. Moreover, the origin county experiences a decrease in the impacts of ethnic minorities. Ethnic minorities are recognized by their eminent effort to advocate for respect for minorities’ rights (Lodigiani, 2016). Their emigration results in a society that may not embrace democratic institutions and the regulations.

Fourthly, several advantages arise in the country of origin as a result of emigration. The country’s population is reduced to the desired numbers. Relocation helps solve the problem of overpopulation. The favorable population in the country overcomes challenges of over housing and overcrowding. With lesser people, the government can effectively achieve equal distribution of resources to the citizens (Ratha, Mohapatra & Scheja, 2011). Each individual has the opportunity to access satisfying services such as quality health and education. The country’s economic and social activities are also enhanced by the adequate consumption of the available resources.

Emigration creates more job opportunities for those left in the country. People enjoy the chance of having to choose the best job they want to do. Unemployment rates are also reduced since there is no oversaturation of the labor force. The young generation in the country feels valued since they encounter no struggle finding employment. A country that creates satisfying employments to its citizens experiences steady growth in its economy both locally and internationally. Emigration leads to an increase in income for the remaining workers in the country. The employees benefit from well- paying jobs. Therefore, citizens can meet their needs effectively. An increase in income eliminates poverty and raises the standards of living in the country.

Fifth, emigration evolves disadvantages to the other or host country. The risk of job loss is enormous. The locals often lose their jobs to the incoming settlers. Locals become disadvantaged if the incoming workers are well educated and experienced. The host country would allocate responsibilities to the skilled emigrants leaving the less qualified residents. Emigrations cause overcrowding to the other country since a large population of people settles permanently in the country. An increase in the population results in the outbreak of contagious diseases. The government is therefore faced with the challenge of meeting its obligation. It becomes difficult to share the available resources to all citizens.

Emigration also affects the county’s national minimum wage. It is a situation where gross income decreases drastically. The county experiences a decline in social and economic activities. It is also challenging to maintain a stable running government. The other country also encounters social or civil pressure. There is an increase in the cost of health services since a large number of citizens are determined to maintain healthy living. The high charge of education imposed makes students abandon learning activities. Housing prices also go higher, thus creating a problematic situation for the citizens to acquire good shelter for their families.

Lastly, although emigration brings about many adverse effects on the host country, it also has a positive side that evolves advantages to the state. Relocation helps the country generate revenue through the collection of taxes paid by the emigrants. Emigrants pay taxes according to their income and earnings from various activities. They also pay taxes on sales and purchases when needed. Money collected from taxes aids in implementing the country’s projects. New ideas and skills are introduced in the country since emigrants offer services according to the abilities and experience acquired in the origin country (Docquier et al. 2011). Upholding the results of the new ideas leads to better techniques for managing activities and offering services. Also, emigration creates a country with cheap labor. Emigrants often indulge in employments with little wage since they need to sustain themselves. They provide services for lesser salaries hence creating an easy time for employers to acquire a very cheap workforce. Emigration is viewed as a channel promoting cultural diversity. Diversity is a factor that enables traditions and cultures to embrace other norms and fight against discrimination and racism.

In conclusion, emigration mainly affects the economic standards and activities involved. Emigration brings about both positive and negative consequences, depending on the state of the individual or the country. Emigration should be embraced where emigrants effectively integrate and participate in the activities practiced in whichever country. However, people need not be forced to emigrate unless they decide to move. Favorable norms and values need to be the objective of emigration. Despite the disadvantages encountered through relocation, more advantages are experienced. Emigration is initiated for people to achieve a better life. It is often viewed to be a solution to challenges faced in the country of origin. International policymakers have embraced emigration, thus enacting laws and regulations to protect the emigrants. One of the best ways to eliminate negative impacts is by avoiding emigration. Countries are encouraged to maintain security so that people may live peacefully in their own countries and enjoy life.


Hawkins, Oliver. “Migration statistics.” Briefing Paper Number SN06077 7 (2016).

Docquier, F., Lodigiani, E., Rapoport, H., & Schiff, M. (2011). Emigration and democracy. The World Bank.

Lodigiani, E. (2016). The effect of emigration on home-country political institutions. IZA World of Labor.

Ratha, D., Mohapatra, S., & Scheja, E. (2011). Impact of migration on economic and social development: A review of evidence and emerging issues. The World Bank.

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