Employees should have the right to organize labor union activities. Also, employers should not prevent employees from forming such organizations that serve to protect the rights of the workers. A benefit of labor unions is that they provide job security to the employee. A worker that is a member of a registered labor union is least likely to have his or her employment terminated without any reason. Also, labor unions ensure that workers receive maximum wages and benefits from their employers. Labor unions have also established specific trends for employees, such as weekend offs, minimum wage, and overtime. Unions also help to influence political decisions on the aspects that affect a regular employee. A demerit of labor unions is that they require membership fees and other charges that are usually deducted directly from the employee’s paycheck. Another problem of unions is that it removes the concept of individual opinion since the decisions made by a union are often universal. The consideration of employment seniority for the members of an association makes it difficult to fire or promote an individual. An example of this situation involves an employee in a senior position that is underperforming in his or her duties. Since the person is an active union member, the company cannot terminate their employment. Moreover, a candidate for a higher employment position can be disregarded despite their credentials and qualifications while opting for another candidate that is an active member of the labor union. Finally, unionized workers tend to be more expensive than hiring a non-unionized employee.
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Employees should have the right to organize labor union activities
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