English, Literature, and Philology
There exist two health plan options for an organization. These health plans include Medicare and Medicaid, both having unique characteristics that help individuals choose which one they would prefer. Medicare plan option is beneficial for individuals who are above 65 years. People below the age of 65 cannot benefit from this health plan option unless they have a disability. People of age who suffer from end-stage renal disease are also potential benefits of the plan option. For one to be eligible for the plan, they must contribute to the system through deductions from their salary. Medicaid is a health program that is made available to people by the federal as a way of assisting people who cannot afford Medicare. Medicaid is eligible to all individuals who have insufficient resources and income to cover for health care, despite their age.
I would recommend the Medicaid health plan option for my organization. Medicaid does not limit individuals of younger age. It covers all individuals’ health as long as they have a financial problem or cannot afford health insurance. With the current economy, it is difficult for most of the employees in an organization to afford health insurance and remain with something for their household use. Medicaid offers nursing home covers to eligible individuals, which is 65 years and above. Under the Medicaid health plan, individuals are entitled to some social security programs such as dental services. The services are optional for people above 21 years but are requirements for individuals who are below 21 years. In my previous employment, I worked in the organization because of the Medicaid health plan that is offered to the employees. It was beneficial because any medical expenses that I had were taken care of by the Medicaid health plan.