Essay Assessment Sheet | |
Student Name: | |
Range and Accuracy of Knowledge · Level of understanding of the philosophical issue: How well does the student understand the philosophical issue at hand? 10pts · Range of reading and use of primary and secondary sources: Are there at least three secondary sources used in the essay? 10pts | |
Structure and Focus · Response to the specific philosophical issue: How well was the questioned answered structurally speaking? 10pts · Clarity, coherence, and development of the student’s argument: How clear is the student’s thoughts and how developed is their arguments? 10pts · Presentation of material: How well was the material presented? 10pts · Grammar: How is the student’s overall grammar? 10pts · Title page: Is there a title page? 10pts · Bibliography: Is there a bibliography? 20pts | |
Quality of Argument and Expression · Clarity, fluency, and accuracy of the student’s writing: Is there an appropriate use of vocabulary and linguistic idioms? 10pts | |
Overall Grade: |
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Essay Assessment Sheet
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