Ethics Scenario Assignment
Neil is a worker on your team who has been with the agency and under your supervision for a little more than a year. He has an unconventional style, in that instead of meeting with clients at the office he takes them out for a donut. Although some of his clients seem to like going for donuts, you are unsure how he is able to have counselling sessions with his clients in such a public space. In addition, you have begun to notice that Neil is way behind on his paperwork, and what little he does says virtually nothing about the work that he is doing with the clients. Finally, as you head out the door after a long day you see Neil come out of a meeting room with a former client who hands Neil some money. This makes no sense to you, given that all services in your agency are free. You confront Neil and although he initially denies it, you learn that he referred the agency client to his private practice, and that he is seeing private clients in the agency.
- Neil is registered with the OCSWSSW and so are you. What if any obligation do you have to report your concerns to the College? Explain and give reference to any sources for your information.
- Using the OCSWSSW Code of Ethics ( ), identify and explain all applicable elements in the Code of Ethics that you believe Neil violated.
- Building on what you identified in #2, use the Standards of Practice portion of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice document to identify each of the principles he violated (including the specific items, e.g. 7.1, 7.3, etc.) and briefly explain what he should have done.
- Finally, imagine that you have been asked to make a recommendation to the discipline committee at the OCSWSSW about what sort of penalty Neil should be given. What, in your mind, would be a reasonable penalty for Neil and why?
- Ability to identify, explain and reference any obligation to report.
Poor Good Excellent
- Ability to identify and explain applicable elements from the Code of Ethics.
Poor Good Excellent
- Ability to specifically identify and explain the principles in the Standards of Practice he violated, and briefly explain what he should have done.
Poor Good Excellent
- Ability to make an appropriate recommendation to the discipline committee and explain why.
Poor Good Excellent
- Quality of writing and presentation (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, formatting, inclusion of rubric page).
Poor Good Excellent
TOTAL:____________/ 25