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Feeling of fear and spiritual ideas in your work

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Feeling of fear and spiritual ideas in your work

Excellent work with using the reading and your perspective to talk about how you view the feeling of fear and spiritual ideas in your work. Basing on the fact that you did not like going to school, I agree that at times life gets hard sometimes, and you have to make sudden life decisions. Early pregnancies and school dropouts are not a good step, but it is funny how you feel okay getting into such situations. Furthermore, I can see that at the age of twenty-five, I opened up my beauty salon and continued in the business for 30 plus years, and 45 years later, I went back to school and receive my diploma. Now, I am a student at Walden University. I take it as a great move since you were to study again and build your future. The model therapy of Albert Bandura is a fantastic move to make since you had the capability do deal with your fears. Good job.


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