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Final PDP Essay

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Final PDP Essay


  1. My Understanding About The Job Role, Organization And Industry/Sector I Am Being Interviewed For Here Today

My aspiration to become a member of the marketing department of the BMW Group is informed by my desire to use my strengths to work in a firm I have always admired and in a role I am well-crafted to serve.  I have a good understanding of the marketing aspects of the automobile production industry and although I have not initially worked in a high-profile organization as BMW, the understanding I possess on the intricacies of this industry, coupled with my abilities and strengths makes me a potentially advantageous candidate to the advancement of BMW. Serving as a member of BMW’s marketing department means that I will serve as the company’s face and participate in the coordination and production of all materials concerned with the company’s marketing activities. I understand that as a marketer, my role is to reach out to its existing customers, prospects, investing stakeholders and members of the community while concurrently engendering an overarching positive representation of the company. In other words, as a marketer, I am mandated to define and manage the company’s brand by articulating what the company is, what it stands for, what it does, and how it acts in its precincts and in the overall community. Communicating and representing these aspects effectively in turn defines the desired experience for partners and customers in their interaction with the company.

Further, marketing activities at BMW entail collecting and assessing customer insights and using them to develop and drive the innovative and progressive campaigns, approaches, and concepts that strategically uphold the BMW brand as a top performer among the premium car brands.  Hence, the company is always looking for inventive marketing associates in an assortment of marketing roles to set new and innovative brand marketing and sustainability benchmarks. Consequently, this job role requires a person who is passionate about the BMW brand, who can use their various marketing proficiencies and strengths and intuitive abilities to communicate and evaluate intricate consumer and marketing information and data to enhance the its world-class image and reputation.

  1. Three Key Talents The Past Year Has Uncovered In Me And An Example Of When Each Talent Has Helped Me

In the past year, I have participated in a range of activities that have uncovered several key talents I have and more than realizing them, they helped me realize several accomplishments that informed my need to develop them for future use, especially in my job roles as a member of BMW’s marketing department. One key talent I realized I have is positivity, after participating in a group activity that helped me motivate my discouraged group members. On the 6th of December, in 2019, my friends and I formed a study group to help us revise the Principles of Finance course that was due in our final exam. Normally, the contents of this are difficult to comprehend as they involve a lot of formulas, calculations, and drawings that intimidate many students. Many students fail in this course because they tend to memorize the intricate concepts of this course without necessarily understanding their application. My friends had the same repulsive attitude towards the course. However, I had a different outlook because I viewed it as simple and one of the most interesting courses. As such, I motivated them to view the course like I did and helped them understand the diverse course contents. My positivity encouraged them to view the course differently and became as enthusiastic as I was about performing well. Besides motivating them my positivity helped me build lasting friendships with these group members.

I also realized that I am an excellent arranger, a talent I realized I had after a visitation from Tony, my good friend, with his family on the 3rd of January, in 2020. I volunteered to guide them during their stay, where I had already planned an itinerary and the routes I would take them through in advance. I assisted them to book a hotel in the proximity of the city centre, which strategically placed them near all the attractions and thus saved them on the expensive transportation costs. The six people in my friend’s entourage enjoyed their stay because of the good planning I had made, which allowed them to spend their time and finances effectively and still enjoy much. The experience helped me realize my ability to plan effectively, which I have used in several tasks and saved time, resources, and completed the respective tasks comprehensively and on time.

I also discovered my talent for caution after my group members and I organized and executed a practice course in professional management in our school library on the 8th of February, in 2020. This undertaking was part of our group responsibility and attaining any success in this task demanded that the information presented be accurate as it entailed articulating the occurrences that marked the commercial engagements of Orbis. As such, our group was required to study and summarize various elements of the company’s problems, which led me to employ the fish bone analysis method we learned in class. Using this method, I guided our group in making an accurate report free of errors, especially considering that our task required analyzing and using vast amounts of information. As such, I now have good capacity in finding, categorizing, analyzing problems and presenting relevant information accurately and effectively.

  1. How I Have Developed Each Talent Into A Strength Over The Last Year

Realizing the many benefits I have obtained from my newly uncovered talents, I am committed into building each into a strength. I have developed my talent for positivity by taking up more intricate problems that I initially avoided. After helping my colleagues get a receptive attitude towards the highly complex Principles of Finance course, I encouraged myself to tackle more complex problems. This attitude has helped me motivate myself and others to improve our approach to problems and thus, I am able to take and manage difficult assignments, job roles, and to simplify complex concepts and make them more manageable.  Since realizing much success in arraigning for my friend Tony’s visit, I have volunteered my talent as an arranger by participating more in planning personal and group activities. I arrange my week and decide where I shall go and what I shall do, which has allowed me to make better use of my time and resources. As such, I always know what to do with my money have honed my capacity for determining how to resolve every issue systematically.

Additionally, I have increased my work with different groups of people, which has helped me understand how to organize the different groups’ activities and manage the various tasks methodically. Hence, developing my talent as an arranger into a strength has helped me build better approaches in making schedules for varied personal and group undertakings and polished my reputation in the community as a capable scheduler. Due to this reputation, I also have received referrals from Tony’s and other friends and have earned good revenues from helping plan for their itineraries. I have developed my talent for caution by analyzing the practical steps to approach a problem and determining how to use the chosen method effectively to reduce errors. I now understand that a slight mistake in the methodology employed to resolve a problem or in the interpretation of the obtained information can skew the intended outcome significantly. As such, exercising caution has helped hone my research, assessment, interpretation, and presentation skills.

  1. How This Role And Organization Will Play To My Strengths

As previously mentioned, I desire to work in the marketing department of the BMW Group, and this role and the organization will play significantly into my strengths. Firstly, the most important aspect of any marketer is having excellent communication skills. The complexity of marketing lies in meeting and persuading unfamiliar people to believe in a product or service and convince them that they need the product, especially when such a product or service is luxurious. My ability to create a relaxed and humorous environment will help me work receptively and cooperatively with my colleagues and bosses at the BMW Group. There are instances when teams in charge of marketing activities encounter difficulties in designing and applying marketing strategies. My positivity strength will help me encourage my colleagues view such instances positively to help them believe that they can solve all challenging situations. Unless people develop such a receptive perspective especially when working as a group, they will not avail much, which is a high risk for a company as established as BMW Group. My positivity strength will associate strongly with my strength as an arranger in my role as a marketer at BMW Group.

Marketing effectively for a company as strong as BMW requires meticulous planning, assigning tasks effectively to all team members, and averting unnecessary delays to establish and sustain a marketing system that continues selling. This strength will help me organize my team members accordingly, design effective marketing plans, and apply them effectively to ensure efficient use of company resources and hence advance the company’s position in the market. My caution strength will complement my role and the organization because I will bring my capacity for managing problems methodologically and meticulously to execute key tasks accordingly, identify mistakes in a timely manner, and avert mistakes in my role.  Such cautiousness will not only improve my performance but also enhance the organization’s output and overall public perception. Lastly, my strength for competitiveness will not only motivate me but also influence my team mates positively so that we can execute all our tasks rigorously and thus optimize our performance in our respective organizational roles.

  1. Where That Takes Me And What I Need To Do To Further Develop Your Talents

My strengths provide an avenue for me to advance in my work position at the BMW Group and to advance in the various undertakings in my life. Succeeding in life requires a level of personal development that allows an individual to take up the necessary responsibilities and to execute them with the required meticulousness, caution, and positive attitude. In many situations, people undermine their ability to perform certain tasks because of having wrong attitudes. Having skewed attitudes on personal capacity means that even if certain problems are not complicated, it would be difficult to develop and apply the appropriate strategies to resolve them. Hence, I will develop my positivity talent by participating often in team activities and challenging my capacities in my roles.

Having the capacity to approach issues methodologically is essential especially when working in an established institution such as the BMW Group because of the highly specialized market. In light of this, I will develop my talent as an arranger by taking a proactive role in the various activities associated with the different roles I will encounter in various vocations and general life.  My strength for caution implies that I must continuing honing my capacity to focus on avoiding making errors in my work because it is a critical determinant of arranging work effectively. Failing to exercise cautiousness means that all other undertakings in my life and in the various positions I will have in my vocations will be based on erroneous information.   Thus, I will develop this talent by taking aptitude tests to sharpen my ability to use vast amounts of information to generate reports and then analyzing such reports for possible errors. Consequently, I will understand how to spot errors quickly and make the needed adjustments, ultimately delivering trustable reports and reducing operational risks that emanate from using wrong information.

  1. My Key Weakness And How I Manage It

My key weakness is indecisiveness, which emanates from excessively analyzing the best solution among several alternatives. As previously illustrated, I encountered a situation on the 28th of March in 2020with my teammates as we sought to design a poster for a video game in a competition. At first, I underrated the tasks because I knew much about video games, which caused me to hesitate because each time, I though the design was not as perfect as I wanted it to be. Finally, my team did not get the desired win because of my frequent interruptions. Indecisiveness is a very critical weakness to have because it wastes time, resources and causes the indecisive individual to miss out on wasted opportunities. It is impossible for an institution as established as the BMW Groups to condone an indecisive worker because of the high level of specialized decision-making required to work in such a fast-paced and highly competitive work setting and market. I manage this weakness by frequently putting myself in situations that demand making quick decisions.  I choose the decision I believe works best for a particular situation and then assess it later to determine if it was the correct choice.


The information above presents my final personal development plan and articulates how developing myself will help me excel in my projected role at the BMW Group and in my life.







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