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Flexitarian Society

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Flexitarian Society

We are proud to be the Center of Flexitarian information and Services.

We believe you have visited this website because you wanted some information about Flexitarian, or maybe you were referred by someone or a blog from another site. Either one or both of them can be true, but we want to assure you that here is the right page.

First, What is Flexitarian?

As the name suggests, it was invented through a combination of two different words. The first term is flexible, and the other is vegetarian. Flexitarian emerged into existence about one decade ago.

From the book titled, “The Flexitarian Diet,” several highlights were made on the benefits of Flexitarian. Prevention of diseases, weight loss, and adding more years are the benefits of being a flexitarian.

Secondly, Why the Flexitarian Society?

We have a broad knowledge and understanding of the Flexitarian diet, and that is what we want to share globally. And to help people lose weight within the shortest time possible.

How Flexitarian Diet Impact Lives of Our Customers

People decide to diverge into a Flexitarian diet for many reasons. High consumption of fish and meat triggers a good number of negative impacts. The most implications are on health. General nutrition can be gained from the flexitarian diet and also the flexibility since zero nutrients can be eliminated as people are trying to control the consumption of animal products.

The cost of a flexitarian diet is cheaper as compared to animal products. One can choose to buy food within the budget for an extended period. They can reduce and save their weekly spending.

Different sources of studies show that people who are more into Flexitarian are prone to lower body weight. You can imagine how much people spend when they want to reduce their body weight, and a flexitarian diet can do the same at a lower price.

Flexitarianism reduces the risk of diabetes, and this is from three different studies; one from 2009 (Diabetes Care), the second one from 2011 (Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases), and the third from 2014 (Nutrition Journal). They all mentioned the flexitarian diet to be the reducing agent of diabetes risk.

How many Meat-eaters are Planning to shift to Flexitarian Diet?

In most cases, Flexitarians are semi-vegetarians, which means they have not shifted entirely. But resources from YouGov show that 70% of them maintain the stand of stopping the consumption of animal products.

Flexitarians Society keeps a promise, and we promised that we are the center of flexitarian diet information and services.

We gain assures you world level services. Visit Our Trademark products Page to find the best experience but if again you want to hear more from Us then visit About Us Page

About Us (Page)

We are environmental ambassadors.

Flexitarian Society is determined to restore and maintain ecological conditions by educating and providing services that help in reducing the consumption of animal products. Western diets are responsible for the continuous deterioration of environmental and human well-being.

Encouraging the ever-increasing production of animal products and consumption is a threat to ecological condition. Flexitarian Society is coming up with policies and strategies that will lower the rate of consumption and production of meat.

We make entries into adopting an individual flexitarian policy through training and guidance. We aim at substantial meat or fish consumption reduction. We empower through regular blogs and articles to help people reclaim their collective and personal rights for better health.

We create an influence base by creating specific days of the week to be a meat-free day. We extend the same influence to schools and institutions plus the numerous public areas.

Flexitarianism makes huge moves to influence other restaurants to introduce a menu with a flexitarian diet. We strive to promote the influence and ensure the meat is only taken on special event occasion and again once per week.

Why is Flexitarian Society call themselves Environmental Ambassadors?

We Fight for Food Security

Based on information from FAO, the world is currently producing enough quantities of grain to feed the growing world’s population. And even to cater for the foreseeable future. However, animal products detract much more than they provide from the total global food supply. As Flexitarian Society, we promote a diet that is more concerned in reducing meat consumption, and that is a flexitarian diet.

Innovation, Research, and Collaboration

Flexitarian Society makes engagements in the frontline in terms of innovation, research, and collaboration to build conservation measures to the environment. We team up with different organizations with the same goal to create a sustainable environment. Our goal is to work with diverse global stakeholders to bring change and reforms to the entire world. Participation from everyone is needed for an easy win.

Market Mechanisms and Price Signals

When the price of meat is lower, the level of its consumption rises. And the same with the vegetables, when the price goes lower its consumption also rises. Flexitarian Society tops in the proper market survey and analysis. We try to come up with mechanisms that lower the cost of vegetables to increase the level of its consumption. A high level of use will reduce the one on meat. With this method, we create a sustainable space that lowers the risk of diabetes and maintains body weights and shapes.


Our Trademark Services (Page)

We share all kinds of recipes and discuss food experiences.

Inventing New Recipes

Doing something entirely from scratch is incredibly difficult in this era. Many people tend to believe that ideas are exhausted. That’s a fiction that has no source. Our restaurants happen to have new ingredients, new equipment, new knowledge, and everyone has to be creative enough to beat up the growing competition.

The internet is full of numerous resources that describe different kinds of recipes. But the information needs to be updated more often, and that’s where Flexitarian Society walks in to rescue the dying creativity. We are committed to updating recipes more often to create a well-informed society. We aim at creating unique blogs with new recipes and their advantages in terms of ingredients.

Menu Development

Many chefs cannot envision shifting their careers. They love and enjoy the creative process in their roles and find the art of menu development more interesting. Yes, it is exciting, and having the right knowledge helps them to propel even more. Flexitarian Society is a creativity boost since we research and share some new ideas to help aspiring Menu developers to learn. Here is the center of menu development.

We are not just information providers but menu development experts. We work with different organizations and restaurants to help them create menus. Flexitarian Society has brought together a team from all sections of food manufacturing industries. Their roles have impacted to a favorable reputation of our brand.

Sharing Food Experiences

We explore the food market both locally and globally, to ensure we share the right information and with benefits. Flexitarian Society brings different ideas from different sections of the world to build true stories through blogs and articles. Adventuring is the second name of our brand. And through adventuring, we learn more and share more with the society that believes in us, a community that trusts our resources to create more meaningful stories.

Flexitarian diet is the kind of food that a good percentage is trying to understand, and that’s where we want to direct our energy. Our team strives to come up with mechanisms that will promote the consumption of vegetables. Flexitarian is more concerned with maintaining the green space that’s accommodative to all.

Menu & Recipes Consultations

You can save your time by having a menu and recipe recommendations designed within a short time. Pricing in your menu is what will determine the conversion rate of your potential customers to buying customers. Price sometimes show the quality of a product. Some love to buy from expensive restaurants over cheaper ones because they believe that high prices show good quality. Good quality product sells by itself.

Flexitarian Society Consultancy teams are trying to kill and destroy this concept. We help restaurants and food organizations to develop a menu that will reflect the brand without price reflection and consideration. We create a Flexitarian space through trainings and guidance on its benefits.

Contact( Page)

Reach out to us and you will get assistance from our attentive team. We open and ready to give you enough attention.

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Blogs/Testimonial (Page)

We have this page dedicated for our portfolios and what customers say about our services. Here we publish and share our customers experiences and our completed projects.

We are the center of flexitarian updates.

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