funding for stable housing
This presentation will be completed in a PowerPoint format as a request for funding for stable housing. As we need to provide permanent housing for the mentally ill, the project will highlight their plights of these group of people and the possible solutions which can be initiated to alleviate it. To achieve this, we suggest, the reformed institution will house these people and proper conditions put in place so that their plight can be taken care of by the caregivers.
This project shape will be based on revamping the old Riverview hospital model into a hospital place with modern housing, it will be health and wellness campus of care. The setting will consist of integrated clinical care, education, and training, long-term residential and rehabilitation programs and services. It is envisaged that such plans when implemented, will preserve and optimize the use of the site in line with the Riverview’s background function but encompassing the health-care framework.
An app by the name will be launched to implement this project for the disabled. The purpose of this app will be to help families locate the facilities service and be able to book a house for their disabled and aging family members. All the services and amenities within the facility will be listed in the app, and by a tap of your finger, you can make an online application. The free app will be available both on iPhone and Android.
The reason as to why I choose this format for presentation is because it will improve the delivery and my audience’s focus. During the presentation, I would like to establish a collaborative approach, and this format guarantees such as points are listed in point form. Thus, we will discuss each position with the audience to reach a common ground. Lastly, I don’t want my presentation to be annoying by making the audience read a long passage. By having the points, it will be easier to read them and briefly expound on them.