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group development stages

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Forming stage: the first stage of group development

Storming stage the second stage where members are struggling

Norming stage the third stage where there is the integration

Performing stage the fourth stage and members are more active

Adjourning stage last stage of finalizing goals.


Group development has five stages, which begin with the first stage that is Forming stage. This group involves the orientation and the group members are just coming together (Woodcock, 2017). The second stage is the storming stage where there is power struggles since the members have a sense of belong. Next is the Norming stage which is the third stage that involves a lot integration and corporation. Furthermore there is the performing stage that acts as the fourth stage where members get to be more active and more flexible. Lastly is the adjourning stage where the goal have completed its goals.




  • Forming stage
  1.  In the form stage the degree of guidance is highly needed form managers.
  2. Mostly the roles are unclear since the group is just starting
  3. The processes are normally not well outlined
  • Storming stage
  1. Here there is understanding of how the decisions of the team are made (Liu, et al., 2019).
  2. The purpose tend to be clear however team relationship tend to be blurry.

The first stage of forming is when the group is just beginning and there is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. Thus, there is a massive need for guidance’s form the mangers to the group (Liu, et al., 2019). Members also tend to be discrete since they are not familiar with most of the roles and also the processes tend to be well outlined. Moreover, in the second stage which is storming that gets characterized with a lot of power struggle since the members have an understanding of the decision making process. Although the purpose is somehow clear the relationship among the members is always blurred.


  • Norming Stage
  1. In the norming stage the relationships among the team are well understood.
  2. There is commitment to the goals of the team.
  3. The members tend to begin to work on the teams processes.
  4. The group is also kind of fun and enjoyable since interactions are much easier.
  5. The group leader tends to be more involved but also lets the members to take initiatives of moving forward (Driskell, et al., 2018)..

The third stage is norming. The stage have a lot f activities integrations and cooperation since the relationships among members are well understood (Driskell, et al., 2018). Additionally, the commitments to achieve the goals is high and members are always working within the team’s process. Moreover, the group tend to be more fun and enjoyable since the interactions have become much easier. Besides that, the group leaders are more involved but also the members tend to take most initiatives for moving forward.



  • Performing stage
  1. The teams tends to be committed to performing all the goals well.
  2. Members t6end to focus on being strategic
  3. The team always run well without much oversight.
  • Adjourning Stage
  1. Here is where there is closure.
  2. This stage is reached after the task have gotten successfully completed.
  3. The team gets looked in the perspective of well-being.


The fourth stage is the performing stage where the teams are committed to performing all the goals to the perfection. Moreover, the members are always focused on being strategic and they tend to run well without much supervision. Additionally, there is the last stage the adjourning stage where there is closure.  Mostly this stage gets achieved after a successful completion of all the goals and the members get characterized with within the perspective of wellbeing.



  • There are several techniques used when gathering information by a group. The techniques to use mostly depend on the information getting obtained and the individuals providing the information (Vordermark, 2019)..


  • The common methods include:
  1. Questionnaires
  2. Interviews
  3. Observations
  4. Surveys


When a group is collecting information, there are several techniques they can apply to obtain the data. Mostly, the technique to get used depends on the kind of information is getting obtained and the people to get involved when collecting the information (Vordermark, 2019). Foremost the technique should be suitable and appropriate for both the collectors and the people getting surveyed. The common techniques involves the traditional methods like Questionnaires, interviews, observations and surveys.



  • Questionnaires are more formal way of gathering data and they are best suitable for gather information from remote locations. Moreover they can also get used when gathering data from a large number of people (Vordermark, 2019).
  • Both questionnaires and surveys go hand in hand as surveys mostly involve surviving the individual when collecting data.
  • The too techniques allow one to collect information from individual in a non-threatening way. And they also tend to be effective.


Questionnaires are more formal way of gathering data and they are best suitable for gather information from remote locations. Moreover they can also get used when gathering data from a large number of people (Vordermark, 2019). Moreover, both questionnaires and surveys go hand in hand as surveys mostly involve surviving the individual when collecting data.

Questionnaires and surveys are an effective method of collecting data from a large group of people in a non-threating way. These techniques have some process where they tend to be quick and easy to send large amount of data. Additionally, they tend to save a lot of time that could be used in attending meetings and recording information. However, it have some cons where it can be time consuming to write and design a good survey. Additionally, the participants can get limited and there lack clarifications.



  • Interviews
  1. Interviews is a common technique for gathering information which involves a one or group interview.
  2. It requires one to sit down with the clients and ask questions directly.
  • Observation (Vordermark, 2019).
  1. Mostly used to get more understanding of the users in their environment.
  2. Involves observing the users themselves.



Interviews are data collecting techniques that requires one to sit down and ask the client questions directly (Vordermark, 2019). Mostly, it may involve a group or a one anon one interview. Additionally, it requires prior planning before the interview begins and its always advisable to begin with open ended question. On the other hand, observations is a technique that is used to get deeper understanding about individuals in their environments where the analyst mostly observers the users behavior and common activities. The analyst always get a full picture of how users interact with the system.




  • Traditional work team
  1. In traditional work team task are assigned depending on the special skills and functional department that one tend to work (Annosi, et al., 2017).
  2. The teams under traditional play authoritative roles.
  3.  Teams are experts in their areas.
  4. The members act as teachers.
  5. Members coordinate between activities.


There are several differences between the traditional work team and the self-managing work team (Annosi, et al., 2017). Foremost, in the traditional work team, task gets assigned depending on one’s special skills and area  of work. Additionally, the team always play authoritative roles and members tend to be experts in their areas of work. Besides this, members are always coordinating between works and they also acts as teachers among themselves. Moreover, the leader ship roles tend to be taken by the senior most managers and in some areas they may involve an entire department.



  • Self-Managing Work Team
  1. Mostly involves caring out supportive tasks.
  2. The team choses how best to achieve their goals instead of getting directed ((Tang, 2019).
  3. The team plays the role of counselor and coach.
  4. They members become cheerleaders and champion.


On the other hand, a self-managing team highly involve caring out of supportive task like scheduling the work flow, planning and managing the absence and leaves (Tang, 2019). Additionally, the team tend to choose how best to achieve their goals without getting directed. Moreover the team gets charged with the role of counselors and coaches where members become cheerleaders and champions. Furthermore, the members acts a boundary managers and can facilitate in quitting.



  • A high performance team refers to a goal focused people with specialized expertise’s and skills corroborating to achieve much superior results (Mone, et al., 2018)..
  • The high performances get achieved through shared leader ship,, goals, communication and collaborations.
  • To build a team performance managers must utilize several things:

A high performance team refers to a goal focus people with specialized expertise and skills corroborating to achieve much superior results (Mone, et al., 2018). Moreover, high performance get achieved through shared leadership, goals, commu7naction and collaborations among the stakeholders. To build a team performances manager’s mangers must utilize several things like communication.

Additionally, great mangers are aware that to keep their teams performing well they have to hire the best players and also work to create a workplace environment where employees are highly engaged. Since engaged employees are more motivated and productive and tend to produce much quality work.


  • To build team performance managers can have clearly defined responsibility which helps in reducing frustrations and conflicts.
  • Managers can ensure effective communication and trust to help members bond (Shin & Konrad, 2017).
  • Managers can allow team members to be creative.
  • They can also provide reviews and feedbacks.


For managers to build team performance, they have to have clearly defined responsibilities which helps in reducing frustrations and conflict among the team members. Additionally, managers can make sure there is effective communication and trust among the team to help in bonding among the members (Shin & Konrad, 2017). Moreover, managers can allow team members to be creative which is achieved by letting the members complete the tasks in the best way they choose to. Besides that managers can also provide reviews and feedbacks ones they look at the task and find a mistake or they have completed a task successfully. Furthermore, managers can assist in areas the members have gotten stuck.







Woodcock, M. (2017). Team development manual. Routledge.

Liu, M. L., Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W., & Chen, K. J. (2019). Modeling knowledge sharing and team performance. Management Decision.

Driskell, T., Salas, E., & Driskell, J. E. (2018). Teams in extreme environments: Alterations in team development and teamwork. Human Resource Management Review, 28(4), 434-449.




Vordermark II, J. S. (2019). Information: Gathering, Storing, and Retrieval. In An Introduction to Medical Decision-Making (pp. 63-74). Springer, Cham.



Annosi, M. C., Foss, N., Brunetta, F., & Magnusson, M. (2017). The interaction of control systems and stakeholder networks in shaping the identities of self-managed teams. Organization Studies, 38(5), 619-645.

Tang, K. N. (2019). Team Development. In Leadership and Change Management (pp. 37-46). Springer, Singapore.



Mone, E. M., London, M., & Mone, E. M. (2018). Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge.

Shin, D., & Konrad, A. M. (2017). Causality between high-performance work systems and organizational performance. Journal of management, 43(4), 973-997.


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