For long, researchers have engaged in studies that increase understanding of human cognition by offering great insights into how knowledge is structured, how experiences influence perception, and how people acquire expertise. From this body of research, scientists have synthesized theories such as self-efficacy and Bandura’s theory that underlie principles of human learning. The following report uses the theories to highlight guidelines for students to utilize quarantine time during a pandemic. These include how to manage time and how to build new skills.
How to Manage Time
Students can utilize their quarantine time during pandemics, such as the COVID 19, to learn how they can manage their time. The process would involve dividing time between specific tasks so that they can get more done in less time even when pressures are high and time is tight. To accomplish this, students can observe how other people manage their time. AccordingBanduara’s theory, children can learn through observation and imitation because all learning results from direct experience with the environment. Thus, by watching the behavior of parents and elder siblings, the children can learn to manage time. However, the learning has to take steps such as attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation for it to be successful. In the attention step, students can pay attention to how the people in their environment keep task lists, prioritize activities, set time goals, schedule tasks, and focus on one task at a time. During retention, the learners can store the information observed in their minds for future retrieval. After they have retained the information, students can then reproduce the data. Here, students pull up the data and perform the activities they observed. Examples would include selecting activities that are worth tackling first and handling them within the set deadline. Finally, the parents can motivate the children to continue exhibiting the learned behavior. For example, if children play video games after have finished doing their homework and cleaning their rooms within the set time limit, parents can reward them extra TV time to reinforce time management skills in the children.
How to Build New Skills
Quarantine time can be used to build new skills like playing the piano. The development of piano playing skills combines coordination and strength with memory and note recognition; thus, the leaners must show the desire and interest in developing the skill. Self-efficacy, a vital variable of Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), presents a leaners ability to execute the course of action to attain the designated skills. The notion implies that learners who feel that they are not capable of learning to play the piano might not discover the talent while those who believe in their abilities to succeed in developing the skill. However, all learners, regardless of their beliefs or disbeliefs, require an enhanced sense of task-specific self-efficacy combined with the resilience to accomplish the given skills. Thus, leaners can make use of Bandura’s four sources, including mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, modeling experiences, and imaginational experience to achieve a task-specific self-efficacy. Mastery experiences can increase the desire to learn how to play the piano in the leaners because it portrays success as a confidence booster and failure as the exact opposite. With vicarious experiences, learners can see and hear other leaners succeeding in playing the piano, and it can motivate them to believe that they also can develop the new skill. The modeling experiences involve the people that the leaners admire and follow. Thus, they can influence the leaners to develop piano playing skills because of the wish to replicate their role models. Imaginative experiences can cause leaners to visualize themselves, exhibiting the piano playing skills effectively, and increase their willingness to develop the ability.