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Hand washing during COVID 19

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Hand washing during COVID 19

Hand washing and hand hygiene generally have become an essential part of our lives, especially since the outbreak of the novel, COVID 19. Most people have resulted in panic buying of hand sanitizers and other hand hygiene products such as antibacterial soaps. Every minute you spend washing your hands and sanitizing guarantees survival.


For many, every minute not spent washing hands is spent sanitizing with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. What we do not know, however, and what commercials don’t advertise is the adverse effects related to excessive hand hygiene. What are we talking about?


Hand hygiene products such as soaps and hand sanitizers cause damage to the skin by destroying the composition of proteins in hand and changing the intercellular lipids. They deplete and disarrange the natural and regular organization of lipid moieties. In short, frequent hand washing leads to destruction or depletion of surface lipids which gives the harsh ingredients of hand hygiene products access to deeper skin layers. This can also lead to the damage of skin flora, and there is no telling how low your resistance towards bacteria and viruses becomes.


Using traditional alcohol-based hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial soaps are damaging to the topmost layer of the skin. There are two common skin reactions which can be associated with excessive hand hygiene: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. The latter presents itself with symptoms such as dryness, skin irritation, itching and cracking, which can, at times, lead to bleeding. These cracks can increase the chances of contracting infections due to fissures and lead to skin conditions such as eczema.


In the case of alcohol-based hand-sanitizer, alcohol is a skin irritant. When often used too much, it disrupts the production of natural oils on your hands. In turn, your skin will become dry, rough and flaky, and you will begin to notice your skin looking more worn out compared to the rest of the body. Hands have a way of giving us up, especially regarding age. Other effects may include blemishes such as blackspot and discolouration and wrinkling since dry, flaky skin generally ages faster.


Allergic contact dermatitis as the name suggests occurs when the user is allergic to some ingredients used in some of these hand hygiene products. It presents itself in generalized and at times, very specific symptoms. The user may experience respiratory distress and symptoms of anaphylaxis. It can be difficult to differentiate the two after-effects because they tend to have very similar symptoms.


Hand washing antimicrobial soaps may also cause the feeling of excessive dryness and roughness and skin irritation due to the antimicrobial agents in the composition. So, do we just shove handwashing aside even though it is one of the only ways to evade illnesses from germs? Of course not! Dry skin is a very small price to pay for health and safety. That is where hand creams come in!


Handwashing has become the norm of the day with CDC and other health pros recommending washing hands every 20 seconds. Every wash strips off natural oils and contributes to hand dryness. You can only imagine how your hands are screaming for help. While we cannot reduce or completely stop handwashing, hand creams step in to seal the moisture lost from our skin.


It is ironical that an act that is supposed to protect you can bring you so much harm! Hand moisturizing is a very important step in handwashing that we tend to overlook. Dry skin is very delicate and prone to cracking, which leaves you exposed to germs and bacteria. What should you know about moisturizing and hydrating hand creams?


The beauty of the moisturizer and the breathtaking colour or design of the container should not fool you. Really, it’s what’s on the inside that really matters. When buying a hand cream moisturizer, it is important to seek out ingredients which are crucial for your skin. The ingredients of the cream should be aimed at reducing irritation and soothing the dry skin.


You will come across hand creams and moisturizers which combine emollients, occlusive and humectants. All these components are geared towards nourishing the skin on your hands and protecting it from adverse effects of abrasive soaps, alcohol gels and other ingredients in handwashing soaps and products. What are these ingredients?


  • Humectants- this ingredient increases the water content on the outer layer of the skin. Humectants are designed to pull moisture from the air into your skin. How amazing is this? Urea is one such humectant. Urea helps in binding moisture into skin by increasing the shedding of dead skin cells and promoting regeneration of new ones.


  • Emollients- these soften the skin and promote the generation of new cells. This, in turn, cover small cracks which result from excessive dryness. Emollients provide a protective layer on the skin to protect from harsh handwashing products.


  • Occlusive- these are usually oil-based. They prevent loss of moisture from the skin surface during hand washing.


  • Aloe vera- this is an emollient known for its soothing and cooling properties. Aloe vera contains polysaccharides and glycoproteins. The latter is responsible for reducing inflammation and irritation, which is bound to occur due to excessive rubbing of hands during handwashing. The former stimulates the growth of new cells which replace the old cells shed due to dryness. This ingredient is also vitamin c and e rich.


  • She butter-shea is a common moisturizer which helps in combating the effects of frequent or too much handwashing. It passes as both an occlusive and emollient. It’s a tree-nut oil with naturally-occurring vitamins and fatty acids. It’s both moisturizing and nourishing, everything a hand cream should feature! Shea butter as a moisturizer or hand cream component helps in creating a barrier on the skin surface. It also locks in moisture since its water-resistant.


  • Glycerin- this ingredient is hailed because of its ability to immediately penetrate the skin surface. Once inside your skin, you can say goodbye to dryness as glycerin will absorb three times its weight of water and moisture. It also traps water inside the epidermal layer by creating an occlusive layer preventing the skin from drying out.


  • Hyaluronic acid- this substance is naturally found in the skin. However, when the skin is damaged by excessive washing and exposure to alcohol-based hand sanitizers, hyaluronic acid is destroyed. It also depletes with age. Hyaluronic acid draws moisture o the skin and holds up to 1000 times its weight of water.


Other tips for using moisturizing hand cream


Keep a bottle of hand moisturizer near the sink. It can be very easy to forget this step while washing your hands, but it’s a step that can save your skin. Having a bottle beside you always reminds you to moisturize.


Always dry your hands thoroughly after washing before applying moisturizers. Dermatologists recommend completely drying as it helps your skin absorb the moisturizer more effectively. Also, it reduces the chances of collecting bacteria which wet hands are prone to. Ensure to use a clean towel or single-use paper hand towels. If you are using towels, ensure they frequently recharged, especially if they are being shared by many people. Exerts also recommend patting your hands on the towel instead of wiping.


Wear gloves after applying moisturizer generously before bed. This ensures that the moisturizer will be fully absorbed by the skin. Avoid non-breathable gloves because they cause a lot of sweating which can also cause irritation. You should also wear a pair of gloves when cleaning the house to avoid interacting with harsh cleaning detergents. A pair of cotton moistening gloves are great for replenishing moisture after washing your hands.


Hand creams have been proven to be more moisturizing than hand lotions. Also, there is a wide variety of these creams in the market to choose from. They come in convenient pocket sizes and are very affordable.


The cheapest and simplest form of hand moisturizing ingredients has to be Vaseline petroleum jelly. It acts as a protective form of moisturizer, but it’s also breathable. It might, however, leave your hands feeling a bit greasy. The fact that it contains minimal ingredients is also a plus for your skin.


How should you apply moisturizing hand cream?


It may seem like elementary knowledge, but it’s not. Expert recommends squeezing a small amount of the cream on the back of your hand. You can then rub the back of your other hand against it. The back of your hand has much thinner skin which means faster absorption. It also means that the back of your hand can get dry very quickly and needs more moisture.


A crucial thing to look out for when choosing hand creams is a fragrance-free hand cream. We cannot emphasize that enough. Hand creams that are scented may contain ingredients that are irritating to sensitive skin. Your hands may already feel like sandpaper. You do not want to add another complication on it!


Now that we are at brief with the importance of hand creams, which is the best hand cream? There are so many hand cream manufacturers in the market today, and it can be very challenging a daunting to choose one. When it comes to health matters, especially, you want to ensure that you are taking home a product of high-quality, which meets all medical standards. After extensive research and testing, we have reviewed some reliable hand creams that are dermatology tested and medically approved to restore and prevent dry skin. Take a look!


E45 Dermatitis Cream for Inflammation and Redness

Hand creams have proven to be lifesavers in this age of frequent hand washing. If you are experiencing rough hands as a result of dryness, E45 dermatitis cream is a must-have. This cream prides in treating mild to moderate dermatitis. It’s also reliable over the counter treatment for eczema which as a result of the use of harsh handwashing products and hand sanitizers.


E45 contains anti-inflammatory properties. It has been scientifically proven to reduce irritation and soother skin. It also calms redness and soreness resulting from harsh ingredients in handwashing products.


What we love about this cream is that it’s pure! It contains zero colour additives or preservatives. It’s also fragrance-free to prevent allergic reactions.


For effectiveness, the producer recommends that the cream should be used daily. The cream can only be used by adults and children over three months old. E45 also has over 60years in providing quality skin cares and therefore is reliable. The cream is available in a 50ml packaging that is clearly labelled. E45 hand cream can be considered slightly costly, but you cannot put a price on your health really, can you?


  1. NUMIS Med Repair Hand Cream with 10% Urea


Suffering from extremely dry hands? Extreme dryness and irritation as a result of unforgiving handwashing products may result in eczema and skin dermatitis. Numis med repair hand balm is recommended for tackling these skin conditions.


The medical hand balm contains 10% urea which makes it viable for treating dry hands. It also comes with anti-inflammatory properties which prove vital in reducing inflammation, itchiness and redness caused by harsh ingredients. Its recommended for treating stressed, dry hands.


Numis hand repair cream is suitable to form universal use. The 10% urea content ensures its safe for use by people with sensitive, dry skin. It also provides a cruelty-free means of maintaining healthy and moisturized skin for the vegan community.


The cream is also dermatology tested guarantying safety for use on skin. It’s fragrance-free and contains zero parabens or additives. Numis hand cream is available in a 3-pack packaging with each containing 75ml cream. It’s very convenient since you can use for a long time before you need any replacement. It is also affordable.


  1. Cerave Reparative Hand Cream


Cerave goes beyond our expectations of a hand moisturizing cream. It is designed for moisturizing and hydrating dry hands. The first ingredient you will see is glycerin. There is no debate about the moisturizing ability of glycerin. Glycerin is quickly absorbed by the skin after which it absorbs and locks moisture in dry and scaly skin. The light nature of this creams ensures that it is absorbed lightning speed and without leaving any residue or greasy feeling.


The cream also contains a whopping three essential ceramides. These ingredients simply go to protect your skins natural barrier from being destroyed by the harsh ingredients of handwashing products. It, in turn, prevents the stripping off of moisture from the skin, which results in dryness.


Cerave is also formulated with hyaluronic acid, which is a humectant. It acts as a sponge absorbing moisture from the air into your dry, scaly and cracked skin. This ingredient also ensures that your skin stays hydrated and moisturized even through handwashing.


Cerave is very gentle on the skin. It is developed with dermatologists to ensure that every ingredient incorporated is of moisturizing value. This also guarantees its safety for use on the skin. It’s also fragrance-free and contains zero additives, colours or comedogenic.


  1. La Roche-Possay Cicaplast Hand Repair Cream


La Roche-Pasay is a hand repair cream that is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. The cream is formulated to moisturize and hydrate dry and extremely dry hands. We know that the alcohol and harsh components in a hand hygiene product like soaps and hand sanitizers can lead to dry skin. This cream formula repairs the skin from continuous exposure to such ingredients.


The cream also prides in quick-action. It soothes and provides relief from irritation even after the fast use. The cream comes in a light texture and is therefore easily absorbed by the skin for fast healing. The cream works even for those with extreme hand dryness and small cracks.


La Roche is a popular skincare line known for high-quality products. This cream is no exception. It is clinically proven to be effective for moisturizing and hydrating dry hands. It is also approved by dermatologists to be safe for use. It contains no additives, colours or preservatives. It is also fragrance-free, which is crucial for a suitable hand cream.


The manufacturer notes that the hand cream is not gender-specific. It’s also highly affordable and comes in a 50ml packaging.


  1. Aveeno Daily Moisturising Hand Cream


Aveeno hand cream is another to look out for if you are experiencing dry hands due to too much handwashing. The hand cream is formulated with the purest and natural ingredients. For a start, its formulated with finely milled naturally active oats. It is a cream that is suitable for use by vegans since there is no torture inflicted in animals in the production.


The cream is designed for a 24-hour lasting moisture film to protect your hands from being stripped of moisture during handwashing. The moisturizing and hydrating cream also claims to work very fast. It comes in a light creme which is easy to apply and is easily absorbed by the skin for soft skin.


Aveeno can transform your hands from scaly, rough, dry and cracked to soft smooth and healthy in a few uses. The cream is clinically tested and approved by a dermatologist for use on the skin. The formula preserves the skin natural microbiome fora healthy-looking skin right from the first use.


It also contains no additives such as colour and artificial preservatives. It’s also perfumes and scent-free. It is suitable for use on dry and normal skin types. The formula is available in a 75ml packaging which guarantees up to 300 uses for convenience. The cream is also affordable.


  1. Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream Concentrated Unscented


If you can no longer bear with your rough, dry and irritated skin, the Neutrogena Norwegian hand cream formula is a great option. This cream claims immediate and long-lasting relief from dryness and irritation caused by frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizers.


The first ingredient you should look for in any hand cream, which claims to treat hand dryness is aqua and glycerin. Neutrogena formula contains glycerin which is proven to provide relief for dry and chapped hands due to its humectant properties. The cream is concentrated to provide comfort and immediate relief for even the driest hands.


A single dab of the cream on hands is enough to produce results. The cream provides wash-proof hydration to protect your hands even after handwashing and use of hand sanitizers. It’s also light in nature to penetrate dry irritant skin and for fast results.


What we also love about this cream is that it’s extremely affordable! It comes in a concentrated, fragrance-free formula which is packaged in a 75ml packaging. It can be used for a whopping 300 applications which are enough to permanently kick dry hands. Its also dermatology tested and approved hence safe for use on skin.


  1. Cuderm Hand Cream


It is not every day you come across a hand cream that is specially designed for sensitive hands. This hand cream ticks all those boxes. Apart from catering for sensitivity, it is also vegan certified, meaning there is a cruelty-free way of staying healthy. What else does Cuderm hand cream bring to the table?


Cuderm hand cream is made using colloidal oatmeal in its composition. Alcohol is one of the harshest ingredients in some hand, creams. Cuderm, however, contains no alcohol, making it a viable choice for combatting dry, sensitive hands. It’s also safe for use since its paraben-free, a component which contributes to dry skin.


The cream can be used for treating eczema, psoriasis and irritable skin. The fast-absorbing nature ensures that the cream works very fast and guarantees immediate recovery. The cream creates a protective barrier on the skin, which ensures that your hands are not ripped off moisture by hand sanitizers and soaps. It has been clinically proven to retain hand moisture for 24-hours.


Cuderm is basically a universal cream that can be used by everyone. It is halal certified as well! You would expect this cream to cost an arm and leg because of all those features we have mentioned. Surprisingly, it is very affordable!


  1. Eucerin Urea Repair Plus Hand Creme


Eucerin is another cream that does exactly what it says with those dry hands, and you will notice that the first ingredients are aqua, glycerin and urea. It contains 5% urea since it is a urea repair hand cream. All that goes to show you how gentle this creams on the hands.


It is also a daily use cream that promises quick results for the dry, very dry, irritated and even damaged hands. The hand cream can also be used in treating atopic dermatitis and supplementing other cutaneous treatments. It is highly effective since it can be absorbed by the skin in a matter of seconds because of its light nature.


So, if you are looking for a cream that does more than average, the Eucerin Urea repair hand cream is perfect for you. It creates a thin film on the hands which protects the hands from harsh chemicals in hand hygiene products.


The hand cream is available over the counter in a 70ml tube. It also comes in handy for protection against harsh weather elements such as in winter when the cold dries your hands out.


  1. Oilatum Cream Eczema and Dry Skin Emollient


As we had mentioned, excessive hand washing may lead to eczema because the skin is damaged. Oilatum is a cream designed for eczema and similar skin conditions resulting from dryness and irritation.


According to Oilatum, when your skin is dry and itchy, cell renewal is also interfered with. Since there are no new cells being generated, the moisture barrier which is meant to protect your hands from irritation and dryness cannot also function at optimum. The end result is, therefore prolonged dryness and irritation, which may lead to eczema and cracking.


Oilatum experts, therefore, use that knowledge to develop a hand cream which can counteract the effects of handwashing products. The cream is designed to protect the hands by forming a protective film to moisturize and hydrate the skin. Oilatum claims that this hand cream starts working immediately and is especially effective to extremely dry hands and those prone to eczema.


The cream comes in 150g packaging, meaning you will not need a replacement too soon. Oilatum is fairly priced, and it is also fragrance-free! The cream has been clinically proven for use on healthy dry skin.




Handwashing and use of hand sanitizers have been proven to be an integral part of our lives. We can keep germs, bacteria and even viruses at bay by using alcohol-based hand sanitizers and frequent handwashing using antibacterial soaps. However, this can cause adverse damage to our skin and overall health. Too much of anything is poison after all; even handwashing!


Hand creams, however, ensure that you can have your cake and eat it. You can stay safe by cleaning your hands frequently but also maintain healthy skin. Hand creams moisture and hydrate your skin to prevent dryness, itchiness and irritation as well as other severe conditions such as eczema. Hand creams are a must-have!


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