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Healthcare delivery systems

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Healthcare delivery systems

Healthcare delivery systems are required to provide quality services to the patients and ensure there are satisfied. The process of improving the services is faced with a lot of challenges, and it requires changes in behavior and practices in all the organization departments. There are established guidelines and procedures that help in quality improvement. The planning process, testing, and the spreading of the changes to all the departments in the organisation so to achieve quality improvement.

Quality Initiatives

In Passion health centre where I serve as the quality officer, the records show that quality of the patients has decreased and there is need for an analysis on how quality will be restored and have the patients receive the best services (Abdallah, 2014). In connection to this, there are quality initiatives that are recommended, and with all the department’s working together, then quality improvement will be achieved.

Plan on how to start implementation by having a small demonstration of the improvements. By this it will be easy to tell the impact that will be created in the organisation if the change is will also showcase the organisation’s ability to the stakeholders and the chances of getting more support increases. Small scale presentations are easy to manage and finance, and the organisation can easily tell what is expected to achieve the provision of quality services.

Quality improvement is an initiative that involves the organisation and its shareholders. Communication, engagement and participation should be placed as a priority to all those included in the quality improvement is a process that is encountered by a lot of change and thus there is need to accept change and move towards achieving the best for the organisation, its shareho0lders and the patients. Every department should state and communicate what needs to be improved for them to give better services, and the managers should access and see how important it will be if the requirements are met.

Quality improvement is a continuous and interactive process. This means that it is not a one-time thing and thus will involve a lot of changes and improvements as time goes by. There are a lot of strategies and plans that will be involved, and thus the change-makers should be ready to put ion their efforts for the success of quality improvement process. Being a healthcare organisation, the changes involved should be for the benefit of the patient, and they should also be educated on the plans.

Reduction of Healthcare Services Cos Without Affecting the Quality

There are various approaches that a health organisation can use in order to reduce the cost of the services offered to their patients without affecting the quality. Patients have the right to receive quality and the best services.

The organisation can adopt the best technology to help reduce burnouts among the health service provider (Fox, 2018). With this measure, there are assured of offering quality services without increasing cost. By use of better technology, the patients are assured of better services, and even the chances of the are expensive for the organisation to train new staff and for this case if new technology is adopted then cost is saved, and this will reduce the cost incurred by the organisation and in turn spread the advantage to the patients.

The organisation can have a plan on home caregiving with the support of new remote monitoring technology. The patients can be given the services from their home, and the health facility can do this by moving closer to the patients. Patients incur a lot of costs when it comes to admission in the hospitals, and by having home admission then the chances of saving on cost are high and the patients will receive quality services at the end.

The admin is faced by a lot of challenges when it comes to continuing repeating the same services and processes to the patients. This might end up too bad processing, and they might not receive the best services, and thus quality may be threatened. To help change this, the organisation should improvise technology to ensure that the caregivers give fast and recommendable services. While every hour on the hospital bed increases the cost, burden incurred by every patient the use of technology will be of help rather than the use of manual processes which consume a lot of time before completion. By the input of the patient’s information, the systems will be easier to operate, and any service required by the patient will be easy. This will cut on cost as when there are delay cost increases, and the patients will also receive quality services.

Free Market Healthcare System and Single-Payer Government System

As a health organisation, there are two systems that can be assumed, that is the single-payer government structure and the free-market health care programme (Tumasz-Jordan, 2018). In the free market healthcare programme, the pricing mechanism is applied as well as the individual’s opinion to determine the cost of healthcare while on the single-payer the prices are governed by some individuals who to determine the price, assume the patient’s wellbeing.

The free-market healthcare programme is the best programme to adopt as an organisation as this will allow the state to achieve universal healthcare. The citizens give ideas on how they want the healthcare services offered and the cost they expect. With this, a patient can easily access medical health, and this will give a better healthcare system at a better cost. In the free market, patients control the money and how it is used. The money may be from government vouchers, or insurance and the patient determine how it is used on their health.

Law on Quality Initiative in Healthcare Organisations

Healthcare provision is guided by different laws, and these laws in the 21st century ensure that patient receive and the best health quality (Carman, 2016). With this in mind, the following are the health care laws that have been observed; health professionalism education, information technology implementation, and prevention of medication errors. This law\s have been put in place for better health services and for the good of the health practitioners.

Health professionals are people who should ensure that they constantly top up on their education. There has been an emergence of many diseases and inventions of how they should be dealt with the need to be achieved and implemented. With this in mind, for one to work in any health facility, then they should have knowledge of health services provision. They should also be in a position to attend to the patients when they visit the health facilities and help them with the help required. Administering health services require knowledge and skill for one to be competent.

In any field, communication is a key thing, and this ensures the smooth running of the different departments and provision of services required. Information technology implementation has brought bout better communication platforms in which health providers from different organisations can come together and discuss the achievements made and the challenges they face. This has, in turn, improved health programmes as they have a chance to prepare themselves before they are hit by any pandemic. Information technology also applies to the patients as they can get the information required easily and help them get the right medication. In the case of pandemics, the organisation is in a position to reach out to the citizens and inform them of the services they can access.

The services offered to the patients should be error-free as when these errors occur the health of a patient is compromised. Healthcare provider should offer services with caution and ensure that they plan themselves and the procedures to be followed well. In relation to this, a good example is when in the theatre, the nurses and surgeons there should be very cautious and ensure that no errors are made. Any mistake in the theatre room can cost a life, or the patient can face complications in the future. Errors will compromise the delivery of better and quality services to the patients. Therefore, every department should ensure that they work perfectly and communicate anytime help is needed to prevent errors.

Quality Health Officer on Healthcare Quality

The quality health officer is an important post in every health organisation, and they play different roles in ensuring that patients receive the best services and at an affordable price. A health officer determines when health is not of quality and inform the organisation so they can rectify. As a health quality officer, I have the responsivity to communicate to the employees and advise them on the way forward to ensure the patients are given better is the responsibility of the health quality officer to send a team that will help gather information from the different patients who are either in the hospital or have left. This will help in the assessment and know where there are hitches that need to be rectified.

Patients Information Protection Plan

Patient privacy is key in any healthcare organisation, and thus only the authorised individuals should be allowed to hand a patient’s information (Sahi, 2016). With this in mind, there is a plan that is followed to help comply with the legal requirements that a patient’s information should not be leaked. There are five steps that are involved in this plan and are as follows.

  1. You are choosing health privacy and security officer. To have any task carried out efficiently, there is a need to have a leader who will give directives on what needs to be done. This makes security work easier and manageable.
  2. Risk assessment. Find out what the cause of the risk being prevented could be. In this case, have all the electronic devices checked and all the patient’s files accessed. The assessment can be done internally or hire a person to have the assessments done. During the assessments, passwords are checked, and even the possibility of natural disasters checked.
  3. Have the privacy and security policies and procedures written down. These are the rules and regulations that should be observed by every employee in the organisation. There is also the consequences that will be faced by those who breach the privacy policies, and with this, the privacy of the patients’ information will be assured.
  4. Have an agreement with the business associates and have it signed. There are contractors and shareholders who also take part in the provision of services to the patients and happen to have patient’s information. With this, they should be informed on having the patient’s information kept private, and this is in the form of an agreement.
  5. With all the above actions taken, the employees should be well trained so they can avoid errors that will put the patients’ information at risk.



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