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HLTH 252 Discussion 5

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HLTH 252 Discussion 5

Performance-enhancing drugs can be described as substances that are used to give individuals an extraordinary power to improve the ways they perform various activities. Doping is one of the most common uses of performance-enhancing substances in sports, especially in athletic and bodybuilding activities. The use of such drugs gives individuals undue advantages which result in unfair competition. Honesty is an essential factor in sports. TrueSport is powered by an Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), and it plans to ensure that the youth enjoy positive sporting experience via divulging lessons on clean competition, where individuals give the best performance naturally.

The curricula and resources provided in by the TrueSport contribute to the drug-free sport in different ways. The mission of TrueSport is to help change the culture of competition through the provision os educational tools meant to prepare the youth in building life skills as well as core values for success. Other than success in the field, the resources also target off pitch success. There are resources such as downloadable lessons that can be used to teach the youth the best methods to engage in competitive sports without doping. The knowledge can be used to teach progressive behavior for youth athletes. One can also meet experts such as nutritionists and psychologists who can help provide insight regarding the health of youth competitors.

From the different resources provided on the website, I found facts and tips to be of particular value in promoting honest sporting activities. A parent can use the facts and tips to influence young athletes positively. Parents are charged with the responsibility of promoting honesty and giving their children nutritious meals to improve their performance. In this case, I will not only give young athletes healthy food but also encourage them to use always rely on natural food for their performance enhancement. The source teaches parents various ways in which young athletes can make informed decisions regarding food ethics and choices.

Athletes must eat not only healthy food but also to maintain high performance. Sports are all about competition, and young athletes are likely to be tempted to use performance enhancement drugs to win. The resource provides parents with meal plans and training. The resource also ensures that one can easily match exercise intensity with appropriate fueling helps improve the performance of individuals while at the same time, reducing the chances of injury. Food can also help reduce the chances of damage for the young athletes.

According to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” This verse indicates that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit and should be treated with respect. In this light, one is expected to keep the body in good shape and free of substances. Taking performance enhancement drugs destroys the normal functioning of the body, which against the will of God. Individuals must take responsibility for their physical and psychological health by eating healthy meals. Thus, the resources provided by the TrueSport movement will help individuals avoid the temptation of using performance enhancement drugs by eating healthy meals.

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