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How Do I Appeal a Banned Account on Sony Network?

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How Do I Appeal a Banned Account on Sony Network?

Imagine waking up or coming home to a banned account to a banned or suspended account. There are several reasons why this happens, and we will explore several of them. Luckily, if your network is with Sony Network, there is a way to appeal that decision.

  1. Error messages

In case you are unable to connect to the PSN, an error message is always sent. In some instances, the message may not be enough but will let you know what happened. Every error message has a code, check that code and compare below and you’ll know what happened to you.

  • Ws-37368-7; The PSN account has been banned
  • 8002A231; the network has suspended your account
  • 8002A227; you can’t use PlayStation network with this account
  • 80710016; in most cases, it means the PSN doesn’t like something in your IP address.
  • Ws-373337-3; means the PSN account has been suspended temporarily.
  • WS-37338-4: This means that the PS4 console has been banned permanently from the play station network.


  1. What you are supposed to do when the account has been banned.

In case your error code might match up to a ban or suspension on the above list here are some of the few options that you may have.

  • Visit the Sony network website and check out the rules from the terms of service that you might have broken.
  • payments, check on your bank first to make sure that all payment has been established as the network doesn’t entertain late payment. In case your bank had stopped the payments, this could be the reason for the ban.
  • Try to sign in with a different browser or play station from your computer or phone. In case it signs in, but not the console then most probably the problem lies with your play station and not the account.


  1. What to do with a permanent ban.

In a situation where the ban is permanent, you’ve very little that you can do to reverse. A permanent ban comes as the last result, and in most cases, it is justifiable. In case you believe you didn’t deserve that ban, you can call for support as one of the best ways to solve the issue.

Make sure that it’s the account that is banned as sometimes a ban can be placed on a device. Also, note that the account can be banned temporarily and therefore check what the notification says.

  • Is the ban is temporary?
  • How long will it take?
  • What was the reason for the ban?
  • When will it be lifted?
  • Will your subscriptions be active?

If you haven’t received a notification email on the reason for the ban, kindly contact the customer care support. Not all bans will be lifted. When it gets to that point, it might be wise to contemplate opening a new account as it can be a tedious job recovering it.

Am hopeful your PSN account won’t find itself on the receiving end as it’s a hot place to be. If unlucky and this happen, try all the above options and see which one works for you. Hopefully, the hammer won’t come crushing on your account.

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